June 17, 2001

Phase 1

  1. WeatherflowObs – leave dots on map, add Weatherflow URL to the station pop-up
  2. Satellite TDS – working (Kyle and John to discuss next steps) - seems slow. Charlton to try tiled. Also change color legend to Rainbow. JohnK to provide seasonal min-maxes for legend.
  3. Add Satellite Composite (24 hr) layer

Composited observations. The big ones here are 24,72 and weekly SST composites and the corresponding HF Radar surface current products. I like the idea of creating the composited NetCDF files on the TDS as it then makes it very straight forward to integrate into WMS. At a minimum, we should do this for SST and HF Radar.
Change the Satellite SST colorbar from the current blue->white->red colorspace to a blue->green->yellow->orange-red. This is a fairly excepted standard colormap for viewing SST products.

  1. Can we get Time-Series from the satellite data (Kyle?)
  1. Charlton to request new smaller images from EDS WMS
  2. New Legends (ASA)
  1. Change the default basemap to satellite view. Move Satellite/Terrain option buttons to Top right.
  1. Add bathy layer (Charlton)
  1. Default weatherflow and Nerrs off – too slow to start
  1. Default HF radar on (if satellite gets faster, also on)
  1. Have option to view HF Radar composite 25 hours (JohnK)
  1. Divide the left menu up into 3 categories:
    a. Assets: display the locations of all MARACOOS maps (ie: codar stations, glider tracks, usgs, NERRS, etc).
    b. Observations: display observational datasets (ie: codar surface current fields, SST passes/composites, etc).
    c. Models: Leave as is
  2. Raster layers will be radio buttons (only one allowed), vector layers will be check boxes (multiple allowed). Points on a map/Gliders – Check Boxes (multiple allowed)
  1. Charlton to hit EDS with vector style option, all black. Length of vector is scaled by speed - leave arrow head one size.
  1. Glider JSON server side script for displaying glider tracks from the last 6 months - 1 year. (JohnK)
  1. Full screen option? John talk to Igor.
  1. Change Glider Icon.

Phase 2

  1. Option to select time zone between GMT and US East Coast.
  2. John Wilkin’sdata will come into EDS
  3. TDS issues with HF Radar getting stuck– John seems to have fixed. John to check with Guy whether USCG are back on.
  4. Curly Vectors
  5. Will be adding link to Flex viewer that allows for time viewing etc.
  6. Check vector values for CODAR – values seem small (Eric)
  7. Legends not being cleared on Safari (Charlton, Eric)