Resource Allocation Proposal
Originator: / Rae Brooks
Program or Department Name: / Associate Degree Nursing Program
Area Dean: / Dr. Kathleen Winston / Campus: / MVC
Area Vice President: / Dr. Bill Vincent
Account Code:
Total Amount Requested: / $35,000.00 per academic year to supplement a baseline salary. Academic Director/Associate Dean
One Time Funding ____ / On Going Funding __x___ / Safety____
What are you requesting? Why is the request being made? Where was the need identified?
The request is being made for the permanent ongoing funding for an Associate Degree Nursing Program Academic Director/or Associate Dean position.
Thereare two accreditation entities that mandate the need for a dedicated administrator for pre-licensure nursing programs. TheNational League of Nursing Accreditation Standard and the California Board of Registered Nursing regulation requires nursing programs to maintain a ‘dedicated’ administrator position to have the ability to perform the following administrative duties:
"Director" means the registered nurse administrator or faculty member who meets the qualifications of section 1425(a) and has the authority and responsibility to administer the program. The director coordinates and directs all activities in developing, implementing, and managing a nursing program, including its fiscal planning;”- California Code of Regulations 1420 (h).
Duties and Responsibilities of a Nursing Academic Director/Associate Dean include but is not limited to:
Coordinates, directs and participates in all activities involved in planning, developing, organizing, implementing, evaluating and managing the Registered Nursing Program and special department projects
Serves as the Registered Nursing Program liaison, maintains compliance with accreditation and legal standards to the Board of Registered Nursing and the National League for Nursing and other accrediting agencies
Directs the collection and analysis of data for annual reports, self-study reports and site visits required by the Board of Registered Nursing, the National League for Nursing and other accrediting agencies
Maintain ongoing communication with all Lead Registered Nursing Program Faculty, Associate Faculty and Classified Employees/Front Office Staff
Assist in the development of program goals, program policies, new programs and objectives based on industry, community and college input
Coordinates recruitments, admission and ongoing advisement of generic, transfer and foreign Registered Nursing students
Conducts ongoing systematic program planning, evaluating, organizing and implementing assessment of student success
Assist with curriculum planning and the development of the schedule of classes and faculty teaching assignments for the Registered Nursing Program and other assigned courses
Assists in the development and management of program budget
Coordinates Faculty enrollment and compliance with BRN regulations, orient new faculty
Participates in the recruitment, selection, orientation, supervision and evaluation of faculty for the Registered Nursing Program in accordance with the requirements of the accreditation agencies
Plans and conducts RN Director Meetings and other meetings in accordance with accreditation guidelines
Participates in student orientation
Assists with writing Strategic Plans of Success and counsel for students
Schedule time to meet with students for evaluation and counseling purposes
Weekly meetings to coordinate program operations and performs other duties assigned by the direction of the Dean
Minimum Qualifications
A Master’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university which includes course work in nursing education or administration (Section 1425, Title 16 Regulations) At least one year of “clinically competent” experience as a Registered Nurse providing direct patient care or equivalent experiences as determined by the board
A minimum of one year experience in an Administrative position
A minimum of two yearsexperience in teaching, pre or post-licensure nursing programs
Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your Program Review/Annual Program Assessment:
The Associate Degree Nursing Program has been able to remain successful by having consistently high NCLEX-RN pass rates. A dedicated academic director is necessary to the authority and responsibility to administer the program. The director coordinates and directs all activities in developing, implementing, and managing a nursing program, including its fiscal planning.
The 2011-2012 Associate Degree Nursing Program Review identifies the ability to meet the following institutional goals:
Student Success- Student Success Workshops for nursing students are held the week prior to the start of the semester. There is a part time nursing student success counselor that meets with students through self-referrals or instructor referrals to assist with personal counseling, study success tips, time management, scholarship searches, and academic guidance.
Fiscally Sound Position- All nursing courses within the program meet the California Board of Registered Nurses required curriculum. Prospective students were notified two academic semesters about the institution of fees to learning resources such as Assessment Technology Institute (ATI) and skills tote supplies. Until spring 2012, the nursing program budget has been used to purchase the skills supplies costing anywhere between $5000-$7000 per semester. Until spring 2012, the ATI learning resource was purchased for all students through grant funds. The total approximate cost savings for the ATI and skills tote purchases over one academic is $56,000.
Systematic Planning and Assessment- During weekly nursing program faculty meetings, all full time faculty are required to attend and associate faculty are strongly encouraged to attend. There is also student representation by the National Student Nurses Association members. Every faculty meeting is structured to include the following areas: Curriculum, Clinical Coordination, Policy and Procedures, Learning Resources/Student Success, Admissions, Selection, Attrition, and Retention (see attached example).
