Remote Community Implementation (RCI) Program

Last Updated: November 22, 2012

Program Background

Please refer to the RCI Program Guide for full Program information. The Guide can be accessed on the RCI website at Please also refer to the RCI website for information on the RCI mentorship program.


Please complete the Letter of Intent form below and submit by email to Vanadis Oviedo at the email address below.


Contact Information

If you have questions regarding your eligibility for funding, or if you need any assistance completing this Letter of Intent, please contact:

Vanadis Oviedo

Program Assistant

Climate Change and Air Quality

1st Floor, 470 Granville Street

Vancouver, BC V6C 1V5


Tel: (604) 488-5362
Fax: (604) 488-5351

Remote Community Implementation (RCI) Program

Letter of Intent

Name of Community, Local Government or
First Nation:
Project Title:
Community Champion’s name:
Mailing Address:
Is the applicant a Remote Community:
(see above for description) / Yes , No
Community Background(including population; number of households and community buildings; location; details of community energy planning):
(50 words max)
Project Category:
A Major Project, requesting up to $300,000. A major project must be designed to significantly reduce fossil fuel power generation in the community [except for back-up purposes] and reduce community-wide GHG emissions by at least 40%.
A Minor Project, requesting up to $45,000. A minor project must be designed to reduce community-wide GHG emissions by at least 25%.
Project Focus Area/s
(please identify your project focus area)
 Community-scale or building-scale clean energy projects that use hydropower, bioenergy, wind, solar, diesel-battery hybrid or ocean energy technologies, or clean energy technologies using waste or by-product streams; or
 Community-scale or building-scale clean energy heating projects that use solar, biomass, geo-exchange or air source heating; or
 Integrated smart grid, clean energy and demand side management projects.
Project Profile (Provide a brief description of project:
75 words max)
Project Stage (Conceptual Stage/ Planning Stage/ Construction-ready Stage)
Project Timeline
(Major Projects will need to be completed construction no later than March 31, 2015)
Total Project Value: / $
Project cash / in-kind contributions that are either committed or under consideration by the community, proponent, partners or other agencies
P – potential
A – anticipated
C – committed amounts / $ P , A , C
$ P , A , C
$ P , A , C
$ P , A , C
$ P , A , C
$ P , A , C
Project funds to be requested from RCI
(Minor Project – max $45,000;Major Project – max $300,000): / $
Project Partners (Identify the design team, the implementation team, potential or secured funding or financing partners and any other secured or potential project partners)
How does the community currently generate electricity? Please indicate how the electricity is produced (e.g., diesel) and who provides this service.
What are some of the primary heating sources in the community?
Project Benefits:
What are the estimated GHG reductions?
Are there other environmental benefits(e.g., reduced fuel spillage)?
What job and local economic benefits will result from the project?
What other benefits will result from the project?
Are you interested in participating in the Community-to-Community Mentorship? / Yes , No
Questions and/or comments: