Grove Isle

December 2016 Newsletter

President's Report

Thanks to the FEW Club Committee and all of the volunteers who made the Veterans Day Celebration a very special event as they do every year.

The Board held a Special Board Meeting on November 1st to address the kayak violations which occurred during the October 6th hurricane warning. As I mentioned at the October Board Meeting and in the October Newsletter, four of the Association owners neglected to remove their kayaks from the racks. Our documents clearly state that seasonal owners of kayaks must remove the kayaks from the racks prior to leaving the property for the summer season. In addition, each of these owners were called the day before the predicted storm. The Board voted to suspend for one year commencing January 1, 2017, kayak rack privileges and the use of the kayaks on the property. The owners in violation have an opportunity to appear before the Compliance Committee on November 29th to defend their actions. The Compliance Committee will vote to ratify or disapprove the Board’s decision, whether or not the owners appear before the committee. As of this writing there is no decision. I will report the results at the Board Meeting on December 21st.

Last month we also reported to you that an exorbitant water bill was received which was believed to be caused by a faulty water meter. After tests were conducted, under Robert’s supervision, by the Water Department, it was discovered that the problem was not the meter but a leaky toilet in one of our units. As it turned out, the leak was caused by a $10.00 part which had been defective for several months. The owner met with Robert and me and accepted responsibility and is reimbursing the Association around $2700.00.

“ONE CALLS” as most of you know is a means of communicating with the community. The original intent of these calls was to inform the community of Association Business and particularly, communicate emergency information. This means of communication has in my opinion been overused and misused. The Board is looking at this issue in order to adopt a written policy which will benefit all of the community. My concern is that people are going to tune out the messages being announced and will possibly miss critical information. We have a newsletter and website which provides the entire information one would need to know regarding Board Meetings, Committee Meetings, and Social Functions. We also post notice of Board Meetings and committees may do the same.

On a much more pleasant note, this is the time of year for many of us to reflect on our blessings and good fortune. I have been blessed with many things for which I am grateful. Here in Grove Isle, I am very grateful for all the support and dedication that so many of you provide me and the community in so many different ways.

Thanks to the Building Committee, FEW Club Committee, Finance Committee, Grounds Committee, Hearings Committee, Insurance Committee, Recreation and Fitness Committee, Orientation Committee, Rules and Regulations Committee, Social Club Committee and Safety and Security Committee. Thanks to the Stop the Train Committee.

Thanks to all the volunteers who help the Social Club Committee and FEW Club Committee with their many wonderful social and educational events. Thanks to the FEW Club trail workers who keep the nature trail vibrant and alive.

Thanks to the Maintenance Staff for taking special pride in our community with their dedication and hard work. Thanks to Meredith who does an outstanding job with the housekeeping. Thanks to Ian for doing a consistently great job with our website and newsletters. Thanks to Nick Campanella for placing the American Flags outside the Villas on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day. Thanks to Dick and Betty Dorion for all they do, especially with the refreshments which are enjoyed before the start of the Board Meetings.

Thanks to Gussie Favata for all that she does particularly, along with the help of others, with the fantastic Christmas display. Thanks to our Sunshine Person Elaine Fantozzi. Thanks to the Movie Night sponsor Ann Rawling. Thanks to Elaine and John Fantozzi for their work on our annual flu shot day. Thanks to Sandi and Gil Clavette for all the work they do organizing Bingo. Thanks to Lowell Mowery for his daily property inspection picking up litter and the like. Thanks to Darryl Miller for his involvement with the FEW Club and the many behind the scenes work he does on so many projects.

Thanks to Robert for his dedication, hard work, and pro-active hands-on approach to his job. Thanks to Kelly for her professional, friendly, and positive attitude towards all whom she serves. Thanks to my fellow Directors of the Board for their service, dedication and love of the community. Thanks to my wife, Fawn, who is always supportive and understanding of my sometimes hectic schedule. Thanks to all of you who consistently show up for our Board Meetings. Thanks to anyone I might have missed.

The next Board Meeting is December 21st. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and Happy New Year.

Bill Sances, President

Grove Isle Condominium Association

Manager’s Report

Here are a few things we are currently working on,

·  The villas buildings, driveways and roadway drainage swales pressure cleaning has been completed. We have started pressure cleaning the carports beginning at building P.

·  There have been 2 main drain installations, one behind building 22 and one behind building G installed.

·  The garbage pick-up has now increased to twice a week for the fall season. Villas recycling is on Mondays. The rest of Grove Isle is Tuesdays and Fridays. Please remember to break down all cardboard boxes.

·  Reminder – screen room exteriors belong to the unit owners and some are in desperate need of cleaning. We ask that all owners be proactive. We will also be sending out letters to those who have not done so.

·  Building number 1 irrigation pump station is not working; we are in the process of repairing or replacing it.

·  Palm fronds that are touching the roofs will be trimmed off in the coming week or so.

·  It’s very important that those who have dogs please pick up after them and be considerate of your neighbors for example barking. All dogs must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet at all times. No dogs over 25 pounds, this includes dogs owned by guests.

·  There has been discussion relating to better lighting at night for emergency vehicles. Different ideas were examined. John Fantozzi found a light bulb which can be installed in the unit exterior light fixture and in case of emergency can be activated using the interior switch to be used as a flashing bulb. The cost of the bulb is approximately $20.00 each at owner’s expense. Please see John Fantozzi for further information.

·  Please abide by the 20 mph speed limit and remind your guests and contractors to do the same.

·  Please bring a current copy of your homeowner’s insurance to the office for file.

·  Please clean up your fishing line and dispose of it safely as it is extremely dangerous to animals!

