British Literature - Renaissance

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: Act Four Performances


Scene One – Jake, Jon, Mike, Karina

  • King
  • Queen
  • Guildenstern
  • Rosencrantz

Scene Two – Kristen, Kelsey, Kyla

  • Hamlet
  • Rosencrantz
  • Guildenstern

Scene Three – Brandon, Aaron, Ian, Cory

  • King
  • Rosencrantz
  • Hamlet
  • Guildenstern

Scene Four – Courtney, Kate, Tabitha, Jacki

  • Captain
  • Fortinbras
  • Hamlet
  • Rosencrantz

Scene Five - Chelsey, Quinn, Matt, Hilary,

Emily M., Aleshia

  • Queen
  • Gentleman/ Danish Soldiers
  • Ophelia
  • King
  • Laertes
  • Horatio

Scene Six – Alex G., Tori, Kendel

  • Horatio
  • Sailor
  • Servant

Scene Seven – Alex H., Nathan, Emily F.

  • King
  • Laertes
  • Queen / Messenger

-  With your group, you will practice and perform an assigned scene from Act Four of Hamlet.

-  You and your group members will be responsible for setting the scene (with props) and depicting the characters (with costumes) of your scene

-  During your performance, you will need to implement at least three (may do more if needed) “time outs” to explain and/or analyze the play


¡  How can you (with limited props and space) create this setting for your performance?


¡  How would your characters be dressed?

¡  How can you use a costume to look like this yourself?


¡  What objects are used in your scene?

¡  What objects will you need for your performance?

¡  Will you be able to bring these from home or will you need to make them? If you need to make them, what supplies do you need?

¡  Who will be responsible for what props?

¡  When will you make your props?


¡  Will you memorize your lines? Will you read from a notecard?

¡  Are there any words that you need to say that you do not know how to pronounce?

¡  Where will everyone be when the scene starts?

¡  How will people move around during the scene?

¡  Who is talking to whom?

¡  What sort of emotions is each character showing?

¡  When will you practice your staging?

British Literature: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Student Names: ______

Scene Number: ______

Act Four Performance Rubric


·  Students have rehearsed lines

·  Students’ voices are clear and appropriate in volume

·  Students effectively display emotions through voice and movements

Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced


·  Students’ actions portray character and help tell the story

·  Students are prepared with appropriate costume.

·  Students understand roles and scene

Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced


·  At three or more times during the scene, the group stops to offer a “time-out” explanation

·  Explanation shows an advanced comprehension of the scene and its connection to the overall play

·  “Time-out” responsibilities are shared amongst group members; all explanations are not given by the same student

Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced


·  Class planning-time was used efficiently

·  Props and set are completed on time

Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced

Group evaluations

·  Peer reviews

·  Self review

Minimal Basic Proficient Advanced

Observations about individual students: