1. Please provide project details (specific activities along with purpose for funding).

Goal B assigned to the TAP Implementation on Barrier and Access Solutions was to facilitate establishment of the Workforce Board’s standing committee on accessibility and barrier solutions and to ensure that similar local advisory committee have been established in each WDC. After this advisory network is established, TAP calls on the local and state committees to engage in annual dialogue on accessibility and barrier solutions. The recommendation creating the Board’s standing committee established an expectation that local advisory committees would report to the state-level standing committee on local barrier removal projects and emerging local accessibility issues, so that the members of the standing committee can identify where resources might be leveraged or recalibrated in order to remove statewide, systemic barriers.

During 2017, the chairs and staff of the TAP Implementation Committee met with the newly established local advisory committees and collected feedback that the state could be useful in creating a community of practice that spans across WDC jurisdictions and connects subject-matter experts from around Washington. These listening tours also revealed a widespread desire to create a communications strategy that encourages sharing of best practices among the local committees and with the state-level standing committee, coupled with a centrally located repository of resources. The TAP Implementation Committee charged a task force to create a forum and set of established practices for sharing information between the local advisory committee network and the state-level standing committee, but achieved little momentum over the spring as few volunteers had the expertise or background knowledge to complete the project.

To that end, TAP Accelerator Funding is sought to engage a communications consultantto develop a communications strategy that connects the twelve local WDC barrier and accessibility solutions advisory groups to each other and the statewide Barrier and Accessibility Solutions Committee (BASC). The consultant will additionally establish a communications strategy for the statewide BASC to work with the public stakeholders and community partners for the purpose of identifying and collaborating on barrier solutions.

This strategy should include:

  • A method for sharing best practices among advisory groups;
  • A forum for local advisory groups to talk to each other and ask questions of each other;
  • A protocol for highlighting relevant issues and solutions to each other to the statewide BASC;
  • A plan for structured outreach to stakeholders and the public.

The contractor should deliver their strategy by early 2018, with the expectation of presenting the communications strategy and related tools to the network of local advisory committees and the state-level standing committee at an anticipated convening in March 2018.

  1. Projected Cost of Project: $15,000
  1. How does this proposal accelerate implementation of the TAP Plan?

This proposal accelerates two of three goals assigned to the TAP Implementation Committee on Barrier and Accessibility Solutions:

GOAL B / Establish the state-level advisory committee on accessibility and barrier solutions and ensure the designation of local advisory committees during the first two years of the plan. By the fourth year of the plan, ensure that the state-level advisory committee has received multiple years of progress reports on barrier removal projects at the local level from each local area.
GOAL C / Identify and encourage local pilot program that use technology as a means of facilitating and improving and integrated service delivery for customers, including programs that are designed to improve access to the system.
  1. Attach a budget identifying source and amount of leveraged resources to complete the project when appropriate.

Contractor / $15,000
  1. Specify the specific TAP Goals, measures or deliverables that will be addressed through funded activities.

Anticipated Deliverables from Contractor

The contactor will consult local advisory committees and the state-level standing committee and deliver a communications strategy that will include:

  • A method for sharing best practices among advisory groups;
  • A forum for local advisory groups to talk to each other and ask questions of each other;
  • A protocol for highlighting relevant issues and solutions to each other to the statewide BASC;
  • A plan for structured outreach to stakeholders and the public.
  1. Specify how the committee charter is being amended to implement that TAP Accelerator project per the “Charters” section above (you may include the appropriate amended language in the charter, attach a revised committee charter, or submit a link to the committee charter as amended.)

The TAP Implementation Committee on Barrier and Access Solutions will amend their charter to reflect the development and adoption of the Communications strategy and reporting structure through fall 2017 and into 2018.

  1. Demonstrate how this proposal aligns with the priorities of the other Implementation Committees (please describe any coordination with other committees when appropriate).

Integrated Service Delivery /
  • Increase the number of designated navigators available within the Worksource system.
  • Increase the number of participants, including those with barriers, who have defined career pathways and have gained portable skills, received industry recognized credentials, and/or earned college credits.
The convening will highlight the customer experiences of different populations facing barriers, informing ISD discussion that may lead to the development of navigator competencies. Additionally, the convening will advance the ISD Committee’s goal to help more participants facing barriers define their career pathways. The workplan created by the state-level standing committee as a result of the convening will directly address improving services for participants facing barriers.
Common Intake / n/a
Business Engagement / n/a
Professional Development /
  • Management-level staff professional development on the workforce system, TAP, core programs, building effective partnerships, and accountability and outcomes for all core programs.
  • Front-Line Staff professional development, for workers at one-stops and among partner agencies, on the workforce system, TAP, core programs, building effective partnerships, and accountability and outcomes for all core programs.
The convening could conceivably inform the development of future professional development on serving people facing barriers to employment.
Performance Accountability / n/a
  1. Outline a timeframe for the use of the requested funds and implementation of the project.

July 2017 /
  • Draft and formalize RFP for contractor. Release RFP

August 2017 /
  • Award contract

September 2017 /
  • Contractor Interviews with Local Advisory Committees

October 2017 /
  • Contractor Interviews with Local Advisory Committees
  • Contractor Interviews with Newly Seated State-Level Standing Committee

November 2017 /
  • Draft communications strategy

December 2017 /
  • Draft communications strategy

January 2018 /
  • Finalize draft of communications strategy

February 2018 /
  • Preview communications strategy

March 2018 /
  • Convening in late March.

  1. Who will provide oversight and management of the plan and funds to ensure success?

BASC Committee staff will provide oversight and management of the contractor.