St Bernadette’s Church
120 Bowerham Road, Lancaster, LA1 4HT
www.st-bernadettes.org.uk/Church www.lancasterdiocese.org.uk www.thurnhamchurch.net
Parish Priest: Revd Father Peter Sayer Deacon: Revd Paul Wawszczyk Tel: 01524 63000 ****************************************************************************************** Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B) 4 February 2018
Order of Mass of the day: p 134
Psalm Response: Praise the Lord who heals the broken-hearted.
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the light of the world, says the Lord,
anyone who follows me will have the light of life.
Please remember in your prayers:
All who are sick, at home, in hospital and in nursing homes, especially; Erin Buyers, Ann Patrickson, Rita Gelderd, Doreen Heywood, Tina Hilton, Nayeli Cookson, Kay Mushahwar, Steven Hardman, Rita Mexia, Laura Gisbourne, Ann Cunliff, Andrew Keating, Joan Godfree , Lilian Marwood, Francis Stewart (Senior) and Christopher Browne.
All who have died recently. All whose anniversaries occur about this time, especially; Hannah Swarbrick, Sister Monica Jones, John Flannagan, Maureen Davis, Eileen Hunter, Dorothy Hannon, Jo Carradice, John Hemingway, Joseph Sherliker, Teresa Gelderd and Jack Lofthouse.
The Sunday Gospel. Jesus at Capernaum.
The snippets gathered into the Gospel give us a sample of Jesus’s activity at Capernaum, the little fishing village on the edge of the Lake of Galilee: healing and prayer. The first incident, the healing of the relative of his friend and follower Simon Peter, reminds us that Jesus does respond if we pray for the needs of our nearest and dearest. Then the summary of his evening activity shows his concern to bring healing and wholeness. Just so any Christian will desire to follow his example: we can harm or heal those around us in so many ways. It does not need to be a miracle! A greeting, a look, a smile, a touch can bring the peace of Jesus to someone in desperate need of reassurance – and no less can they harm and wound. But the third little story, of Jesus going off to pray in the early morning, shows that the well-spring of all his activity was his relationship with the God whom he called his Father. We cannot say what Jesus’s prayer was, any more than we can say what each other’s prayer is, but the confident communication between Father and Son must have been the source of his strength and compassion.
Pause for Thought. What is the best time and circumstance for our prayer?
Continuing the Journey with Pope Francis.
Let us all witness to the newness, hope, and joy that the Lord brings to life. Let us all feel within us “the delightful and comforting joy of evangelizing” (Paul VI, apostolic exhortation Evangelii Nunciandi, 80). Because evangelizing, proclaiming Jesus, gives us joy. Instead, egoism makes us bitter, sad and depresses us. Evangelizing uplifts us all. (General Audience, May 22, 2013)
Reflection. Have we ever experienced the joy of evangelising? Give God a chance to speak through each of us.
The Wisdom of Pope Francis. May we never get used to the poverty and decay around us. A Christian must always act.
Special Intention of Pope Francis for February 2018
Dear Lord,
During this season of Lent, we pray against the evil of corruption in our world. We also pray that any people who
have material, political, or spiritual power may resist the lure of corruption.
God Pointers from the Rev. John Ryeland:
Take time every day to remind yourself of the truth of God’s presence within you.
Joyfully Sharing the Gospel:
Today everything comes under the laws of competition and survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless.
