Complete all writing in a notebook. Please complete 5 out of the 7 tasks given per week. Shade in the completed tasks. Date each assignment. Have your parents initial each square that you completed the assignment. Return your notebook and this calendar to school on the first day.
June Reading Calendar
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday18 Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 19 Read for 15 minutes
Play outside. Write 2 sentences about it. / 20 Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library and check a book by your favorite author. / 21 Read for 15 minutes
Read a fiction book and write a paragraph about the main character. / 22 Read for 15 minutes
Read a fiction book, draw and label the setting from the book. / 23 Read for 15 minutes
Read a fiction book. Create an invitation inviting the main character to your Eid celebration. / 24 Read for 15 minutes
Make a grocery list for this week’s shopping.
25 Read for 15 minutes
Eid Mubarek / 26 Read for 15 minutes
Eid Mubarek / 27 Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library and check a book about your favorite animal. / 28 Read for 15 minutes
Write 3 facts about the animal you read about yesterday. / 29 Read for 15 minutes
Take a walk around your frontyard and backyard. Write about what you observed. / 30 Read for 15 minutes
Take a walk around your neighborhood. Write about what you observed.
July Reading Calendar
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday1 Read for 15 minutes
Bake something with mom. Write a paragraph about how you made it.
2 Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 3 Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library and check a book about the United States. / 4 Read for 15 minutes
Happy Independence Day / 5 Read for 15 minutes
Write about how you celebrated the 4th of July. / 6 Read for 15 minutes
Write a paragraph about where you would like to visit in the United States. / 7 Read for 15 minutes
Draw a picture of somewhere you would like . / 8 Read for 15 minutes
Eat a snack today. Write a description about how it looks and tastes.
Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 11
Read for 15 minutes
Describe the perfect bedroom using colorful adjectives. / 12
Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library or MYon and read about a job you are interested in. / 13
Read for 15 minutes
Pick out your favorite recipe. Ask mom to help you make it. / 14
Read for 15 minutes
Which recipe would you like to serve at a party? Write about how you would plan your party. / 15
Read for 15 minutes
Write about the weather today. Describe what you see using your senses. / 16
Read for 15 minutes
Find 2 flowers or 2 leaves outside. Create a Venn diagram comparing them.
Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 18
Read for 15 minutes
Take a walk. Every time you see a red car count by 4s. Draw a picture of your favorite car and write the total you number you counted to. / 19
Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library and check a funny book. / 20
Read for 15 minutes
Write a joke you know or one you made up. / 21
Read for 15 minutes
Measure three things outside of your house. Draw their pictures and write down their measurements. / 22
Read for 15 minutes
Describe your favorite ice cream. Tell about it looks and taste. / 23
Read for 15 minutes
Make a map of your bedroom.
Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 25
Read for 15 minutes
Create a new book cover for a book you read today. / 26
Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library and check a book about weather. / 27
Read for 15 minutes
Eat breakfast with someone from your family. Write 3 sentences about what you talked about. / 28
Read for 15 minutes
Write 3 sentences about your opinion of today’s weather. / 29
Read for 15 minutes
Make a card telling someone older than you how special they are. / 30
Read for 15 minutes
Read a book to someone younger than you.
Read for 15 minutes
Listen to a book on MyOn.
August Reading Calendar
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday1
Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 2
Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library or MYon and read a book about math. / 3
Read for 15 minutes
Go online and find the menu for your favorite restaurant. Write what you would order and tell how much it would cost. / 4
Read for 15 minutes
Design your dream park to play in. Draw and label each area. / 5
Read for 15 minutes
Ask an adult to tell you about his/her job. Write a paragraph about it. / 6
Read for 15 minutes
Help someone today.
Read for 15 minutes
Listen to a book on MyOn. / 8
Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 9
Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library or MYon and read a book about what you like to do. / 10
Read for 15 minutes
Write about your favorite thing to do. / 11
Read for 15 minutes
Write about what you miss about school.
Watch the meteor shower at night. / 12
Read for 15 minutes
Do 50 jumping jacks counting up by 5. / 13
Read for 15 minutes
Go for a walk. Draw a picture of three things you saw.
Read for 15 minutes
Listen to a book on MyOn. / 15
Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 16
Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library and check a chapter book. / 17
Read for 15 minutes
Write a paragraph about the similarities and differences between you and the main character in your chapter book. / 18
Read for 15 minutes
Write a paragraph comparing the setting of your chapter book with where you live. / 19
Read for 15 minutes
Visit a friend or family. Write a paragraph about your visit. / 20
Read for 15 minutes
Draw a picture of your main character and you.
Read for 15 minutes
Watch the solar eclipse and write about it. / 22
Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 23
Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library and check out a magazine. / 24
Read for 15 minutes
Write a paragraph summarizing one article from your magazine. / 25
Read for 15 minutes
Make a poster persuading someone to read your chapter book. / 26
Read for 15 minutes
Write a thank you note to someone who helped you completed something from this calendar. / 27
Read for 15 minutes
Help mom around the house. Tell her how special she is.
Read for 15 minutes
Listen to a book on MyOn. / 29
Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 30
Read for 15 minutes
Go to the library and check a book about a sport. / 31
Read for 15 minutes
Write a letter to your new teacher introducing yourself.
September Reading Calendar
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday1
Read for 15 minutes
Write a book recommendation about the book you read today. / 2
Read for 15 minutes
Write an acrostic poem about SUMMER. / 3
Read for 15 minutes
Have someone read a book to you.
Read for 15 minutes
Practice your math facts for 15 minutes. / 6
Read for 15 minutes
Happy Labor Day / 7
First Day of School
Return this calendar and your notebook.