Name(s): ______

Biome Survival Lab

Group Task: Your CRASH SITE (Biome): ______

Plane Crash Incident Report:

Your small plane crashed in your biome approximately 150 kilometers from the nearest town. The pilot was killed in the crash (sad!), but you and one other passenger survived. It is January and temperature is average for that area during that time of year. The plane is completely wrecked, but the following items are scattered around the crash site:


☼ volleyball
☼ a small amount of steel wool

☼ 4” x 4” plastic tubberware container

☼ a plastic bucket
☼ can of vegetable oil
☼ 6 m x 6 m tarp
☼ 1 lighter
☼ 1 gallon of drinkable water

☼ 7 newspapers
☼ hatchet
☼ pistol with 10 bullets
☼ 6 chocolate bars
☼ 4 shirts and 4 pairs of pants

☼ 1 quart of rubbing alcohol

☼ 1 blanket

☼ first aid kit



1.  Using your knowledge of biomes and your biome map, what country might you have landed in (pick one)?

2.  What is the area/environment like? Remember your environment is made up of many abiotic and biotic factors (temperature, geography, animals, plant life, water sources, etc.). Be sure to include at least four examples of each!

3.  What available natural resources might you be able to use from your biome? Remember, you are trying to survive, so the more things you can figure a use for the better! Be detailed, however, a few things are not available:

a.  The cabin of the plane – it was destroyed! However, the seats and seatbelts are intact

b.  Leaving the area – don’t ask why; it’s just a rule!

c.  Someone “not” surviving – everyone makes it in this lab!

4.  Now, you and your partner need to pick SIX of the items from the plane crash (listed above). These items should be chosen to help you survive. Hint: Be sure to consider natural resources, biotic and abiotic, available in your particular biome when selecting these items. List items below:

5.  Why did you choose these items? You must explain and justify how these items will help in regard to your biome!

Characteristics of your biome – use your books and biomes map to answer the questions below.

6.  What is the average temperature in your biome during the month of January?

7.  What season would that be considered? Hint: the equator plays a role in this…

8.  What is the average precipitation in your biome during the month of January?

9.  What animals are found in your biome? Identify at least three.

10.  How might these animals influence your survival? Are they helpful? Harmful? Be specific.

11.  Describe your day-to-day plan for survival at the crash site; be specific enough to demonstrate that you understand the temperature, precipitation, and resources available at your biome. Your plan must include SEVEN DAYS worth of survival plans!

Conclusion Questions:

12.  What is the most difficult situation to overcome in your biome?

13.  Talk to the pair in front/behind you. If you were to have crashed in their biome, would that have changed your recovered items? Why or why not?

14.  Which land-based biome do you feel would be the most difficult of all the biomes to survive in? Why?

15.  Which land-based biome do you feel would be the easiest of all the biomes to survive in? Why?

16.  Using the graphic to the right, which biome would be best suited for human success? Explain how you came to this conclusion.