Our Mission: Educate and support every student, every day, for success now and in the future.
CORE ALGEBRA - Summer School
Welcome to CORE ALGEBRA.The content of this course includes the study of the following:
- Solving Equations
- Proportions
- Linear Functions
Bring whatever supplies (loose leaf paper, notebook, pen, pencil, etc) you personally like to use to take notes. I encourage you to use my recycled paper instead of using your own paper.In addition, develop a system (using folders or a binder) to organize all your papers from this class.
Major Classroom Rules / Expectations
– Breaking the Rules results in at least 0 Behavior Points for the day.
Do not talk or be disruptive at any timefrom the instant when the class starts to when EVERYONE is done with their assignment.
Talking means having any kind of words come out of your mouth. Therefore, whispering is also talking. Even during work time, you are not allowed to talk to anyone (which include the person sitting next to you). If you have questions or need help, don't ask anyone except for me.
Being disruptive includes but is not limited to the following behaviors: talking while Mr. Tactay is talking, swearing or using any inappropriate words, making rude comments, making noises with your pencil, chair, desk, etc., making noises with yourself (burping, whistling, talking to yourself, foot tapping, etc.), non-verbal communication with other students at inappropriate times.
In other words, if Mr. Tactay corrects your behavior by telling you to “quiet down” or “stop doing that” or “get back to work,” then you are either talking or being disruptive.
Cell Phones or other technology (such as iPads, iPods, Headphones, etc) are not to be used from the instant when the class starts. They all must be put away, OUT OF SIGHT and TURNED OFF completely. Using them will result in THREE DAYS of ZERO Behavior Points. If inappropriate behavior continues throughout the year, then your device will be IMMEDIATELY CONFISCATED and given to the FRONT OFFICE to be picked up AFTER SCHOOL. To avoid potential use of unwanted technology, you will not be allowed to put your back packs on the desks and it is also recommended to keep both hands above your desK and your eyes up at all times. So if you look like you're on your phone, I will assume you're on your phone.
Often times,I will take your points away even without telling you.
You may, however, use your phones to listen to music after my lesson during work time. But if during work time, you are onYoutube, Snapchat, texting or on any form of social media, the result will also be THREE DAYS of ZERO Behavior Points.
Your grade includes Summative Assessments, Classwork, Behavior Points, and the Final Exam.
Summative Assessmentsis just a fancy term for tests.These summative assessments are tasks that measure your individual learning of mathematical concepts and will be worth 100 points (based on percentage)
Summative Assessmentswill determine 50% of your grade for this course.
There is NO RETESTING in this course.
Classwork (or Homework)is an integral part of your learning in any course. Classwork may include but is not limited to daily in-class assignments, warm-ups, enrichment work, quizzes, and projects.
Daily in-class assignments will be worth 8 pointseach– 1 point for writing down the section number, 1 point for writing down the objective, 2 points for notes, and 4 points based oncompleteness of the assignment. A few problems on the in-class assignments will be checked and marked correct or incorrect, but this will not affect you grade. Remember, your in-class assignments are based on completeness not accuracy. In other words, if you try every problem even if get them wrong, you will still receive full credit. These daily assignments are to be turned in at the end of class. Any classwork not completed during the period becomes Homework and are due by the next class period.
Classwork will determine 20% of your grade for this course.
Behavior Points will be under the category of Participation Points in HAC and will be labeled as
ARC Points (an acronym forAttitude/Activities, Responsibility, and Classroom Rules). You may earn 3 ARCpoints each day you are in class. In order to earn these points you must behave appropriately and follow all my classroom rules.
ARC Points will determine 10% of your grade for this course.
The Final Exam will measure how well you have learned the concepts from the entire course – this is known as a cumulative exam. Because all math classes build on previous knowledge, it is very important that you not only learn the information, but that you also remember it for future study. A review of major concepts throughout course will be given just before the Final Exam.
The Final Exam will determine 20% of your grade for this course.
