Getting to Know Europe March -April 2013

80 students , 9 CHCCS teachers and three administrators will be leading educational seminars in France and Belgium during spring break. These travel experiences in Europe support the district’s “Growth Mindset” as they become authentic models for the “principles of learning” . Teachers and administrators are the experts, coaches, social mentors and language guides 24/7 for students who will grow in much more than just cultural and social competence. Through generous funding, these opportunities for growth have become more equitable as those who may never have traveled will benefit from a “vision of the world” beyond the classroom.

Powered by the generous funding from the European Union and bioMérieux, French teacher Robin McMahon (Smith) will be exploring France and Belgium March 22-April 5 with 30 students, five teachers and the CHCCS assistant superintendent of schools, Dr. Parvey. Students and teachers will be staying with host families in Liege, Belgium where they will be attending classes at their sister-school, Saint-Benoit Saint-Servais, visiting a chocolate factory, taking an excursion with their pen pals to Luxembourg and attending a seminar at the European Commission in Brussels. The second week the travelers will walk the beaches of Normandy, investigate medieval architecture of Mont St Michel, practice impressionist painting in Monet’s Giverny and wonder at the marvels of Paris. Professional journalist, Rob Holliday, will be uploading video every day of the students as they discover Europe; these videos can be viewed on the website.

This trip was largely funded through a “Getting to Know Europe” grant awarded by the European Union and the generous support of bioMérieux, a French company located in Durham, NC. Students and teachers have been invited to a breakfast at bioMérieux on March 14 as a special send-off celebration as well as to bioMérieux’s plant in Lyon, France for a facility tour, VIP lunch and a walking tour of the gastronomical capital of France, Lyon.

Principal Phil Holmes, along with assistant principal Esther Halm and teacher Dr. Suzanne Smith, will be teaching thirteen students firsthand about Europe March 28-April 5. The group will spend two days in Brussels, Belgium before heading to Paris on the high-speed train to spend five days in the most beautiful city in the world. While in Belgium they will attend a seminar at the European Commission, tour the capital of Europe and eat lots of chocolate! While in Paris, they will learn extensively about European art and architecture by visiting famous monuments and museums. Both European travel groups from Smith will be conducting inquiry projects that will be on display for Europe Day at Smith on May 9th. This trip was also largely funded by the European Union’s “Getting to Know Europe” grant and the generous support of French company, bioMerieux.

French teacher Natalie Gaut from Carrboro High will go to France with 23 students and 3 chaperones. The students will spend 3 days in Paris to explore the city. They will then take the train to go to La Rochelle in the south of France where they will meet their host families. Last year, 28 French students came to Carrboro High School and were hosted by 28 families in our community. This spring our Carrboro students will visit La Rochelle and spend more time with their friends from last year. They will have the opportunity to spend time at the high school. They will study the history as well as the geography of the region and the cultural differences they observe.

French teachers Jessica Kelley (Culbreth) and Jennifer Sparrow (McDougle) will be exploring France with 14 students and one parent Mar. 28-April 4 . They will be visiting Normandy, Mont St. Michel, Rouen, Loire Valley and of course PARIS!