DURATION: 2 HOURS TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon MAX.MARKS: 80


INSTRUCTIONS: - 1) Q.No.1 is compulsory.

2) Answer Any Three questions from Q.NO. 2 to Q.NO. 6

3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1)On January 1st 2010, Om oil company purchased an oil machine on the instalment system . (20)

The cash price of the machine was Rs 11,175 and payment was to be made as follows:-

Rs 3,000 was to be paid on signing of the agreement and the balance in 3 instalments of

Rs 3,000 each at the end of each year . 5% interest is charged by the Delhi Manufacturing

Company Per annum. Om oil company has decided to write off 10% annually on diminishing

balance of the cash price.

Prepare Oil machine A/c , Interest suspense A/C and Delhi manufacturing company A/c in the books

of Om oil company

Q.2) A) Explain the meaning of short workings (4)

Q.2) B)Mr. Jain wrote a book on Advanced Accountancy and got it published with M/S Kayani (16)

Publishers on the terms that royalties will be paid @ Rs 50 per copy sold subject to a minimum

Rent of Rs 1,50,000 with a right of recoupment of short workings over the first three years of

Royalty agreement

Year Number of copies printed Closing stock

2010 2,000 100

2011 3,000 200

2012 4,000 400

2013 5,000 500

Prepare Royalty A/c, Short working A/c and Mr. Jain A/c in the books of M/s Kalyani

Publishers .Working notes should form a part of your answers .


Q.3. A) What do you mean by “ Calls in arrears ’’and “ Calls in advance ’’? (4)

Q3.B) The fancy co ltd. issued 4,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 2 per share (16)

Payable as follows:

On application Rs 2

On allotment Rs 6 (including premium)

On first call Rs 2

On final call Rs 2

6,000 shares were applied for and allotment was made pro-rata . Excess application money was

utilised towards dues on allotment . Mr. B who held 120 shares failed to pay first call and final

call and these shares were forfeited . Out of these forfeited shares , 100 forfeited shares were

re-issued to Mr. K as fully paid up for Rs 9 per share.

Show the journal entries in the books of Fancy co. ltd.

Q.4) A)Write a short note on sub-lease (4)

Q.4)B) Coal ltd. leased land from Sunil Kumar at a royalty of 25 paise per tonne of coal raised. (16)

Minimum rent was Rs 24,000 . Short workings was to be recouped during the first 4 years .

The Coal raised in the first 4 years was as follows:-

Year Tonnes

2012 80,000

2013 90,000

2014 60,000 ( strike for 3 months )

2015 1,20,000

There was a provision for proportionate reduction in minimum rent incase of stoppage of work by

Strike . Prepare Royalty A/c, Short working A/c and Sunil Kumar A/c in the books of Coal Ltd.


Q.5) A) Write a short note on Bonus share (4)

Q.5) B) JHP limited is a company with an authorized share capital of Rs 10,00,000 in equity shares(16)

of Rs 10 each of which 6,00,000 shares had been issued and fully paid on 30th June 2015.

The company proposed to make a further issue of 1,00,000 shares, of face value of Rs 10 issued

at Rs 14 each. The arrangement for payment being :-

a) Rs 2 per share payable on application to be received by 1st July 2015.

b) Allotment to be made on 10th July 2015 on which Rs 5 per share (including premium) is payable

c) Final call for the balance to be made and the money received by 30th April 2016.

Applications were received for 3,55,000 shares and were dealt with as follows:-

i) Applicants for 5,000 shares received allotment in full

ii) Applicants for 30,000 shares received an allotment of 1 share for every 2 applied for, the surplus

on application being used to reduce the amount due on allotment.

iii) Applicants for 3,20,000 shares received an allotment of 1 share for every 4 applied for, the

money due on allotment was retained by the company, excess money was returned to the


iv) The money due on final call was received on due date .

Pass the necessary journal entries in the books of JHP limited

Q.6) A) Write a short note on redemption of preference shares. (4)

Q.6) B) The books of SB ltd. showed the following balances on 31/12/2015 (16)

30000 equity shares of Rs 10 each fully paid up .

18000 12% redeemable preference shares of Rs 10 each fully paid up

4000 10% redeemable preference shares of Rs 10 each Rs 8 paid up .

Undistributed Reserves and surplus stood as follows:-

Profit & loss A/c -- Rs 80,000

General Reserve _ Rs 1,20,000

Securities premium A/c -- Rs 15,000

Capital reserve -- Rs 21,000

Preference shares are redeemed on 01/01/2016 at a premium of Rs 2 per share. The whereabouts

of the holder of 100 shares of Rs 10 each fully paid are not known.

