***Special Welcome to our Guests! There is a place for you at Stony Hill! Please register on the fellowship pads on the inside aisle of each pew***
Pastor: “Lanny” Lancaster Ministers: The Whole Congregation
July 27, 2014 7th Sunday after Pentecost
Prelude and Lighting of the Candles
Choral Call to Worship: “Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome” ccli#135834
Holy Spirit, Thou art welcome in this place. Holy Spirit, Thou art welcome in this place. Omnipotent Father of mercy and grace, Thou art welcome in this place.
Christian Greeting: L: The Lord be with you! P: And also with you!
Announcements and Passing of the Pew Pads
Prayer for the Holy Spirit
Hymn of Praise: 380 There’s Within My Heart
Hymn of Praise: 398 Jesus Calls Us
The Mission of Stony Hill United Methodist Church is to: FOLLOW JESUS, MAKE DISCIPLES, AND TRANSFORM THE WORLD.
Psalm Reading: #828 Psalm 105 Bonnie Ward - Marci Lemons
Children’s Time
(Children, ages 3-3rd grade depart for Children’s Church in the Children’s class)
Prayer Time
The Lord’s Prayer, #895
Stewardship Scripture: LUKE 6.38: “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings
*Doxology 95 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Choir Anthem
Scripture: Psalm 139
Sermon: “Presence”
Hymn of Dedication: 530 Are Ye Able
Choral Benediction: “Praise the Name of Jesus” by Roy Hicks @1976 Latter Rain Music ccli#135834
Praise the Name of Jesus! Praise the Name of Jesus! He’s my Rock, He’s my Fortress, He’s my Deliverer, In Him will I trust. Praise the Name of Jesus!
Greeters: 10:45 Steve & Marcie Lemons Sound: Jack McRae, Noah Lancaster
Ushers: 8:45 Jim Cranford, Guill Russell Projection: Drinda Hathcock, Tabitha Peele
10:45 David Mills, Tump Mills Piano: Patty McCormick
Counters: Sid Fields, Kathy Johnson Organ: Elaine Crawley Nursery: Pastor: Michael “Lanny” Lancaster
Acolytes: 10:45 Cameron Burleson, Cole Stinnett Assisted by: Bonnie Ward
Every Week at Stony Hill
Sundays: 8:45am: Worship Service (traditional) 9:30am: Jesus and Java – Fellowship Hall 9:45am: Sunday School for all ages 10:45am: Worship Service (traditional)
5:00pm: Youth Group meeting
Mondays: 7:15pm: Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall
Wednesdays: 8:00am: Breakfast Bunch at Judy’s Restaurant 7:00pm: Choir
Thursdays: 6:30pm: Cub and Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall
7pm: “Following Jesus Bible Study”
Food Pantry Collection for July: Macaroni & cheese/Rice/Pasta
Food Pantry Collection for August: Canned Vegetables
Prayer Concerns: Mary Cain, Byron Starnes, “Sprinky” Burris, Our State and Nation, Grady James, Jeneece Smith, Kate Swaringen family, Rev. Tony Allen, Geneva Faulkner, Carolyn Helms family, Roger Hinson family, Tommie Efird, Faye Clodfelter, Stephen Beasley, Marcos Martinez, David Deschenes, Cory Mattingly, Kim Macey Handley, Terry Sloan, John Mehalechko, Dennis Buchanan, Amy Brinson, David Sanges, Bryant Fersner family, Daniel Hamilton, Brenda Baker, Mike & Martha O’Neill, Sandy Horne, Doris Dufour, Pastor Lanny, Janet and family
Shut-ins: Ron & Loretta Allred, Alberta Boggan, Gene Helms, Hettie Lowder, Ruby Murray, Carolyn Terry, Gene Watkins
*If you have a prayer concern that you would like added or deleted from the list, please call or email Pastor Lanny at the parsonage.
*Jesus & Java Host for July: 27-Timmy Mary Wysocki
*Jesus & Java Host for August: 3-Dink Drinda Hathcock
10-Bobby Kay Mills 17-Barry Vanessa Mullinix
24-Tony Frances Furr 31-Bobby Kathy Johnson
*Administrative Council Meeting: Tuesday, July 29 at 7pm
*209th Homecoming Sunday, August 3: with guest preacher, Rev. Dr. Samuel Moore, Jr., District Superintendent of the Uwharrie District. Both services will be held (8:45am and 10:45am) with covered dish luncheon after the later service. Seating available inside and outside for the meal
*Backpack food ministry continues through the summer! Money donations needed. To give, make your check to Stony Hill and put “backpack food ministry” in the memo line, and on the donation envelope.
*Christian Yoga! Starting Wednesdays at 6pm. For more information, call Whitney Eudy at 704.984.3410
*Jesus said, “I was hungry and you fed me.” Is God calling you to help with a Summer Feeding program for children and families? For more information contact Pat Mills at 704.982.7577
*Community Coalition for Christ is accepting donations of mayonnaise, bath
soap, and laundry detergent. You may place donations in the box labeled CCC in the hallway. To refer someone for assistance, contact Laura Fields, Meredith Stinnett, Mary Wysocki, or Sid Fields.
*“Transform the World” at Badin School:
*Reading Buddies / assisting teachers. If you would like to volunteer to be a reading or math buddy or assist teachers at Badin, volunteer forms are available. A background check is required.
*Check out our church website: www.stonyhillumc.org , like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter! Check them for upcoming worship experiences and activities at the Church!
*Did you know that you could set up an electronic payment or bank draft to manage your giving to the church? For more information, contact your bank.
*Baby Shower for Adrienne Smith (Daughter of Bonnie Ward)
“ It’s a Girl”! Today from 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Where: The Lodge at Hatley Farm
28228 Hatley Farm Road
Albemarle, NC