Nothing is allowed on the desks during tests or quizzes except for a calculator (when allowed) and a writing utensil. Notes are not allowed. There will be absolutely NO FORM OF INTERACTION OR COMMUNICATION – VERBALLY OR NONVERBALLY - UNTIL EVERYONE HAS COMPLETED THE TEST. This includes talking, eye contact, passing notes, asking for pencil, paper, etc. If you need anything, raise your hand and ask Mr. Tactay. Leave your seats only to sharpen you pencil or to hand in your tests.
CONSEQUENCES: Inappropriate behavior during tests may result in ZERO points on the test (for blatant cheating) or pointsdeduction on the test (usually 10 points for every infraction).
TEST TIME LIMIT: You are to complete your tests or quizzes in the allotted time. You will be given the entire class period to complete your tests. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TURN IN AN UNFINISHED TEST AND COME BACK LATER TO FINISH IT.
If you or your parents have any questions, please email me at
Receivingextra help from Mr.Tactayoutside of the normal Summer School hours will be very difficult. You will need to arrange a time to meet, preferably after lunch.
It is important to be in class each day. If possible, family trips should be scheduled for non-school days only. Medical/dental appointments should be scheduled for after school. It is impossible to recreate the learning environment when you are absent from class.
When you cannot avoid an absence, it is your responsibility to get your classwork that you missed. Whenever possible, do this before your absence, otherwise check your assignment sheet so you know what has been assigned. All assignments and quizzes can be found in my basket. My TEACHER PAGE on the school website contains the assignment sheets and assignments, but not the quizzes.
You will receive full credit for late assignments.
Every tardy results in 0 ARC Points for the day.
You must use the pass to leave class and you will receive 0 ARC Points for the day. There is a 3-minute time limit. If you leave for more than the 3-minute time limit, you will receive0 ARC Points for more days. IT IS SCHOOL POLICY THAT YOU STAY IN THE CLASSROOM THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE PERIOD. LEAVE FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY.
Leaving for more than 10 minutes will result in a discipline referral.
Only one person may leave at a time.
Classroom Rules / Expectations
– Breaking the Rules results in at least 0 ARC Points for the day.
4.Nothing is allowed on your desks except for a calculator and any necessary supplies to take notes.
5.Pick up any pieces of trash – despite how small – which are on the floor and or on top of your desks.
6.Come to class, be on time, and be in your seats when the bell rings for the start and the end of class. Leave your seats only when necessary such as sharpening your pencil, getting materials, and throwing away trash. If the bells are not working, you will leave when Mr. Tactay releases you.
7.Work throughout the entire class period until you are completely done with the day's assignment. Work only on your MATH assignment during class.
That means . . . No reading books or magazines, No card playing, No working on other assignments form other classes unless you are completely done with the day's assignment.
8.No one is allowed to go to the library during class. However, if you really need to go to the library to make up work from other class, you may do so but this will result in 0 ARC Points.
No more than three people may go to the library.
9.Bring necessary materials – book, pencil, paper, calculator, etc. – to class every day.
10.Leave everything on my desk alone. Do not touch or take anything in or on my desk.
11.Do not put your feet up on desks or chairs.
12.No sitting on desks or on the back supports of chairs.
13.No sleeping in class.
14.No one from outside of class is allowed to speak to you during class, except for teachers or parents.
15.No switching seats. Stay in your assigned seats.
16.No socializing in class.
17.No passing notes in class.
18.No complaining, whining and making excuses.
19.No asking for free time or to go outside of class for a nature walk, exercise, etc.
20.No standing by the doors at the end of class. Stay seated in your chairs until the bell rings or when I excuse you.
21.No childish behaviors such as spit wads, paper airplanes, throwing pencils at the ceiling, etc.
22.No writing on the desks.
23.No using the microwaves unless you are completely done with the day's assignment.
If you continue to do what is not expected, one or more of the following will be the result:
1)0 ARC points for more days.
2)Removal from the classroom.
3)Phone call to parents.
4)Referral to the office.
Tactay's message:
Don't worry about the outcome of this (or any) class. Just do your best and learn as much as you can. If you get an A or an F,don’t stress over it too much. You can be successful in your life even if you’re not successful in school...as long as you work hard, be honest, don't complain, and do your best.