At the end of each academic semester, an End of Course Evaluation Tool is submitted from each course lead instructor. The tool depicts SLO achievement, ATI scores, hospital clinical feedback, course grades, retention, attrition, and utilization of student success counselor (see attached example)
The program has already incorporated ATI Testing to assist students in obtaining a better indicator of what their probability is of passing NCLEX.
Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture-The Board of Registered Nursing granted full reaccreditation to the Associate Degree Nursing Program in December 2010.
Community Partnerships and Service- There are strong community partnerships and clinical affiliations. Riverside Community Hospital is a recent clinical affiliation addition and there is communication and planning to build an affiliation with Loma Linda University Medical Center Murrieta.
Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your Unit Plan and Division Plan (link to Unit/Division Plans 2011-2012)
The unit plan was written to include an area of “Priority action”. See the list of items under the Nursing and Allied Health Unit Plan which includes an identified need to create and fund an Associate Dean/ADN Program Director.
“Priority Action Plan”
The Nursing and Allied Health Unit priority action plan is grounded in the MSJC Institutional Goals and Strategic Plan, the Educational Master Plan (2009-16) findings, the 2009-10 Unit Plan recommendations, comprehensive review conducted by the Unit Dean and a review and analysis of relevant Nursing and Allied Health documents and reports. This comprehensive broad based assessment, planning and implementation is intended to meet the educational challenges facing the nursing and allied health programs as described in the Educational Master Plan (IX. D. page 45) as the ‘center for the Menifee campus’ and requiring ‘a 360 degree sector review necessary to develop long range strategic/planning goals’.
The priority actions include:
- Immediate hire of two medical-surgical faculty to replace vacancy reassignment and retirement for the ADN Program to achieve compliance.
- Immediate hire of the grant funded Student Success Advisor/Counselor to achieve BRN compliance.
- Immediate hire of the grant funded Enrollment/evaluator/research Specialist to achieve BRN compliance.
- Immediate hire of one grant funded Clerk IV for the ADN Program to achieve BRN compliance.
- Immediate hire of full-time NAHU Skills/Simulation Lab Coordinator to replace the vacancy and achieve BRN compliance.
- Create and fund an Associate Dean/ADN Program Director.
- Hire of a baccalaureate prepared DMS faculty to achieve CAAHEP accreditation.
- Provide funds to support and sustain CAAHEP expenses for DMS accreditation.
- Provide funds to support CNA/HHA curriculum update to maintain state compliance.
- Hire a Clerical Assistant to support the Nursing and Allied Health Unit and provide back-up support to the ADN Program clerk.
- Fund the Par Score/Par Test maintenance contract.
- Purchase Class Climate software license to support Nursing and Allied Health required surveys.
- Fund the Unit Fall Student Success annual event (aka Welcome Back BBQ) for new student orientation, instructional workshops, assessment testing, remediation and a wide range of student services activities.
- Purchase and sustain Institutional Memberships for NAHU professional organizations and associations including but, not limited to DMS and ADN’s NLN Memberships.
- Provide travel/mileage reimbursement for preceptorship instruction in DMS and ADN Programs.
- Provide funds to support NLNAC accreditation planning activities and initial costs.
- Provide funds for the NLNAC accreditation preparation, site visit and sustainability.
- Provide resources for renovation of skills/simulation lab space for EMS/EMT program including relocation to modules 2008 and 2009 and advanced EMS Simulation Lab in module 2006.
- Provide increase in EMS/EMT Instructional Aide hours.
- Provide resources for faculty professional development, mentoring of new faculty and remediation of permanent faculty.
- Provide resources to support consulting experts for curriculum, accreditation and program development for current and future programs.
- Develop new and expand current clinical and educational partnership initiatives for Unit programs including but not limited to ADN to BSN and ADN to MSN tracks for MSJC students with CSUSM and Concordia University.
Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your CLO/DLO/PL0/AUO/SLO:
The request for a dedicated Program Administrator position is to provide responsibility and accountability over achievement of the program’s terminal objectives/program learning outcomes:
Upon completion the ADN program graduate will be able to:
- Incorporate ethical, legal and safety standards and professionalism (Nurse Practice Act).
- Develop leadership skills and promote research/evidence based practice
- Design Problem Solving Plans (PSP) using the nursing process to direct and manage care of clients.
- Develop and utilize effective verbal and written communication methods that can be used with clients, family and health care professionals to promote optimum wellness and patient advocacy.
- Incorporate principles of environmental, informatics, client and personal safety when using the nursing process to provide care for clients.
- Integrate knowledge of drug classifications used to promote, maintain, and restore optimum wellness.
- Synthesize growth and development concepts for the care of clients of various ages.
- Compare and contrasts the various, physical, social, cultural, and spiritual environments using the nursing process to promote, maintain and restore optimum wellness
- Analysis of physiological needs for clients to promote, maintain and restore optimum wellness
- Pass the national exam for licensure in the state of California and continue lifelong learning.
