11-5 (2-2014)


Greeting people as they enter the church is more than a handshake and a smile. It is an opportunity to express God’s love through Christ and help set the tone of the upcoming worship service. We want to provide a “Wow!” experience for everyone who attends our service.

Greeters are to welcome and assist individuals as they arrive, during, and after the worship service. Two people will be scheduled each Sunday as Greeters. The Main Greeter will stand at the table in the foyer handing out bulletins and giving information. The Door Greeter will assist people at the door.

For Special Events Other Than Sunday Morning

Special arrangements can be made to obtain Greeters if they are needed, and they can be given instructions at that time. They are encouraged to check the bathrooms before the event, especially if the church hasn’t been cleaned yet that week.


At this point, since there are so many different ushers during the year, the main job of the usher will be to collect the offering. As we grow, this can be revised.


Pre-Service Preparations

Main Greeter should:

Ø  Arrive at least 20 minutes before the service but preferably 30 minutes before.

Ø  Check the restrooms to make sure they are presentable (toilets flushed, Kleenex & toilet paper out). Turn on the lights and exhaust fans. This is just a very quick double check.

Ø  Make sure inserts are in the bulletins. Extra bulletins are located in the conference room.

Ø  Name tags will be available in a basket. Greeters are encouraged to wear them and return them to the basket before leaving church.

Ø  Review the entire bulletin before people arrive so you will know what is happening and be able to answer questions or direct them to someone who can.

Ø  Assure that aisles are clear (5 feet wide) for wheelchairs and a path is clear to reach the restroom.

Ø  Check to see what sign-up sheets are out if someone should ask.

If possible, the Door Greeter should arrive 30 minutes before the service to assist those coming in the church.

Greeters’ Suggestions/Responsibilities as Individuals are Arriving for Worship

1.  Pray for a genuine, compassionate heart as you greet people.

2.  Take the initiative and greet all individuals, welcoming them in a friendly manner.

Ø  Smile

Ø  Fresh breath

Ø  Make eye contact

Ø  Personal warmth-look like you enjoy welcoming people

Ø  Judge from their body language whether they want a handshake or not.

Ø  Do call them by name if you know it.

Ø  Do’s & Don’t’s:

Don’t ask:

v  “Are you new?”

“Is this your first time?”

DO say:

“I don’t think I’ve met you. My name is ______.”


Ø  Provide a bulletin, special offering envelopes (when needed), Daily Bread (every 3 months).

Ø  Give information to newcomers.

§  Tell them where the restrooms are.

§  If they have a small child, tell them where the diaper changing station is located. Give information about the nursery and children’s church.

§  Ask if they have any questions about New Bethel.


Ø  Open the door, assist anyone who needs help coming in the door or going to their seat. If someone comes in, in a wheelchair, make sure a chair is removed from a row to accommodate them.

Ø  Help the elderly out of their cars if they desire help.

Ø  Help people carrying loads.

Ø  Provide umbrellas when it’s raining.

Responsibilities During the Worship Service

1. Main Greeter should stay in the back entry area for 10-15 minutes after the

service starts.

2. If possible, Main Greeter should sit in the back row.

Ø  Help anyone who needs assistance – especially guests – such as getting water for them or directing them to the water fountain, get tissues, show them where bathrooms are (not point), show them where the nursery is.

Ø  Observe unusual things going on. Be an extra set of eyes and ears.

After the Service

Main Greeter should stand in the back and greet people as they leave.

Ø  Thank them for coming.

Ø  Invite them to return.