1.  David Lancaster, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

2.  Commission Members in attendance were: Rita Green, Art Korte, David Lancaster, Chad Meyer, Art Mitchell, Tim Norton, T.J. Redmond, Alderman – Representative to the Commission, and George Liyeos, City Administrator.

3.  A Motion was made by Tim Norton, and seconded by Rita Green to approve the Minutes of the January 4th meeting. The Motion passed unanimously.

4. There was follow-up discussion relating to the adoption of a new Rock Hill Zoning Map regarding Right Of Way, Streets, and Designated Zoning. This discussion also included the issue of designated zoning of the parks in Rock Hill. Two residents, namely Lauri Murphy and Crystal Maasen, spoke of their concern that the proposed zoning map does not designate the strip of land behind the homes on Plainfield Dr. and Des Peres Ave. as a park – it is presently zoned Industrial.

Carol Wagner, PGAV, explained the zoning ordinance and how it needs to be revamped. She pointed out that the Future Land Use Map shows parks designated and marked green however, that is not the case with the Zoning Map, which is the official zoning document. Presently the city is operating without a Zoning Map.

A Motion was made by Rita Green and seconded by Art Korte to recommend to the Board of Alderman that the existing Zoning Map be approved. The Motion was passed unanimously.

5.  Carol Wagner and Terry Beiter, of PGAV, then led an extensive discussion of

Chapter 520.000 of the City’s Sign Regulations reviewing with Commission

Members the work they had done to update the Ordinance. Carol and Terry’s

Proposed draft of a new Ordinance will include suggestions from the Commission.

There will be further review of this issue at the P&Z Commission’s February 15th


6.  The Commission also reviewed with Carol and Terry the Motor Vehicle Oriented

Business Regulation. It will be further discussed at the February 15th meeting.

7.  The Commission reviewed the Letter with survey, developed by the Residential

Guidelines Committee, regarding the impact of Single Family Development on the

neighborhoods of designated residents.

A motion was made by Art Korte and seconded by Tim Norton to send out the

surveys on February 1. The Motion passed unanimously.

The Committee also requested that P&Z hold a Public Hearing at the February

meeting to obtain citizen input on the issue of residential development.

Carol Wagner suggested an “open house” type event with a variety of displays

that may be more beneficial for obtaining the information that we are seeking.

Mayor Morgan noted that she had space that is being volunteered for such an event.

8.  The Commission reviewed the memo from the Building Inspector to City

Administrator George Liyeos in reference to Section 405.090 of the City’s Ordinance regarding unenclosed front porches. This zoning definition will serve as the operating understanding of this ordinance.

9.  The Commission further discussed Rita Green’s design proposal for sidewalks

along Manchester in Rock Hill.

10.  A motion was made by Chad Meyer and seconded by Art Mitchell to adjourn

the meeting. The Motion passed unanimously.

The meeting ended at 9:00 p.m.


David Lancaster, Chairman


Art Korte, Secretary