Nominating panel members for the Research Excellence Framework 2021
Members of the expert panels for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 will be appointed through a nomination process, details of which are on the SCUDD website at or on the REF website at
Nomination Process:
As two of REF2021’s nominating organisations, SCUDD and TaPRA have been invited to propose panel members in the following categories:
· additional members of REF2020 Main Panel D (with expertise in leading, commissioning or making use of interdisciplinary research, leading research internationally, or senior level experience in the commissioning, use or wider benefits of research)
· members and assessors on sub-panel 33 (including practising researchers, individuals with expertise in commissioning, applying or making use of research, and interdisciplinary advisers).
Further information on the panel structure, the roles, responsibilities and workload of panel members and the criteria for appointment can be found in the publication ‘Roles and recruitment of expert panels’ (REF 2017/03) (see link above). Please ensure you consult this information carefully before contacting us.
If you wish SCUDD and TaPRA to consider you as a nominee, please complete the application form (links to websites) and forward it with a copy of your c.v. to Stephen Lacey (Chair of SCUDD ) and Gilli Bush-Bailey by 23 November 2017.
There is no limit on the number of nominees we can make, and we are encouraged to consider a wide range of individuals to cover the full breadth of the research interests in our discipline.
Action on Equality and Diversity:
The four UK funding bodies are seeking nominations of candidates from a diverse range of backgrounds, institution types and geographical region. SCUDD and TaPRA are pleased to note that they welcome nominations of candidates from groups previously under-represented on assessment panels: women, people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds, and disabled people. Weare particularly keen to reach out and to encourage applications from people who identify as belonging to these groups.
REF nomination criteria:
The published criteria that the funding bodies will use for appointing sub-panels for the REF are as follows:
(a) Each sub-panel should include expertise across the main fields of research within the UOA, and its membership should collectively command the respect of the relevant research and wider communities.
(b) The sub-panel members should have appropriate expertise to contribute to the development of the criteria across the sub-panel’s remit, with an ability to understand and appreciate a diverse range of research topics and approaches. Appropriate expertise includes interdisciplinary research and expertise in the wider use or benefits of research.
(c) Each sub-panel will have at least one appointed member with a specific role to oversee and participate in the assessment of interdisciplinary research submitted in that UOA, to ensure its equitable assessment. We expect to make further appointments of members with this role in the assessment phase
(d) The diversity of the research community in the relevant fields should be reflected in the sub-panel membership.
(e) Sub-panels will be composed predominantly of practising researchers, and will include individuals with expertise in the use or benefits of research.
(f) Sub-panel members will be appointed on the basis of their personal experience and expertise, not as representatives of any group or interest.
(g) There should be an appropriate degree of continuity in the sub-panel’s membership from previous assessment exercises. Where possible at least a third of the members of the sub-panel will have REF or RAE panel experience; and at least a third will not have served on REF or RAE panels.
(REF 2017/03: 9)
Additionally, we wish to ensure that the following are represented in the pool of nominees, commensurate with other criteria:
i. As wide a spread of disciplinary and inter-disciplinary interests as possible;
ii. practice-as-research, in its varied forms;
iii. the different types of HEI, and organizational units, containing drama and performance research;
iv. the devolved nations;
v. nominations from groups hitherto under-represented in the REF process, in line with HEFCE quality and diversity policy and the needs and wishes of our research community.
Selection of Nominations:
With the preceding REF2021 appointment criteria in mind, we will use the following as evidence, drawn from the HEFCE Appendix E proforma as customized SCUDD/TaPRA, when assessing applications:
• Your current role and other recent posts of relevance.
• Evidence of conducting leading research in your field (for example, key academic appointments or achievements)
• Other indicators of standing in your academic community (for example, editorial posts or chair positions for subject bodies) or your professional community
• Relevant experience of research management or commissioning, using or benefitting from research
• Relevant experience of leading, managing or practising interdisciplinary research.
• Relevant experience of peer review, research quality standards, or of evaluating the impact, benefits or quality of research.
Nomination process
SCUDD and TaPRA will establish a group to consider all applications. The group will consist of 7 people:
- 3 members from each organization, including the chairs of both organisations and two additional executive members;
- An external member, who will have been a member of a previous REF/RAE sub-panel with an established research record and seniority.
- One of the SCUDD members will be charged with overseeing equality and diversity issues during the selection process.
SCUDD and TaPRA will submit their nominations directly to REF2021 and will inform successful applicants individually by 20th December2017. We will also notify unsuccessful applicants, but because of the anticipated number of applications we are unable to give feedback on the nomination decisions made. We are hugely aware of the commitment that it takes to put yourself forward for these demanding roles, and would like to thank those of you who do apply for demonstrating such excellent academic citizenship.
Stephen Lacey, Chair, SCUDD
Gilli Bush-Bailey, Chair, TaPRA
November 2017