Satan’s Hierarchy and Battle Plans (Part 1)

2 Corinthians 2:10 - 11 (NKJV)
10 Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ,
11 lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.


We need to understand how the kingdom of Satan operates:

We know that he has the angels that fell with him (1/3 at time of fall), demons and evil spirits [last message].

Scripture teaches us Satan’s M. O. (modus operandi)

His M. O. can be best described in three parts:

  1. Satan’s Hierarchy
  2. Forces of Darkness
  3. Attacks on Individuals
  1. Three Functions Of Satan’s Hierarchy
  1. Satan Desires to Ruleeverything here on earth…

1)The Bible speaks of various offices held by spirit beings: thrones, dominions, authorities, and rulers

2)Satan infiltrates existing human authority structures, seeking to rule through them.

3)How does he do this? – By gaining access to rule through the wrong, selfish, choices of man and women.

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4) Satan affects every level of rule and leadership: National, state, local, school systems, businesses, churches, unions, clubs, sport teams, and families.

5) How does he (Satan) get into these areas of rule and authority? He is let in through “Holes in the Wall of protection.”

In the Old Testament, God’s people lived in cities protected by “walls.” If even a portion of the walls were broken down, the enemy was able to get in….

When areas of leadership allow the wall of protection to be broken down, Satan gets in…..

In the Old Testament, Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem FIRST…

6) Godless leadership destroys the walls and allows Satan to rule.

a)When people of a group do not respect authority and are not in submission to authority, chaos and rebellion result and Satan rules.

b)All authority is under attack because Satan wants to rule!

c)We have a leadership crisis: In our world, our nation, our society, our churches, and in our homes…

d)We need to pray for God to raise up leaders using their God given authority

e)When We undermine, criticize and refuse authority we are helping Satan’s cause!

7) Leadership “Neglect” also assists Satan in his rule:

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a) Leaders who will not lead….

b) Pastors who will not pastor….

c) Husbands who will not husband…

8) Rebellion gives Satan rule:

a) Even in the church, rebellion can sneak in:

1) “Well, that’s just the way I am…”

2)“I have a little stubborn streak in me….’

3)“Sometimes you just got to make a stand…”

4)“I like to play the devil’s advocate…”

5)“It’s just my personality…”

6)“I’ve always done it this way and I’m not going to change now…”

7)“It’s their problem, not mine…”

b) We may defend our rebellion any way we desire but it doesn’t

change the issue – rebellion is an issue of the heart.

c) Rebellion is saying, “I don’t need rules. I don’t need leaders or

anyone telling me what to do…”

1 Samuel 15:23 (NKJV) For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king."

Romans 13:1-3 (NKJV)
1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same.

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9) We are to mend the walls!

Ezekiel 22:30 (NKJV) So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.

  1. Satan’s Influence Through Principalities:

1) Principalities = 2 words:

Prince = a leader with title

Pality = geography (land) & demography (people groups)

2)Principalities refers to a specific plan of taking over land and its people.

a) Satan attacks various parts of the earth differently

b)Specific powers of darkness are assigned to specific areas and specific

people: New York, Africa, China, Russia, San Francisco, Ypsilanti...

c)This can be felt as you travel from place to place:

1) One state to another (# of churches, law & order)

2)One community to another (liquor, pornography, homosexuality)

3)One church to another (power struggle, freedom to worship)

4)One home to another (arguments, no authority)

3) Satan knows the map! He knows his subjects and is well prepared for the battle…


a) We need to know what is controlling our community

b) ….Our church …..our home

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Romania – 1989 - A group of Pentecostal believers began praying during the night against fear and terror! Christians were being killed regularly. They walked the streets and prayed silently.

On December 15 the people of Romania stood against the wicked Ceausescu regime when a local pastor was arrested. As the people revolted, the newspapers reported, “The band of fear and terror has been broken.”

  1. Satan Controls Through Powers and Strongholds!

1) Sins of mankind throughout history have given Satan power and strongholds.

2)Men and Women give Satan power in and over their lives.

3)Powers of greed, depression, fear, witchcraft, pornography, homosexuality, … as many as there are sins…

4)Satan doesn’t sling ‘lust’ on a city or community – but men and women give in to the influence of lust and it’s power takes over with Satan’s assistance…

5)Families and churches can give themselves to Satan’s evil devices. Some for many years: confusion in churches, unwed mothers in families, etc.

6)God reveals these powers and strongholds to us when we pray. He reveals them to us so we can come against them through fasting, prayer, and rebuke!

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7)What we Should do:

1) We Should Avoid The Influence:

- I must not allow myself to be drawn into contention or strife…

-We must not allow ourselves to be drawn into contention when witnessing to a Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness

-We must share truth in the spirit of truth, not contention!

2)We Should Pray Specifically Against Spirit Powers:

-God will show us the particular influencing spirit so we can pray specifically!

-In the name of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can break the powers and strongholds

-It may take time but keep praying and push the evil spirit power and stronghold away!

3.We Should Live In The Opposite Spirit:

a)When God reveals the powers and strongholds to us we must live in the opposite Spirit!

-Instead of greed live in generosity

-Instead of depression praise God and Rejoice in Him

-Instead of malice and hate demonstrate love

-Instead of rebellion demonstrate agreement

b) If we do not recognize or avoid the specific powers in a place, we can become susceptible to their influence.

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Satan’s Hierarchy in the form of Rulers, Principalities, and Powers is real!

Satan uses these strategies against all of us.

He wants control of our lives.

Sometimes these struggles are in the heavenlies (EX = Daniel)

Wherever they are – when we come against them we destroy Satan’s plan to control and destroy our spiritual lives.