
  1. Breakfast should supply what percent of our daily nutrients?

•According to the USDA, the School Breakfast Program must supply at least

______of our key nutrients including ______, ______,

______, vitamin A, vitamin C, and calories

•What breakfast would meet this guideline?

–Whole Grain ______, Milk, and ______

•What breakfast would not?

–Doughnut, chips and soda, or toaster pastries

What other examples can you think of?

- ______

  1. A Well-Balanced Breakfast should include how many food groups?
  • ______or more food groups from MyPlate
  • What are the 3 food groups?
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  1. A Healthy Breakfast Should Include Which Nutrients?
  • ______are the fuel we need to keep our bodies going.
  • ______and ______will help us feel more full.
  1. Many Breakfast Cereals Contain Added ______.
  • Too much ______can cause weight gain, cavities, and voids the body

of getting other healthier ______it needs

  • Always look at the ______for those “hidden” ingredients that add sugar
  • Choose cereals that are high in essential ______like iron, calcium, fiber, vitamin C
  1. Can You Identify the Added Sugars in this Ingredient List?
  • Ingredients: Sugar, wheat, corn syrup, contains 2% or less of honey, hydrogenated soybean oil, salt, caramel color, soy lecithin, BHT for freshness.
  • Sugar, ______, and honey are all added sugars
  • This list is from a popular cereal which contains 15 grams of sugar per ¾ c serving!
  1. Does Skipping Breakfast Lead To Weight Gain? ______
  • We may be tempted to ______later in the day if we skip meals earlier
  • We can slow our metabolic rate if we do not provide sufficient ______to our bodies
  • Remember, If you start the day with an Empty Tank, Your body will need to work extra hard to get ______!
  1. How can eating breakfast affect your performance in school?

Students who eat breakfast…

  • Are more ______
  • Have ______test ______
  • Have ______problems
  • Have fewer visits to the Nurse’s office
  1. How many students in the U.S. are served breakfast at school every day?
  • According to the School Breakfast Program, in 2009, on average 11.1 million students were served breakfast at school ______
  • Does that sound like a lot? ______
  • Keep in mind there are over ______students in the United States!
  • That means less than ______of students eat school breakfasts.
  1. I am a great source of protein, calcium, and add a twist to your breakfast…
  • Cheese
  • ______of natural cheese or ______of processed cheese can help meet ______of the ______cups of dairy needed per day
  1. Oatmeal
  • Contains ______and is an excellent source of ______carbohydrates and ______that give us ______we need to start the day
  1. Leftovers
  2. Vitamins
  • Vitamins are very important part of our ______
  • Remember, it’s always ______to get vitamins from ______
  • Examples include Vitamin ______
  1. Which meal has fewer calories?
  • English muffin & 2 scrambled eggs


  • Sausage sandwich with egg & hashbrowns
  1. Which of these is the leanest breakfast meat?


Canadian BaconPork Roll

  • Some meats are ______(lower in fat) than others
  • What are other lean meats we could eat for breakfast?
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  1. This breakfast food contains about 50% fat…
  • ______
  • *Super fortified doughnuts served at school do meet the school breakfast requirements and have added nutrients
  1. Quick & Easy Breakfast Ideas
  • ______with ______or low fat cream cheese
  • Pack of crackers
  • ______
  • Granola bar
  • ______
  • Yogurt
  • Graham crackers
  • ______
  • Leftovers

17. There is always time for breakfast!

  • Set your alarm ______minutes earlier
  • Have ______and ______foods in the house
  • ______leftovers
  • Get ______the ______