A Remote Sensing and GIS approach to Trace thedensification in Residential Areas: Case Study: Kalidas Road, Dehradun, India
Valliappan AL
School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada(SPAV), Planning
Concept of densification
Densification is defined as “More usage of space both horizontal and vertically within existing plots/properties and new developments accompanied by increased number of dwelling units.Densification is contrast to the urban sprawl / green field developments and it supports the concepts like city compaction, defragmentation, infill developments, smart growth, intensification, brownfield and sustainable development strategies. It promotes redevelopment of existing residential areas rather than non-utilization of the existing infrastructural facilities.
Case study area,data and method
Thispaper presents a detailed case study of the Kalidas Road stretch of 2km road length and buffer distance of 500m on both sides of the road for two time periods (2000 and 2014), in terms of land use, typologies of housing, plots area, height, residential densities and types of re-densification. The panchromatic image (1m spatial resolution) and Multi spectral (4m resolution) IKNOS satellite images captured in the year 2000 were fused for better spatial and spectral resolution and Google earth imagery 2013 were vectorized to identify the different sizes of plots, built up area and for change detection/overlay operations.
Analysis, results and discussion
Overlay analysis had been undertaken in open source Geographic Information System(GIS) and Digital Image Processing software like ERDAS Imagine 2014 fordetection of changes in built-up residential land, parcels/lotsbetween the two time periodsusing high-resolution satellite imageries. Field investigation survey and ground truthing carried out for collection of information and verification. Attempted to capture and generate maps by utilizing spatial and attribute query tool to identify changes in vacant plot/infill development, addition and extension of built up area vertically and horizontally, amalgamation and sub-division of plots.Comparison of housing scenario in terms of housing characteristics like existing housing typologies, number of houses, maximum, minimum and average plot sizes, net and gross residential densities. The Mussorrie Dehradun Development Authority Master plan and Urban Development Policy Formulation Implementation Guidelines of Government of India were referred to identify the violation in buildings, plots and gaps in infrastructural facilities. Problems and issues like building and layout violation, design issues and infrastructural constraints were identified. The results of the study showed the changes in the plot area, potential vacant plots and the built up area available in plots for densification vertically and horizontally and three steps had been suggested for systematic identification of the potential residential areas for densification while undertakingpreparation process for city development plan.
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