Section II / Describe how your request is aligned with one or more of the following Institutional Priorities: (link to SP)
Student Success
Duties and Responsibilities of a Nursing Academic Director/Associate Dean include but is not limited to:
Coordinates, directs and participates in all activities involved in planning, developing, organizing, implementing, evaluating and managing the Registered Nursing Program and special department projects
Serves as the Registered Nursing Program liaison, maintains compliance with accreditation and legal standards to the Board of Registered Nursing and the National League for Nursing and other accrediting agencies
Directs the collection and analysis of data for annual reports, self-study reports and site visits required by the Board of Registered Nursing, the National League for Nursing and other accrediting agencies
Maintain ongoing communication with all Lead Registered Nursing Program Faculty, Associate Faculty and Classified Employees/Front Office Staff
Assist in the development of program goals, program policies, new programs and objectives based on industry, community and college input
Coordinates recruitments, admission and ongoing advisement of generic, transfer and foreign Registered Nursing students
Conducts ongoing systematic program planning, evaluating, organizing and implementing assessment of student success
Assist with curriculum planning and the development of the schedule of classes and faculty teaching assignments for the Registered Nursing Program and other assigned courses
Assists in the development and management of program budget
Coordinates Faculty enrollment and compliance with BRN regulations, orient new faculty
Participates in the recruitment, selection, orientation, supervision and evaluation of faculty for the Registered Nursing Program in accordance with the requirements of the accreditation agencies
Plans and conducts RN Director Meetings and other meetings in accordance with accreditation guidelines
Participates in student orientation
Assists with writing Strategic Plans of Success and counsel for students
Schedule time to meet with students for evaluation and counseling purposes
Weekly meetings to coordinate program operations and performs other duties assigned by the direction of the Dean
Fiscally Sound Position:
Duties and Responsibilities of a Nursing Academic Director/Associate Dean include but is not limited to:
Assists in the development and management of program budget. There are ongoing attempts for the nursing grants as the opportunity present itself.
One example is the acquisition of the Song Brown Grant approximately $160,000.00 to support the infrastructure of the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
Systematic Planning and Assessment:
Duties and Responsibilities of a Nursing Academic Director/Associate Dean include but is not limited to:
Coordinates, directs and participates in all activities involved in planning, developing, organizing, implementing, evaluating and managing the Registered Nursing Program and special department projects
Serves as the Registered Nursing Program liaison, maintains compliance with accreditation and legal standards to the Board of Registered Nursing and the National League for Nursing and other accrediting agencies
Directs the collection and analysis of data for annual reports, self-study reports and site visits required by the Board of Registered Nursing, the National League for Nursing and other accrediting agencies
Maintain ongoing communication with all Lead Registered Nursing Program Faculty, Associate Faculty and Classified Employees/Front Office Staff
Assist in the development of program goals, program policies, new programs and objectives based on industry, community and college input
Coordinates recruitments, admission and ongoing advisement of generic, transfer and foreign Registered Nursing students
Conducts ongoing systematic program planning, evaluating, organizing and implementing assessment of student success
Assist with curriculum planning and the development of the schedule of classes and faculty teaching assignments for the Registered Nursing Program and other assigned courses
Assists in the development and management of program budget
Coordinates Faculty enrollment and compliance with BRN regulations, orient new faculty
Participates in the recruitment, selection, orientation, supervision and evaluation of faculty for the Registered Nursing Program in accordance with the requirements of the accreditation agencies
Plans and conducts RN Director Meetings and other meetings in accordance with accreditation guidelines
Participates in student orientation
Assists with writing Strategic Plans of Success and counsel for students
Schedule time to meet with students for evaluation and counseling purposes
Weekly meetings to coordinate program operations and performs other duties assigned by the direction of the Dean
Section II / Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture:
Duties and Responsibilities of a Nursing Academic Director/Associate Dean include but is not limited to:
Coordinates, directs and participates in all activities involved in planning, developing, organizing, implementing, evaluating and managing the Registered Nursing Program and special department projects
Serves as the Registered Nursing Program liaison, maintains compliance with accreditation and legal standards to the Board of Registered Nursing and the National League for Nursing and other accrediting agencies
Directs the collection and analysis of data for annual reports, self-study reports and site visits required by the Board of Registered Nursing, the National League for Nursing and other accrediting agencies
Maintain ongoing communication with all Lead Registered Nursing Program Faculty, Associate Faculty and Classified Employees/Front Office Staff
Assist in the development of program goals, program policies, new programs and objectives based on industry, community and college input
Coordinates recruitments, admission and ongoing advisement of generic, transfer and foreign Registered Nursing students
Conducts ongoing systematic program planning, evaluating, organizing and implementing assessment of student success
Assist with curriculum planning and the development of the schedule of classes and faculty teaching assignments for the Registered Nursing Program and other assigned courses
Assists in the development and management of program budget
Coordinates Faculty enrollment and compliance with BRN regulations, orient new faculty