Consumers’ attitudes towards the environmental impact of fast


I am a student at Manchester Metropolitan University. I’m conducting my final year honours project and to proceed to the second stage of my dissertation I am conducting a questionnaire, I would be grateful if you can spare the time to answer these questions. The information provided will be confidential. Please use the letter X to tick the appropriate box.

Age Group: 18 – 25 [ ]

25 – 30 [ ]

30 – 35 [ ]

35 – 40 [ ]

40 and Over [ ]

Gender: Female [ ] Male [ ]

1.  What does fast fashion mean to you?......


……………………………………...... …………………………………………………………………………………………....

2. What is your attitude towards fast fashion? …………………………………......



3.  How often do you purchase garments?

Once a week [ ] Once a month [ ] Once a year [ ]

If other, please state …………………………………………………………………

4. What effects your decision on buying clothes? Price [ ] Brands [ ] Trend [ ]

5.  How much do you think you spend on apparel? Please choose one of the following: weekly base ………………………………………………..

monthly base ………………………………………………

yearly base ………………………………………………....

6. Are you aware of the effect fast fashion are having on the environment? Yes [ ] No [ ]

if yes, what do you think the course is? ……………………………………………….


7. Are you aware of the chemicals used on apparel productions and the consequence

this has on the environment and on the water drains? Yes [ ] No [ ]

8.  Are you conscious of the process a garment most go through before it reaches the

Shops? Yes [ ] No [ ]

9.  How often do you dispose of your unwanted clothes? …………………………………

10. How do you discard of your unwanted garments?

Recycle [ ] Waste bin [ ] Charity shops [ ]

11. What do you think happens with the garments you dispose of and where do you think

they end up?


12.  What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the following?

A) Recycle ……………………………………………………………………….……………………


B) Eco ………………………………………………………………………………………......


13.  Do you know what happens with the clothes you recycle and the garments that end up at the charity shops? ……………………………………………………………………………………



14.  Would you consider buying recycle clothes? Yes [ ] No [ ]

if No, please give your reason …………………………………………………………………………………………….


15. Would you consider buying clothes from a charity shop? Yes [ ] No [ ]

if No, please give your reason ………………………………………………………......


16.  What are Eco product?......


17. Would you consider buying Eco products? Yes [ ] No [ ]

If No, please give your reason…………………………………………………………



18.  Would you consider paying more for these products if you know it’s for a good cost?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

if No, please give your reason…………………………………………………………….


19.  More and more fast fashion retailers are producing environmental friendly

Products, how do you think this would effect/change the course of fast fashion?


20.  How would these affect you as a consumer? ………………………………………….


21.  What do you think you can do as a consumer to contribute to save the

environment? …………………………………………………………………………...



When completed please can you attach and email the questionnaire back to myself at the following e-mail address:-