For redemption 3,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each are issued at 10% premium . At the same time a

bonus issue of equity shares was made at par - 2 shares being issued for every 5 shares held on that

date out of capital redemption reserve A/c

Pass the necessary journal entries to record the above transaction






DURATION: 2 HOURS TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon MAX.MARKS: 80


INSTRUCTIONS: 1) All questions are compulsory, however internal choice is available

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks to the question

Q.1) Write short note on Any Four of the following (4X4 = 16)

i) Features of Advertising

ii) Advantages of advertising to the consumers (Any four)

iii) Active participants in advertising

iv) Limitations of advertising

v) Classified advertising

vi) Institutional advertising

Q.2) Write short note on Any Four of the following. (4X4 = 16)

i) Overcoming waste in advertising

ii) Self regulation in advertising

iii) Unethical advertising

iv) Consumer behaviour

v) Types of buying motives

vi) Consumer psychology

Q.3) A) Explain the benefits of advertising to the manufacturers and society . (12)


B)Distinguish between advertising and publicity (12)

Q.4) A) Explain the classification of advertising on the basis of area covered. (12)


B)Explain the classification of advertising on the basis of its functions. (12)

Q.5) A) Explain the causes of waste in advertising (12)


B)Explain different forms of unethical advertising with suitable examples. (12)

Q.6) A) Explain the essentials of good advertising appeal. (12)


B) Explain AIDA model in advertising (12)





DURATION: 2 HOURS TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon MAX.MARKS: 80


INSTRUCTIONS: - i) Q.NO. 1 is compulsory.

ii) Answer any Three questions from Q.NO.2 to Q.NO. 6

ii) Figures to the right indicate maximum marks.

Q.1) From the following particulars relating to Material ‘A’ . Show how the value of issues (20)

should be arrived at under a) First in –First out method b) Weighted Average method for the

month of September 2016.

September 1 :- Opening balance 100 units @ Rs 10 each


September 1 GR NO . 234, 200 units @ Rs 10 .50 each

September 2 GR NO . 235 300 units @ Rs 10 .60 each

September 12 GR NO . 236 400 units @ Rs 11 each

September 17 GR NO . 237 300 units @ Rs 11 .40 each

September 19 GR NO . 238 200 units @ Rs 11 .50 each

Issued to production department :-

September 5 Issued 400 units

September 9 Issued 120 units

September 15 Issued 200 units

September 24 Issued 400 units

Also state the closing stock under each method.


Q.2)The accounts of Sunrise manufacturing Company for the year ended December 2015 (20)

Show the following .

Particulars Amount

Indirect wages 13,000

Office salaries 25,200

Carriage outward 8,600

Carriage on purchases 14,300

Bad debts written off 13,000

Repairs of plant and machinery 8,900

Rent, rates , taxes & insurance

Factory 17,000

Office 4,000

Sales 9,22,200

Stock of material:-

On 31st December 2014 1,25,600

On 31st December 2015 96,000

Materials purchased 3,70,000

Travelling exp. 4,200

Travelers salaries and commission 15,400

Production wages 2,52,000

Depreciation :-

Plant & machinery 13,000

Furniture 600

Director fees 12,000

Gas & water

Factory 2,400

Office 800

Managers salary

( factory , office) 20,000

General expenses 6,800

Income tax 1,000

Prepare a Cost Sheet and show the Profit/Loss


Q .3) a) State any four functions of a Store keeper (4)

b) A Consignment consisting of two chemicals ‘X’ and ‘Y’ was received . The invoice gave the (16)

following data :-

Chemical ‘X’ -- 4,000 kgs @ Rs 8 per kg

Chemical ‘Y’ -- 3,200 Kgs @ Rs 12 per kg

Sale tax -- Rs 1,632

Railway freight -- Rs 768

Container charges -- Rs 1,440

One container is required for every 100 kgs of chemical and containers are charged at Rs 20 each .

A shortage of 500 kgs in chemical X and 250 kgs in chemical Y were noticed . Find out the

purchase price and the quantity available for use considering a 5% provision for further loss.

Q.4) a) State the steps in material purchase procedure (4)

b) From the following data for the last 12 months compute the Reorder , Minimum , Maximum(16)

and Average stock level for each type of cloth :- Silk and Cotton

Maximum usage of Silk and Cotton in a month = 850 units

Minimum usage of Silk and Cotton in a month = 350 units

Average usage of Silk and Cotton in a month = 500 units

Time lag procurement of materials:-

Silk :- Maximum 5 months and Minimum 3 months

Cotton :- Maximum 4 months and Minimum 2 months

Reorder quantity :- Silk :- 600 units

Cotton :- 450 units

Q.NO.5)A) Write a short note on First-In –First –Out method (4)

B)A firm is able to obtain a quantity discount on its order of material as follows:- (16)

Price per kg Lot (kgs)

100 Less than 250

90 250 & less than 800

80 800 & less than 2,000

70 2,000 & less than 4,000

60 4,000 & above

The annual demand for the material is 2000 kgs. Stock holding cost is 20% of material

cost per annum. The delivery cost per order is Rs 80 . You are required to calculate the

best quantity to be ordered.


