Participant Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Expectations of a Disciple 4

Objective 5

Religion vs. Relationship 5

God’s Names - Activity 6 - 10

Application Points 11

The Great I Am – God and His Names


The purpose of the Basics Bible study is to provide a basic understanding of some of the key concepts and elements of the Christian faith. Men have questions about concepts like the nature of God, personal salvation, their purpose, and Christianity in general. Many simply don’t understand some of the basic doctrines of the faith and how to have an amazing life with Christ. Each lesson is designed to be facilitated by an experienced leader who can help men discover truth for themselves. Lessons have open-ended questions so that men will look at scripture and observe what it says, interpret what it means, and apply each lesson to their lives individually and then be able to share what God has taught them with the group. Emphasis is given to application and life-change so that this is not merely an academic exercise but one that promotes dynamic transformation.

Basics 1 - This particular lesson is focused on giving you a basic understanding of the character and nature of God by studying His various names. The study will emphasize His just, creative, all-powerful nature as well as His loving, saving character so that we see God as both merciful and just.

Expectations of a Disciple – Being an IRON Man!












Gaining a solid grounding in who God is by understanding the names He has been given in the Bible.









Religion vs. Relationship:

How strong would your relationship be with someone if you didn’t now who they were and what they were all about? How much would you trust them? Rely on them?

The same principle applies to our relationship with God. The more you get to know Him (engaging your head, heart and hands), the stronger your relationship with Him will be.








God’s Names - Activity

Instructions - Read the scripture passage and write down everything you observe about the characteristics, attributes, and actions of God. What do you notice about God? What is He like? What are His attributes? How do your findings make you feel?

God and His Rule

Name Meaning Passage(s)

ELOHIM Powerful God Genesis 1

Deuteronomy 10:17





Name Meaning Passage(s)

JEHOVAH (YAHWEH) The Great “I AM” Exodus 6:2-8

John 8:48-58





Name Meaning Passage(s)

JEHOVAH QANNA The LORD is Jealous Exodus 34:12-17,

2 Corinthians 11:2





Name Meaning Passage(s)

JEHOVAH TSIDKENU The LORD is Righteous Jeremiah 23:6

Jeremiah 33:14-16

2 Corinthians 5:21





Name Meaning Passage(s)

JEHOVAH SABBAOTH The LORD of Hosts Amos 4:13

Deut. 33:26-27





Name Meaning Passage(s)

El ELYON Sovereign, Lord God Most High Daniel 4:34-35

Isaiah 46:9-11





Name Meaning Passage(s)

EL SHADDAI Mighty God Genesis 17:1-8

Genesis 28:3-4





Name Meaning Passage(s)

ADONAI Lord, Master 2 Samuel 7:18-24

Psalm 8, 97:5

Isaiah 6:1-7





God and His Care for Me

Name Meaning Passage(s)

EL ROI The LORD Who Sees Psalm 139





Name Meaning Passage(s)

JEHOVAH ROHI The LORD My Shepherd Psalm 23

Isaiah 40:11

John 10:11-18





Name Meaning Passage(s)

JEHOVAH M’KADDESH The LORD who Sanctifies You Exodus 31:12-13

Leviticus 20:7-8

1 Thes. 5:23-24





Name Meaning Passage(s)

JEHOVAH SHALOM The LORD Our Peace Judges 6:19-24

Philippians 4:7





Name Meaning Passage(s)

JEHOVAH ROPHE The LORD Our Healer Exodus 15:22-26

1 Peter 2:24





Name Meaning Passage(s)

JEHOVAH JIREH The LORD Our Provider Genesis 22:1-14

Matthew 6:25-34





Name Meaning Passage(s)

JEHOVAH NISSI The LORD Our Banner Exodus 15:

Exodus 17:8-15





Application Points

¶  What is something new that you learned about God today?







¶  What is God telling you to do with this new knowledge?







¶  How can what you learned today help you in your daily life?







