Government of India
National Disaster Management Authority
NDMA Bhawan, A-1,Safdarjung Enclave,
New Delhi – 110029
Phone : 26701828, Fax 26701834
Sub:Engagement of Senior Consultants in National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on contract basis.
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has been constituted by Government of India under the Disaster Management Act’ 2005 to coordinate its efforts towards Disaster Management, The DM Act, 2005 enjoins on NDMA the responsibility to lay down policies and guidelines for disaster management and to enable timely and effective response to Disasters. This involves prevention, mitigation, capacity building, preparedness and response natural and manmade disasters.
2.In order to assist NDMA in discharging its responsibility, NDMA invites applications from persons with qualification and expertise in the country to act as Senior Consultant to the NDMA on contract basis in the following fields:
1.Mock Exercise
2.Civil Defence, Home Guard & Youth Organizations
3.NDRF, Operationalization & Modernization
3.The detailed terms and conditions along with eligibility criteria in accordance with the “Revised Procedure & Guidelines for Engagement of Consultants in the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on contract basis” as notified vide F.No.7-12/2009-Adm. dated 13th June, 2012 may be seen on NDMA website at .
4.NDMA invites applications from individuals along with their Bio-data (prescribed Performa) and photocopies of certificates to be sent to Under Secretary(Admn.), National Disaster Management Authority, A-1, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi – 110029 within 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the Employment News.
5.The shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview. The candidates must bring original certificates for verification at the time of interview. Apart from posting the details of interview schedule on the NDMA website, it will be the endeavor of NDMA to intimate the shortlisted candidates by e-mail and telephonically. The candidates are advised to keep watching the NDMA website for detailed schedule of interview and changes, if any, in this regard. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate by the NDMA for attending the interview.
(i)Educational Qualifications:
Professionals having Qualification of Master’s Degree in Disaster management / related field or MBA, M.Tech or equivalent in disaster management or related field and minimum post qualification experience of 10 years in the requisite field. The candidates should have high competency and established peer reputation. Person with Ph.D. Degree in the relevant field are required to have minimum experience of 7 years.
(b) Retired Government employees with Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- and above with experience of 10 years and knowledge in the required domain field of Disaster Management as specified in the ToR for the specialization/ field would also be eligible for this position.
Experience in the relevant field:
- Minimum 10 years of experience in handling disaster related activities and training for civilians.
- Should have experience of having conducted workshop and seminars at central and state government level.
- Should have experience of having conducted at least 50 Mock Exercises on various types of natural and man-made disasters at state, Union territory and district level.
- Should have capabilities of conceptualizing and formulating the training guidelines, manual and calendar at national level.
(ii) Precise Statement of Objectives: Conduct of table-top and Mock Exercise and building the capacity on Disaster Management.
(iii) Outline of the tasks to be carried out:
- To plan the calendar for Table top and Mock exercises on various types of disasters to be conducted by NDMA in States, Districts, Industries and Educational Institutions, for approval by the Hon’ble Vice Chairman.
- To strengthen the NDMA’s initiative on Capacity Development for Disaster Management in the country.
- To impart disaster management training as a resource person in premier training institutions in the country.
- To conduct mock exercises on various types of natural and manmade disasters in the States, Districts, Industries and Schools, as per approved calendar.
- To advise and carry out DM audit of disaster response system in various religious places.
- To advise and carry out DM audit of DM plans of Union Ministries.
- To advise and carry out disaster management audit of DM and Contingency Management Plan and Crisis Management Plan of the State and Districts.
- Appropriate preparedness and response interventions in Disaster prone districts and urban centers.
- To supervise and guide all programmes related to Capacity building for appropriate preparedness and response related to various disasters.
- To advocate capacity building themes and awareness programmes for risk reduction and create an appropriate strategy for preparedness and response by institutionalizing them in disaster prone districts
- To assist in conduct of City Centric Emergency Management Exercise and Multi State Exercises, Region-wise.
- Any other tasks as instructed by Member, NDMA / Hon’ble Vice Chairman, NDMA.
(iv) Schedule for completion of the Tasks: Initially the consultancy will be for a period of three (3) years with a possibility of extension by upto two years.
(v) The support or inputs to be provided by National Disaster Management authority to facilitate the consultancy: Member, NDMA incharge of Mock Exercise will provide guidance to the Consultant.
(vi) Reports on Action Taken will be submitted at the end of every financial year and will form the basis for further extension of the consultant as the activity is perennial in nature. The Final Report on work done by the consultant should be submitted at the end of consultancy period.
(i)Educational Qualifications:
(a) Professionals having Qualification of Master’s Degree in Disaster management / related field or MBA, M.Tech or equivalent in disaster management or related field and minimum post qualification experience of 10 years in the requisite field. The candidates should have high competency and established peer reputation. Person with Ph.D. Degree in the relevant field are required to have minimum experience of 7 years.
(b) Retired Government employees with Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- and above with experience of 10 years and knowledge in the required domain field of Disaster Management as specified in the ToR for the specialization/ field would also be eligible for this position.
Experience in the relevant field:
- Minimum 10 years of experience in handling disaster related activities and training for Civil Defence Personnel.
- Should have experience of having conducted workshop and seminars at central and state government level.
