[Hoylake Community Planning Forum]

Thursday 17 October 2013 at 8 Market Street, Hoylake, CH47 2AE

Record of Annual General meeting

Present: Peter Edwards (Chairman)Cllr E L BoultCllr G Ellis

Cllr J HaleM BiagettiMs Carla Williams Mrs Rosie Saville Ms Rose Chandler Ms Jackie Hall

M Meredith JonesG L DavisV Williams

S M LowtherMs Rose KirkbyM Howard

Mrs Annie SmithMrs Angela DuffyC T Moore

Apologies:J PercivalMrs E Davey

Item 1.Welcoming Remarks.

  1. The Chairman welcomed all those attending and noted the apologies. He emphasised that this AGM was the opportunity to report progress on the Neighbourhood Plan, to seek further direction from Forum members and to confirm the Management Committee for the ensuing year.

Item 2. Summary of Work Since July 2012

  1. Work achieved to date was as follows:
  2. Policy Context. Development of a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) was encouraged by Government under the Localism Act 2012. The plan was required to be consistent with the new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Council’s emerging Core Strategy (CS) which would replace the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) for the period to 2025. Hoylake was included in Settlement Area 6 of the CS which, in draft, described the vision for the town as:

“ . . the distinct character, historic value and natural environment associated with the settlements of Hoylake (and West Kirby) will have been sustained, supported by high quality facilities for leisure and tourism including rejuvenated promenades and improvements . . “

  1. Draft Neighbourhood Plan. The draft Neighbourhood Plan (NP) which this Forum was now undertaking must be within the context of these higher level strategies and would be subject to checks to ensure compliance. Through the Vision questionnaire and various consultations conducted by HVL, the following Key Themes had been identified:
  2. Improving the high street
  3. Improving Hoylake’s open spaces
  4. Getting around Hoylake including improving access across the railway line
  5. Safeguarding special buildings and places and ensuring local identity
  6. Encouraging a well managed evening and night time economy
  7. Celebrating Hoylake for residents and visitors
  8. Regeneration of the Carr Lane industrial estate
  9. Getting the right balance of renewal and development for homes

Using funds allocated by the Government under the control of Wirral Council, a firm of planning consultants – Taylor Young, Liverpool – had been commissioned to draft the NP using the Key Themes and associated information. A draft outline had been submitted to the HV Management Committeewhich had elicited some comment. A full draft would be submitted by 1 November which would then need to be thoroughly reviewed. The draft NP would need to be fully disseminated through the town for comment including at least one review workshop. With further refinement, it was planned to submit the amended draft NP to the Committee by 20 December. Once in final form, the NP would be subject to scrutiny by an external examiner who could seek further amendment. Once passed, the NP would be published in good time to be voted on at a Referendum, provisionally at the time of the local elections in May 2014. If the NP secures 50% support from those voting then it would become obligatory for the Council to apply the plan to the future development of the town.

  1. Question Period. A number of questions were raised from the floor, principally concerned with the proposed arrangements to consult the public, improve the knowledge at large about the plan and the possible impact of the Council’s proposed Golf Resort. An assurance was given that the Committee would devise an information strategy in order to ensure that people were properly informed and engaged with this important initiative which aimed to put the future of the town in local hands rather than solely those of central or local government.

Item 3. Confirmation of Management Committee.

  1. On a unanimous show of hands, the following were confirmed as members of the Management Committee for a further year:

Peter Edwards (Chair)Matthew BiagettiMrs Jackie Hall

Cllr John HaleMark HowardMs Rose Kirkby

Stewart LowtherChristopher MooreJohn Percival

Richard StoweVaughan Williams

  1. Proposed by John Hale and seconded by Mrs Jackie Hall, it was agreed to co-opt Cllr Gerry Ellis on to the Committee.

Item 4. Other Business.

  1. There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 19.50 after thanking all those who attended and for their contributions.

CTMOORE3 Nov 2013

Hon Secretary