Purchasing Quick Reference
OklahomaStateUniversity is bound by the policies and procedures set by the OklahomaStateUniversity Board of Regents. The Purchasing Department shall coordinate all purchases for the Center for Health Sciences. Any questions or correspondence related to purchasing shall be routed through the Purchasing Department. While each department is responsible for complying with Policies and Procedures, the Purchasing Department will assist in assuring that compliance is maintained. The following information is meant to serve as a quick reference of the Policies and Procedures for Purchasing.
- Types of Purchase
aPurchasing Authority:
Departments are authorized to make purchases up to $5,000 using the Procurement Card. The Director of Purchasing is the only designee who can authorize purchases over $5,000. Please adhere to this policy by contacting the Purchasing Department to initiate ALL purchases over $5,000. Multiple requisitions or splitting to avoid the bid is illegal and strictly prohibited. You may be held personally responsible for payment of items purchased outside of the policy.
bLevel of Purchasing:
- Small Orders – A#’s
Departments can process orders under $500 using the Small Order – A# system, if the vendor will not accept the P/Card. If you need a list of A#’s, call the Purchasing Department for assistance.
- P/Card
Departments can use the P/Card for purchases up to $5,000. SEE PROCUREMENT CARD GUIDELINES FOR REFERENCE.
- Requisitions
All items that are $500 or more and are restricted by P/Card guidelines, must be processed on an OSU Requisition. The form is an electronic. Call the Purchasing Department for a copy. Oklahoma Statutes require competitive bids for all contracts exceeding $5,000. Contracts for which bids or quotations cannot be solicited require a sole source affidavit and must be reported to the state on a monthly basis. University purchasing policy requires the solicitation of formal quotations for acquisitions and contracts which exceed $5,000 and formal sealed competitive bids for those which exceed $35,000. Signed quotations are normally required for all purchases which exceed $5,000. Informal quotations are encouraged for purchases which do not exceed $5,000. Public improvement projects (construction/repair contracts), which exceed $50,000, require public advertising and formal sealed competitive bidding.
- Shipping and Receiving
aAll Orders:
All orders that are not delivered to your desktop will be received at 1111 West 17th in the Receiving Department, except for the Harvard, POB and HoustonPark locations. These locations will receive their own orders. Items received in the receiving department will be delivered to you by the Receiving Clerk. Ordering departments are responsible for the inspection of all items to assure goods received are as specified and for contacting the vendor for correction if necessary. Departments must ensure that Material Safety Data Sheets are received on any items that require them. Contact the Research Office for guidance. Departments must keep all packing information on orders. The ordering department will conduct all negotiations for replacement of damaged goods. In the event of an impasse, you can seek assistance from the Purchasing Department.
- Invoice Processing
Departments that receive the invoice with the purchased materials will approve the invoice for payment and attach it to the Receiving Report then forward all to the OSU-Tulsa Business Office for payment processing. If the invoice is mailed directly from the vendor, the Purchasing Department will immediately send it to the department for approval process. It is extremely important that invoices are not held up for payment unnecessarily. Therefore if there is a problem with any invoice, the department should consult the Purchasing Department for further instructions.
bReceiving Reports
A Receiving Report is sent to the appropriate department once a requisition has been processed. This Receiving Report is your documentation that the order has been placed. Once you have received the invoice for your order, sign and date the invoice if okay to pay and attach the invoice to the Receiving Report and send it to the OSU-Tulsa Business Office. BE SURE YOU KEEP A COPY OF EVERYTHING YOU SEND TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE FOR PROCESSING.
All transactions for goods and/or services between OSU departments are processed through the Campus Vendor System. The Campus Vendor Invoice (CVI) is prepared by the department and submitted to the Accounting Department for processing. The Accounting Office prepares CVI that are on blanket purchase orders then accounting prepares CVI for the appropriate department.
- Board Items:
aBoard Amount
Formal approval is required for any purchase or commitment that exceeds $150,000.00. These items must be given to the Purchasing Department by the set deadline. The lease or purchase of land or building space also requires advance approval.
A yearly schedule is disbursed to all departments.
- New Vendor Accounts:
aCredit Application
The state of Oklahoma does not allow state agencies to acquire credit. New vendor account applications can be submitted to the Purchasing department for processing and must be signed by the Director of Purchasing.
bVendor Relations
Departments are encouraged to seek information on products and services from vendor representatives. They are a valuable source of information. The Purchasing Department should also be advised of needs so they can assist in locating vendors and developing a procurement plan.
- Contracts:
aOSU Contracts
- Copiers
OSU has a contract that provides a good source for Copiers and Faxes. Contact the Purchasing Office for details.
- Computers
- Printers
OSU has a very competitive contract for Printers. This contract is renewed every six months. Contact the Purchasing Office for details. THESE PURCHASES ALSO REQUIRE COMPUTER SERVICES’ APPROVAL.
bOther Contracts
- Furniture
Contact the Purchasing Department if you are in need of any furniture. We have access to the OU Furniture Contract. This multi vendor contract provides % off list on many brands of furniture ranging in all price levels. This contract can be used up to $35,000.00 without having to solicit bids.
- State Contracts
The State of Oklahoma provides contracts for a multitude of items. These items can be ordered without having to go through a bidding process. Contact the Purchasing Department for guidance.
- Pagers
OSU has a contract that provides a good source for Pagers. This contract is renewed yearly. Contact the Purchasing Office for details.
- Cell Phones
OSU has a new policy on Cell Phone use. Contact the Stillwater Telecom Department.
cPrime Vendor Contracts
- Office Max – OSU has a contract with Office Max for office supplies. The contract provides ordering through the Internet. Desktop delivery is provided everyday for orders place on the previous day. This contract is for supplies only. Furniture and Equipment should be processed as a separate order either by P/Card or on a Requisition. Call Purchasing for guidance.
- Physician Sales and Services – Contact Central Supply at 918-382-3574 – OSU has a contract for medical supplies. Desktop delivery is provided everyday for orders on the previous day. This contract is for Medical Supplies only. Furniture or Equipment should be processed as a separate order either by P/Card or on a Requisition. Call Purchasing for guidance.
- Yearly Contracts
The Purchasing office will assist you in planning for yearly renewal of contracts. These contracts cover equipment leases, maintenance, and contractual services. Contact the Purchasing Department for guidance.
- Service Contracts
All service contracts (maintenance and repair of equipment and buildings), requiring vendors to perform work on campus must be approved through the Purchasing Department. A Service Agreement must be completed and submitted to purchasing with the vendors insurance verification attached. The vendor will be required to complete an Affidavit of Completion once the work has been completed. Contact the Purchasing Department for guidance.
- Forms:
aOSU Requisition
bb. Continuation Sheet
cSole Source Affidavit
dSole Product Affidavit
eProfessional Service Contract Affidavit
gContract Extension Agreement
hEquipment List
iTax Exemption Memorandum
jOSU Certificate of Insurance
kIndependent Contractor and Hold Harmless Declaration
lAffidavit of Completion
mPurchasing Policy and Procedure
- Purchasing Procedure Contacts:
Purchasing Personnel
Debbie Keener, or call 918- 594-8329
OSU-Tulsa Coordinator:
Scott Dipboye, or call 918-594-8204
OSU-CHS Coordinator:
Brandi Brown, or call 918-594-8330
Purchasing Assistant :
Elaine Ribordy, or call 918-594-8470
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