Paul Peck Humanities Institute

One Maryland – One Book Essay Contest

Overview and Guidelines

Essay Contest Rules

  • Only Montgomery College students currently taking Montgomery College classes may enter the contest and all entrants must have read the book.
  • Two copies of your essay must be submitted to Stephanie Sabourin at the Takoma Park Campus (or by email to or by fax to 240-567-1669) during the period, October 26 - November 16.
  • Essays will be 550-800 words and must be typed, double spaced in Times New Roman size 12 font.
  • The essay must be accompanied with a completed, signed coversheet (Attached)
  • The winners will be notified and receive essay improvement guidance by December 15.
  • The awards ceremony will take place in mid-January.
  • Only Gold Certificate, Silver Certificate, Bronze Certificate, and Certificate of Meritwinners receive


  • Essays will not be returned.
  • The decisions of the judges are final.
  • Students must do their own work. Plagiarism will disqualify an essay.

Essay Topics

Students must choose to write about one of the following three topics.

Topic 1- James McBride's Song Yet Sung implies that African Americans of the present owe something to

their ancestors for the struggles they went through to ensure the civil rights and freedoms enjoyed today. Write an essay where you agree or disagree with this statement and support your position.

Topic 2- James McBride's Song Yet Sung details the struggle of a group of people to find freedom. However,

we see in the novel that freedom means different things to different people. Explain your views of freedom and why it is still worth fighting for.

Topic 3- Has listening to James McBride speak influenced your view of the novel and your understanding of issues surrounding race, freedom or history? If so, write an essay describing the impact of participating in a live event that touches on these issues.

Essay Evaluation Criteria

Essays will be evaluated on:

  1. Content
  • Ideas—demonstrating creativity, originality, clarity, coherence, and thoughtfulness;
  • Organization and development—showing the connection between the ideas, evidence, examples and the thesis statement; ordering the ideas in a powerful and logical sequence; and
  • Persuasive Appeal—using words, phrases, images, and evidence that will convince the reader.
  1. Grammar—using proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Essay Cover Sheet

Essay Topic: Check one

Topic 1____ Topic 2_____ Topic 3_____

Entrant Name: ______

Street Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Phone Number: ______

Current or most recently completed English course (if not currently enrolled in English):

AELP_____ EN001/002_____ EN100 level___ EN200 level____

Number of Montgomery College Credits Taken:______

Age: ______M ____F_____


I have followed the rules and guidelines as outlined. If my writing is selected, I agree that the PPHI and/or media outlets may use my work.

Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian (Required if Entrant under 18)

I have read the rules and guidelines and allow my child to submit an essay to the PPHI. I understand that this work may be posted on Montgomery College web sites and/or used in other media outlets.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______