Till next time, take care and have a great Holiday Season.

Robert Mullett,

Condominium Association Manager.

Garden Homes News

Welcome to all our new Garden Home neighbors and Welcome back to all our homeowners returning from their summer vacations.

The Garden Homes roofing project has begun. This project will take approximately 3 months to complete. Thanks to all for your cooperation regarding the dumpster, extra vehicles (trucks), parking and the noise!!!!

The Garden Homes will be decorating the REC for Christmas on Sunday, November 27, with the decorating starting at 4:30 pm and the Appetizer /BYOB party will start at 5:00pm. Ice, plates, glassware utensils, napkins and Music will be furnished. See You There!

Our Next Garden Homes HOA Board of Directors meeting will be held at the REC on Wednesday, December 14th. Coffee at 8:30 am and meeting at 9:00am.

The Garden Homes have been working on a new Website with help from Ian Mclean - thanks Ian. It's still under construction but please take a look!

Have a Great Holiday Season!

Nancy Skarlis

Social News

Please mark your calendars for each 'First Wednesday' of the month. We are looking forward to seeing you at our Monthly meetings. It's a great opportunity to catch up with friends and make new ones too!

Our next meeting will be Wednesday 7th December. We welcome all new and existing residents. Please join us in the MCH at 8:30am for coffee and donuts and the meeting is to start at 9:00am. We suggest a $1 donation to cover costs.

The speaker at this meeting is currently being confirmed so please check the notice board for news in a few more days.


Thank you to Michael and JoAnn Gioeli for hosting this event. The feedback has been great about the food, the fun and the laughter - it's what parties are all about - so let's do more! See below for what is coming up next!!!




We have the VERO BEACH HIGH SCHOOL AMBASSADOR CHOIR coming to sing for us and with us! We hope that you will crowd the MCH to give them a very warm welcome.

This event will be in the MCH at 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on Sunday December 4th. We will have some festive singing and readings for you to enjoy. No tickets are required for this event. Please all come along and sample homemade cookies and hot cocoa and join in the fun. Please bring your own 'hot toddy' if you would like some extra 'Cheer'. There is a sign up sheet in the MCH for people who would like to bake or buy cookies to bring and share.

The Grove Isle Social Club Committee is once again collecting toys for the Hibiscus Children’s Center. Any resident interested in donating a new boxed unwrapped toy or gift (for a boy or girl) may do so on the evening of our Carols and Cookies night – Sunday, December 4th at 6:00 pm in the MCH.

If you would prefer to make a monetary donation, please submit cash or check in a sealed envelope addressed to the Social Committee. Please make checks payable to Grove Isle Social Club.

Thank you for participating in this most worthwhile program.


We will have our Christmas Gala on Sunday 11th December and tickets will be available 1st and 2nd December 11:30 - 12:30 at $15 per person. Please mark your calendars! We will have a fun festive evening, a fabulous buffet and dancing to The Reckoning band. The event will begin at 5pm and dancing will be through until 9p.m. Watch this space and also our notice board for more details coming soon.


Last year saw the MCH turned into Copacabana and this year we're all going to HOLLYWOOD! We are having a sensational show, lots of dancing and lots of fun. We will have desserts, soda and coffee available. Tickets go on sale December 15th and 16th in MCH 11:30 - 12:30 and will be $16 per person. DON'T miss it! It's a chance to dress to impress. You may wish to come dressed as your favorite Hollywood character and then again... no pressure.... Come as you are. Just be there..... Join in the fun of a spectacular evening. The date? 31st December at 8:00p.m. in the MCH.

Please keep an eye on the sheet at the back of the newsletter... EVENTS INFORMATION. Some small details may change periodically and therefore the document will be updated from time to time.


Ann Rawling and Joyce Costello would like to welcome you all to the Wednesday Night Ice Cream Social at 6:30 p.m. until 6.45 p.m. followed by a good movie starting at 7:00p.m. Please be sure to arrive early if you would like ice cream as we will stop serving at 6.45 p.m. so we can be all cleaned up and ready to start the movie at 7:00pm prompt. Thank you for your co-operation.

December 7th: Wild Horses starring Robert Duvall and James Franco

December 14th: Black Sea starring Jude Law and Scoot McNairy

December 21st: Serena starring Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper

December 28th: The Blind Side starring Sandra Bullock and Quinton Aaron


Blood pressure check is every second Tuesday of the month (this month 13th December) and it is from 12 noon to 1 p.m. in the MCH.


Our classes will be each MONDAY AND THURSDAY at 10:00am. Please join us. Classes are $5 each and there is no club to join. You simply turn up at the MCH by 10:00am and enjoy the practice. New and existing members are all welcome. We look forward to seeing you all there again.

Breathe, Believe, Receive!

Trust the vibes you get - Energy doesn't lie.

The Yoga way of life - The human body is the best work of art.

Sunshine Lady

Elaine Fantozzi is our Sunshine person. If you know of anyone who is unwell or has passed, please contact her on 794-7727.

Get Well cards were sent to Dick Dorion, Dottie Morrison, Yvette Champagne and Sue Murrell

Wishing you all a very Happy Holiday Season from us all on the Social Committee! Sincerely....Helen, Betsy, Rose, Jan, Christine, Nancy, Linda, Joanne, Lynn, Michael, Dottie and Kathy.

FEW News

Nature Trail Update

Most of the debris from our uninvited guest, Hurricane Matthew, has been cleared up. A number of projects are planned for this season to remediate the trail damage (mainly flooding), repair the bridges and to add some new structures. Visit the trail regularly to see the progress. Join the fun on Monday mornings at 8:30 a.m. at the Riveredge Clubhouse to assist with those chores.