(The Joy of the Gospel 55)
Masses and Services for Week Beginning Sunday 4 February 2018
Saturday / 6.30 pm / Frank and Lena Wells / Vigil / Mark:30-34Sunday / 11.00 am / Sister Monica Jones / Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday / 9.15 am / No Service / St Agatha / Mark 6:53-56
Tuesday / 9.15am / No Service / Ss Paul Mike and Companions / Mark 7:1-13
Wednesday / 10.00 am / No Service / Mark 7:14-23
Thursday / 9.15 am / No Service / Mark 7:24-30
Friday / 9.15 am / No Service / Mark 7:31-37
Saturday / 6.30 pm / Mary Bolton / Vigil St Scholastica / Mark 8:1-10
Sunday / 11.00 am / People of the Parish / Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
There is also Mass at 9.30 am in Nazareth House and in St Peter’s, Cathedral at 12.15 pm Monday – Saturday
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 5.45 – 6.15 pm
Morning Prayer of the Church: 8.55am (Wednesday 9.40am) in the Chapel
Gospel Readings for the Week: These are available in the grid at the top of the page
Word of God: The Wednesday Word is available this weekend - connecting home, school and parish
Offertory Collection / £358.72 / Attendance / 49+114=163 / SVP / £64.65 / Various / £70.50· We are urged to pray for “Victims of Human Trafficking and for those who work to combat it” around this time in the cycle of prayer.
· This week in the Parish:
Sunday – Children’s Liturgy will not be held for either group until after half-term.
Monday - Scripture Sharing from 7 – 8 pm in the Parish House.
Monday – LANCASTER LIFE Regional Meeting in the Social Area from 7 pm.
· This weekend – the CAFOD Tombola: Please do support this Tombola in the Social Area after both Masses! All tickets are £1 and there is a prize every time!
· There will be no services Monday to Friday this week as Fr Peter will be away until 13 February at the International Director’s Conference in Lourdes. It is at this time around the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (11 February), that all the details of the Pilgrimages are worked out for this year’s Pilgrimages. Next Weekend Fr Joe Smith will minister to us.
· Fair Trade - to celebrate Fair Trade fortnight, Traidcraft goods will be displayed in the social area after both Masses on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 February. Please visit the stall and try to purchase something to help families in the developing countries. Remember that whilst supermarkets take profits from the goods they sell, all the money from goods sold through Traidcraft and the Church shop are used by the charity for their good works.
· Help needed - could you spare 10 - 15 minutes after Mass to help in the shop once every few weeks? We need more people to look after the shop on a rota basis. Please let Margaret know if you can help or if you need to know more - phone 791349 or leave your name and number in the shop.
· Our Lady’s Catholic College Sixth Form Open Evening: Wednesday 7 February from 7 pm. Everyone considering Post 16 options is very welcome to attend.
· Calling all former Winckley Square Convent Pupils, our Annual Reunion is planned forSaturday 10 February 1pm until 4pm at Our Lady and St Edwards Parish Centre, Marlborough Ave, Fulwood, Preston PR2 9UE, please tell your friends.
· Diocese of Lancaster Lourdes Pilgrimage: 20 – 27 July 2018. Pilgrimage, by air, seven nights, full board from £815 sharing. Full details and booking forms from Fr Peter.
· Diocese of Lancaster Lourdes Pilgrimage Youth Section 19 – 28 July 2018. Direct to Lourdes by coach. Full board, staying at the 4 star hotel Eliseo - £596. Again details and booking forms from Fr Peter. Open to Year 10+.
· Medjugorje Pilgrimage 2018: The Pilgrimage starts on 6 September for seven nights at half board. Day flights to and from Manchester. The cost is £619 per person sharing. Please see Fr Peter for details.
· Diocesan Directories 2018 are now available price £3.00.
· The February edition of the Diocesan Faith and Justice Commission Newsletter is available to be downloaded at: http://www.lancasterfaithandjustice.co.uk/newsletter/ please read and share.
Please find other information on the notice boards in the Church Porch. If you have any items for the weekly Bulletin please email:
Latest Medjugorje Message,January 25, 2018
“Dear children! May this time be for you a time of prayer, so that the Holy Spirit, through prayer, may descend upon you and give you conversion. Open your hearts and read the Sacred Scripture, that through the testimonies you also may be closer to God. Above everything, little children, seek God and the things of God and leave earthly ones to the earth, because Satan is attracting you to the dust and sin. You are called to holiness and created for Heaven; therefore, seek Heaven and the things of Heaven. Thank you for having responded to my call.”