Q.NO. 6) Write short notes on Any Four of the following:- (4x 5 =20)

a) Cost Accounting

b) Direct and Indirect costs

c) Methods of Codification

d) Periodic and Perpetual inventory control systems

e) Importance of Cost Accounting

f) Purchase discount






DURATION: 2 HOURS TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon MAX.MARKS: 80


INSTRUCTIONS: - 1) All questions are compulsory, however internal choice is available.

2) Figures to the right indicate maximum marks.

Q.I) Do as directed

A) Change the voice (4) i) The man cut down the tree

ii) He was arrested by the police

iii) He scored 20 runs

iv) The child is eating bananas

B)Fill in the blanks with suitable articles (a/an/the/x) (3 )

i) I like ------clothes you gave me

ii) Prince Charles is ------Queen Elizabeth’s son

iii) He is not ------honorable man

C) Select the alternative which is the synonym of the underlined words. (2)

i) They provided a wholesome meal to the contestants

a)Wrong b) Boring c) Healthy

ii) He reiterated the importance of coming on time

a)Happy b) Repeated c) Stop

D) Select the alternative which is the antonym of the underlined word in the sentence (2)

i) The accused was convicted

a) Acquitted b)Happy c)sad

ii) In spite of being a famous actor he has a lot of pride

a) Hurt b) Humility c) Conceit

E) Fill in the blanks with the pronouns indicated in the brackets (4 )

i) The town ------is not very large (Use an Emphatic pronoun )

ii) ------do you prefer , tea or coffee ? (Use an Interrogative pronoun )

iii) He is known to my brother and ------.(Use a personal pronoun )

iv) This book is ------.(Use a possessive pronoun)

-1- Contd.

F) Select the appropriate form of the verb that agrees with the subject (2 )

i) Time and Tide ------for no man (wait, waits)

ii) Gold and silver ------precious metals (are , is)

G) Punctuate the following passage (3) there is not much need of proving that holidays are necessary school children welcome a holiday from school with joy hope and excitement holidays at proper intervals are especially necessary for young people as the old rhyme says all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

Q.II). Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.

All modern businesses need advertisements . In the past, people engaged town – criers to

advertise their goods by the beat of the drums . Today , things have become sophisticated.

Now colourful slides are splashed on the cinema and T.V. screen, catchy dialogues are

broadcast from the radio or bold, fanciful hoardings are displayed by the roadside.

Newspapers are also a very important medium of advertisement .Posters plastered on

walls , inserted in newspapers, distributed by salesman in the market , dropped from the

sky by a helicopter are also used for advertising . Our age is characterized by two things -

extremely wide markets and cut- throat competition . So businessman have to advertise

their goods extensively to stay in the business.

Advertisements are not only necessary , but they are also extremely useful. Advertising is

now a Business giving substance to a large number of people associated with it. It helps

manufactures to promote the sale of their goods. It enables them to reach markets otherwise

inaccessible ,to maintain a steady level of sales and to resist successfully seasonal

fluctuations in demand.

Advertisements are also useful for customers .They acquaint them with the various brands

available in the market and help them to decide what to buy . They make the salesman’s job

much easier for them as the customers are already familiar with various brands and their

merits. Advertisements also help society in general. They ensure regular income to the press,

encourage the artists , promote industrial research and help to raise the standard of living

1)According to the author how has advertising evolved ? (3)

2) According to the author , which are the three sections that benefit from ads and how?(3)

3)Find words in the passage that mean the following:- (5)

a) Make certain that something will occur

b) Make someone aware of or familiar with

c) An irregular rising and falling in number or amount

d) Unable to be reached

e) Relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past

4) How does the author characterize our age? (2)

5) Suggest a suitable a suitable title for the passage (2)


Q.III). Answer the following:- (2x5=10)

a) Draft a Classified Advertisement for a position that is vacant in your company

b) What does ‘AIDA’ stands for and why is it important in advertisements?

Q.IV)A) Write a poem on the topic “ Friendship’’ (10)


B) Write a 500 word essay on the topic “ Communication Skills” (10)

Q.V) Write a paragraph interpreting the data in the following table. (15)

Years / No. of Students Admitted in the Discipline / Total No. of Students
Engineering / Medicine / Commerce / Literature
1987 / 90 / 86 / 132 / 165 / 473
1988 / 105 / 70 / 101 / 120 / 396
1989 / 87 / 90 / 110 / 176 / 463
1990 / 80 / 92 / 140 / 132 / 444

Table showing the no. of students admitted in various disciplines over a period of 4 years

Q.VI)A)You are celebrating your 21st birthday in December 2016. Write an invitation letter (10)

to your best friend who is living abroad.