- Should be capable of organizing disaster awareness training for Civil Defence, NCC and Home Guard.
- Should have capabilities of conceptualizing and formulating the training guidelines, manual and calendar at national level.
(ii) Precise Statement of Objectives: Ensure implementation of Civil Defence Re-vamping Report and Capacity Building of Volunteers of NCC / NYK and Community Preparedness.
(iii) Outline of the tasks to be carried out:
- To impart CD & disaster management awareness training to NCC & NYKS at the camp locations all over the country.
- To organise CD & Disaster Management workshop for NCC and Civil Defence officers in states.
- To generate awareness among public related to CD & disaster management.
- To advise states on matters related to Civil Defence.
- To ensure proper CD set up at vital plants / installations.
- Identify disaster role for CD, NCC, HG and integrate them in DM frame work.
- Role of CD related to community capacity building need to be integrated at grass root level with a view to prepare community as first responder.
- Policies, strategies and guidelines for Civil Defence and its role in DM.
- At least one lakh NCC cadets scheduled be given DM awareness training.
- Minimum ten workshop must be planned/ conducted in a year
- Visits states to see CD set up and it’s revamping.
- Visit NCC camps in states to conduct DMA training for cadets.
- Conduct workshop in states.
- Launch DM Awareness programme all over the country.
- Prepare CD revamping project for some identified places/vital plants.
- Integrate NGOs and corporate sectors to assist CD for its revamping.
- Organise annual meeting of CD /disaster heads to know whether CD is properly utilized or not for disaster management.
- Preparation of training curriculum for CD and sister organizations in consultation with states.
- Any other tasks as instructed by Member, NDMA / Hon’ble Vice Chairman, NDMA.
(iv) Schedule for completion of the Tasks: Initially the consultancy will be for a period of three (3) years with a possibility of extension by upto two years.
(v) The support or inputs to be provided by National Disaster Management authority to facilitate the consultancy: Member, NDMA incharge of Civil Defence, Home Guard and Youth Organization will provide guidance to the Consultant.
(vi) Reports on Action Taken will be submitted at the end of every financial year and will form the basis for further extension of the consultant as the activity is perennial in nature. The Final Report on work done by the consultant should be submitted at the end of consultancy period.
(i) Educational Qualifications and Experience:
(a) This would consist of professionals having Qualification of Master’s Degree, in relevant field/subject or technical qualifications like MBA, M.Tech or equivalent as specified in the ToR for the specialisation/ field and minimum post qualification experience of 10 years in the requisite field. The candidates should have high competency and established peer reputation. Person with Ph.D. Degree in the relevant field are required to have minimum experience of 7 years.
(b) Retired Government employees with Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/- and above with experience of 10 years and knowledge in the required domain field of Disaster Management as specified in the ToR for the specialization/field would also be eligible for this position. Person with Ph.D. Degree in the relevant field are required to have minimum experience of 7 years
(ii) Precise Statement of Objectives: National Disaster response Force (NDRF)
(iii) Outline of the tasks to be carried out:
(a)Training and operationalization of NDRF Battalions.
(b)To process the procurement of CBRN equipments for all the NDRF Battallions to provide them CBRN response capabilities.
(c)Processing and finalization of procurement of National disaster response Reserve (Rs. 250 Cr) as sanctioned by 13th Finance Commission and also to process procurement of relief material and equipments (National Emergent Reserve – Rs 24.60 Cr) as sanctioned by MHA.
(d)To organize, constitute and training for SDRF in States of Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura, Assam, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, J&K etc.
(e)To arrange for conduct of Mock Exercise by NDRF troops.
(f)To revise existing guidelines on Off-site Management of Nuclear Emergencies at India’s Nuclear power Plants.
(g)To formularize single comprehensive manual related to conduct of Mock Exercise on Off-site management of Nuclear Emergencies.
(h)To provide specialized opinion in Specification Review Committee Meeting regarding NDRF equipments.
(i)To review requirement of containerization of NDRF Equipments and re-authorization of vehicles of NDRF Bns.
(j)To monitor the Familiarization Exercise (FAMEX) to be conducted by each NDRF Bn in their respective A.O.R.
(iv) Schedule for completion of the Tasks: Initially the consultancy will be for a period of three (3) years with a possibility of extension by upto two years.
(v) The support or inputs to be provided by National Disaster Management authority to facilitate the consultancy:
Member, NDMA incharge will provide guidance to the Consultant.
(vi) Action Taken Reports submitted every financial year and will form the basis for further extension of the consultant as the activity is perennial in nature. The Final Report on work done by the consultant should be submitted at the end of consultancy period.
Application for appointment as Senior Consultant in the National Disaster Management Authority in the field of ......
- Name: ______
- Father’s Name: ______
- Date of Birth: ______
- Domicile: ______
- Nationality: ______
- Mailing address (with Tel./Mob. No. And e-mail address) ______
- Permanent Address: ______
- Educational Qualification:
S.No / Course / Subject / University/Institute / Year of Passing / Division/class
- Work Experience:
S.No. / Organization/Institute / Period From To / Nature of Work / Remarks
- Whether SC/ST/OBC:______
- Reference:
Mobile No.:______
e-mail address:______