Mrs. Barker – First Semester 2012/13

TEXT: Mathematics 10


MeasurementChapter 1Sept. 4 – 21

Factors & ProductsChapter 3Sept. 24 – Oct. 12

Roots and PowersChapter 4Oct. 15 – 31

Relations and FunctionsChapter 5Nov. 1 - 9

Linear FunctionsChapter 6Nov. 13 – Dec. 7

Systems of Linear EquationsChapter 7Dec. 10 – 21

TrigonometryChapter 2Jan. 7 – 18

ReviewJan. 21 – 25


  • Notebook/binder/pen/pencil
  • Graph paper/ruler
  • Calculator


You are expected to be here every scheduled period, ready to start on time. I often give surprise quizzes at the start of class and students who arrive late will not be given extra time to complete the quiz. You are required to contact me at the school, 992-7007, if you are going to be absent for a scheduled test or you will not be permitted to write a make-up test.


Late assignments are not accepted without prior discussion with me. Homework is due at the start of the class two days after it is assigned unless otherwise indicated.


The marking system is broken down as follows:

Unit Tests80%

Class Work/Quizzes20%

Term 140%

Term 240%

Provincial Exam20%

PROVINCIAL EXAM: The provincial exam will be scheduled between January 28 and 31st. You will NOT receive credit for this course without writing the final exam.


Extra help is often available at lunch. Please talk to your teacher if you want to make specific plans to meet. The pace of the course is FAST. If you get stuck, get help immediately! Links to helpful websites are also available on Mrs. Barker’s Website at:


If you must miss a class, for any reason, here is what you can expect and what is required of you:

  • You are responsible for finding out what you missed and getting caught up on assignments.
  • Expect to spend 2 HOURS of your own time to make up for every 1 HOUR of class missed. Math is difficult to learn on your own and takes longer by yourself than in class.
  • Ask a friend for the notes that you missed and copy them out. Once you have read over them, work through the examples in the text book and then try the assignment. If you have difficulties, try accessing the links on Mrs. Barker’s website.
  • Some class activities involve collaboration and are not easy to make up if missed. If you have missed one of these classes, ask a friend to explain what went on and then try accessing one of the links on the website as there may not be class notes to copy.
  • AFTER you have gotten the notes, looked at the examples in the textbook and tried the assignment, you are welcome to ask Mrs. Barker for help.
  • If you miss a test for a legitimate reason, you have five class days to write the test. It must be written at lunch on a day mutually acceptable to you and the teacher, but within that five day period.


I HAVE READ THE ABOVE AND UNDERSTAND THE EXPECTATIONS OF THIS COURSE. (Tear off and return for next class as your first assignment)

Student (name and signature)

Parent (name and signature)


DateParent e-mail contact information