This thriller will be set in the south of France with all the usual ingredients: money, romance, crime, glamour, mystery, science, art, action, humour and politics. So, you must find:

The yacht of a dictator from the Middle East. It doesn’t matter if the man is now dead but his country must be a big oil producer. / The name of the dictator:
Where exactly is the yacht: /


A scientist who has invented a revolutionary engine using an alternative fuel source. It doesn’t matter if the man is a prankster. He can even be French. / The name of the man:
The fuel used for his engine:
A casino owner who was murdered 30 years ago. It doesn’t matter if her body was never found but it must be a story which still makes the headlines today. / The name the casino:
The name of the owner:
An actor who played James Bond in Casino Royale. It’s important that the reader thinks he knows who he is when, in fact, he doesn’t. / The name of the actor:
Another actor from the same cast:
A restaurant which was made famous by an American composer and had among its guests a famous cartoonist. / The name of the restaurant:
The name of the cartoonist:
An old fort overlooking the city. The place must be completely isolated. In fact there will be only one neighbour: an eccentric rock star millionaire. / The name of the fort:
The name of the rock star:
Culture will be a key factor in the project. A clue will be hidden in a painting. So, we need painter who used to live in a palace near a flower market. / The name of the painter:
The name of the palace:
Another clue will be hidden in the music sheet of the «King Lear». It will be found in the tower where the composer wrote the music over 150 years ago. / The name of the tower:
The name of the composer:
Numerology will also play a part. Find an old church with a tile covered dome. Note when it was built and count the tiles on the roof of the dome. / The name of the church:
Date of foundation:
Number of tiles on the dome:
Finally we need a murder weapon. It must look absolutely harmless but, used properly, it will be lethal even in the hands of a woman. / What do you suggest as a weapon:
Give the name of the lady who used one to defeat her enemies: