4-H Youth Representative Award Form
Due July 1st
Each year, The Polk County 4-H Council presents a 4-H Youth Representative Award to an outstanding 4-H member who has completed their freshman through junior year of high school. The Polk County 4-H Youth Representative must have excelled in their involvement with the 4-H program. The basis for selection appraises the variety and depth of 4-H activities and volunteerism. To be considered an outstanding 4-H'er, a 4-H member should be truly deserving of the award by excelling in the 4-H program in Polk County.
Recipient will be announced at the Polk County Fair during the awards presentation on Sunday. The Polk County Youth Representative will also receive a $50 cash prize and serve as a Polk County 4-H Council member during the following year.
Please complete this application and return to the Polk County Extension Office, PO Box 215, Osceola, NE 68651 by July 1st or email to Colleen Pallas or Amy Peterson at . Applications may be typed, computer generated, or neatly written.
Polk County 4-H Youth Representative Award Application
Name ______Years in 4-H ______
Grade Completed ______4-H Club ______
Judges are looking for:
· Achievement in 4-H work
· Leadership shown to others
· Willingness of 4-Her to volunteer to assist with club, county, area, and state events.
Please answer these questions. This may be done on this sheet, using this as a template or retyped on in a different document. (If retyping please write the question, then the answer on all six questions.)
1. Projects - List the 4-H projects that you have been enrolled in and exhibited at County Fair, in the last three years.
· Example – Foods (2 years) 10 points
2. 4-H Volunteerism – List what camps, fair activities, etc. or 4-H events that you have volunteered for during your 4-H career. 10 points
3. Leadership experiences - List 4-H offices you have held, committees you have served on and activities where you have helped with throughout your 4-H career. 10 points
4. Other 4-H Activities – List other events, activities and experiences throughout your 4-H career. (Examples may include demonstrations, camp, fair, fashion revue, community service, etc.) 10 points
5. What has kept you in 4-H? 15 points
7. How has 4-H made a difference in your life? (One page maximum) 30 points