Module One: Unit 3: Likes and Dislikes.

Top 15 Colours:

beige = beige

black = nero

blue(dark) = blu

blue (light) = azzurro

brown = marrone

gold = oro

green = verde

grey = grigio

orange = arancione

pink = rosa

purple = viola

red = rosso

silver = argento

white = bianco (white cannot be seen against a white background)

yellow = giallo


·  Aim: Learn the “colours” in Italian. Practise using “mi piace / non mi piace….”

·  Materials: Cut out advertisements from magazines. (I use Italian ones I’ve collected, however any ones will do, one advertisement per student.

1.  Students need to have covered the colours before they do this activity.

2.  Hand out one ad to each student.

3.  Ask each student to write down the colours they see.

4.  Ask each student to write down their favourite colour and two other colours they like using the phase “mi piace ______”

5.  Ask each student to write down one colour they do not like.

6.  Tip: You may ask each student to show / call out these colours to the class. You may ask students to swap advertisements and repeat the activity.

7.  Tip: You may ask students to call out any objects in the advertisement (tazza etc.) that they know. You may ask students to say if they like it in Italian.

Top 10 Sports:

l’alpinismo = climbing

la canoa = canoeing

il ciclismo = cycling

il calcio = football

l’equitazione = horse riding

la ginnastica aerobica = aerobics

il nuoto = swimming

la pallavolo = volley ball

lo sci = skiing

la pallacanestro = basketball

1.  Tip: Using the words above students may make a list of sports they like and dislike.

2.  Asking the question: Student A “ Ti piace lo sport?” Student B “ Si, Mi piace il calcio”. Students then ask each other the question while learning the words for different sports.

3.  Tip: The above question comes up in the oral exam and hobbies come up in the written exam.

This Unit is a great unit to cover some Key Assignments.

·  Speaking in Italian students must record themselves asking others about three things they like/dislike. Sports, colours, food, subjects are all suitable for this exercise.

·  Students are asked to research one aspect of Italy that they find interesting. The following method worked well with students.

Research an Aspect of Italy.

·  Aim: Complete one of the Key Assignments.

·  Materials: Coloured card large and small. Internet access, pens, markers, colouring pencils and glue.

1.  Ask students to write down three aspects of Italian culture / life that they find interesting.

2.  If you have access to the computer room/internet students may google this interest themselves.

3.  If you do not have easy access the teacher could use the students list to google them and print off what they find.

4.  Once each student has a print off of their chosen topic, they begin reading the research.

5.  Tip: You may have books, magazines that are useful however the print off from the internet does work.

6.  Give each student a large coloured card, markers, pens etc.

7.  Ask students to make a large poster using the materials given on their topic.

8.  Ask students to make a list of 5 new Italian words.

9.  Ask each student to present their poster and talk about their research to the class.

·  Use the phrase; “Mi piace…..”

·  Aim: Practice using the phase (Non) mi piace…… to gain confidence learning hobbies and basic verbs

·  Materials: Board / notebooks

1.  Students need to cover “mi piace / Non mi piace…”

2.  Write the following on the board -

(Non) mi piace + verb

·  Ballare = to dance

·  Cantare = to sing

·  Cucinare = to cook

·  Dipingere = to paint

·  Disegnare = (to draw)

·  Praticare lo sport (sport)

·  Giocare a calcio (football)

·  Leggere i libri (read books)

·  Andare al cinema (to go to the cinema)

1.  Write the mi piace + infinitive verbs up on the board.

2.  Ask the students to take them down.

3.  Ask students to write down three sentences that are true for them.

e.g. Non mi piace cantare.

Mi piace disegnare.

Mi piace giocare a calcio.

4.  Each student calls out what is true for him or her

5.  Tip: This is very useful for the oral exam as well as the written. Both “Dipingere, disegnare” came up in question 2 of the reading comprehension and written exercise in 2009.

6.  Tip: Encourage students to guess the meaning of words as you go along. Point out that many words in Italian are similar to English ones.


la camicia = shirt

la camicetta = blouse

il cappello = hat

il cappotto = coat

la giacca = jacket

la gonna = skirt

la maglia = jumper

la maglietta = t-shirt

i pantaloni = trousers

le scarpe = shoes

la sciarpa = scarf

il vestito = dress, costume

Tip: The above words could be used with colours using the question “Cosa vuol dire ______?”

Student A Cosa vuol dire la gonna rossa?

Student B “Vuol dire ………” (the red skirt).

Tip: The use of graphic organisers is a great way for students to organise their new words.