B) The wife of your boss has just passed away recently in an accident .Write a letter of(10)

sympathy to him







TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


Instructions:1)All questions are compulsory

2) This paper contain six questions and number of page is one

3) Draw diagrams / sketches wherever necessary

Q NO .I} Write short note on any two of the following 8

  1. Food web
  2. Desertification
  3. Impact of dams

Q NO. II} Answer any two of the following 8

  1. Briefly describe the scope of environmental studies.
  2. Explain the different types of biodiversity.
  3. Distinguish between flow and fund resources

Q NO. III} Answer any one of the following 6

  1. Discuss the impact of Deforestation.
  2. Explain the factors responsible for land degradation.

Q NO. IV} Answer any one of the following 6

  1. Describe the various impact of mining on the environment of Goa.
  2. Explain the factors responsible for food problems in India

Q NO. V} Answer any one of the following 6

  1. Give an account of structure of an ecosystem.
  2. Describe the biotic components of a Grassland Ecosystem.

Q NO. VI} Answer any one of the following 6

  1. Explain the main causes for wildlife conflict.
  2. What kind of threats to the Biodiversity may lead to extinction of species?





DURATION: 2 HOURS TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon MAX.MARKS: 80


INSTRUCTIONS: -1) Q.No.1 is compulsory.

2) Answer Any Three questions from Q.NO. 2 to Q.NO. 6.

3) All questions carries 20 marks.

Q.No.1) Sunshine ltd. purchased a machinery on 1st January 2012 for Rs 60,000 and spend Rs 10,000(20)

on its erection . On 1st July 2012 an another machinery of Rs 30,000 was purchased . On 1st

July 2014 the machinery which was purchased on 1st January 2012 was sold for Rs 35,000

And on the same date new machinery of Rs 80,000 was purchased .

Depreciation was provided at 10% on written down value method on 31stof December every

Year . In 2015 the company decided to change the method of depreciation from written down

value method to straight line method @ 15% p.a.

Prepare the machinery account from the year 2012 to 2015

Q.No.2) Ram , Laximan and Bharat were the partners in the firm sharing profits & losses in the ratio (20)

of 5:3:2 on 31st December 2015 . They agreed to sell their business to a ‘X’ ltd. company

Their balance sheet as on 31/12/2015 was as follows:-

Liabilities / Rs / Assets / Rs
Capital accounts :- / Building / 90,000
Ram 60,000 / Plant and machinery / 15,000
Laximan 36,000 / Stock / 25,000
Bharat 30,000 / 1,26,000 / Debtors / 35,000
Loans from bank / 10,000 / Cash / 1,000
Creditors / 30,000
Total / 1,66,000 / Total / 1,66,000

Company agreed to take over following assets at the value shown below:-

Building 1,00,000

Plant and machinery 10,000

Stock 26,000

Debtors 32,000

Goodwill 20,000

The company also took over the creditors at Rs 28,000. Bank loan was not taken over by the company

hence it was paid by the firm. The company paid purchase consideration by the allotment of 1,000

shares of Rs 100 each fully paid and balance amount in cash. The realization expenses amounted to

Rs 5,000.

Prepare 1)Realisation A/c 2) Partners capital A/c 3) Cash A/C 4) ‘X’ ltd. A/c


Q.No.3)M/s Vaz Agencies ltd. Bicholim maintains an Analytical Petty Cash book which is closed (20)

on daily basis . Their petty cash transactions for the month of July 2016 are as follows:-

July 2016

1st Paid Rs 3,200 to M/s Parab and brothers for purchase of rainwear for staff as per

Bill no. 61623

2nd Paid salary to Mr. D’Costa of Rs 1,600

6th Paid Rs 450 to Mr. Sheikh for hire of his taxi no.GA-01-45 for visit to Dabolim Airport

7th Payment of telephone bills Rs 2,500

10th Purchase of stationery Rs 1,000 from M/s Ideal book agencies as per bill no. 2286

15th Paid to Dr. Naik as per bill no. 1396 towards medical expenses of staff Rs 500

17th Paid to Shanbag restaurant Rs 800 for providing refreshment to staff

20th Purchase of files , pen and pencils from sunshine stationery shop Rs 600

25th Paid Rs 500 to Mr. Babani as labour charges for one week as per bill no. 1538

Note:- No vouchers are purchased in case bills are available . All the above vouchers are on