French III Syllabus 2014-2015

Moulay Abdelmoumen

The policies and syllabus are a guide to inform students and parents of the general course description and content, and is subject to change in order to accommodate the needs of the class and of individual students.

Course Description, French Level II:

The Level II language course focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in the target language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language. It assumes that the students have successfully completed a Level I course or are at a Novice-Mid level of proficiency. Students begin to show a greater level of accuracy when using basic language structures, and they are exposed to more complex features of the language. The major means of communication between students and instructors will be in the target language. An important component of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world.

Course of Study & Class Activities:

Our textbook is “Bon Voyage”. While students will use the textbook as a reference, students will not be taught strictly by the textbook and a variety of resources and methods will be used. Much of class time is student participation in stories and “comprehensible input activities”. As beginning language learners, students must first hear and comprehend the language before they are able to speak it. As a teacher, I will introduce students to the language in a way that makes it comprehensible to them by making associations with pictures or with students performing actions in class. Grammar explanations are in context and kept short and precise.

Students will need to bring the following materials to class every day:

Three ring binder (1½” – 2”) with 6 - 8 dividers

Pen (Dark Blue or Black Ink) and Pencil


Textbook “Bon Voyage”

Grade Calculation:

Final grades will be based on the percentages that are given below.

MAJOR TESTS/ Projects 60 %

QUIZZES/ Class Work 20%

Listening/speaking 20%

Office Hours and Intervention Times:

Wednesday after school l (Please notify the teacher in advance.)

KHS Honor Code:

To pursue excellence at KHS, an academic environment that rejects cheating or any other form of dishonesty is essential. Students at KHS will continue to develop a sense of honor, responsibility, and ethical principles that extend to all facets of life. Self-esteem and self-respect grow from meeting challenges with honesty and individual effort. Students earn respect for themselves and their academic work through academic integrity and ethical conduct. Recognition, understanding, and practice of academic integrity policies prepare students for college and life. It is an essential part of education and citizenship.

Cheating is inexcusable conduct and will be dealt with strictly. A zero will be given for the assignment and the student will be referred to the administration.

Definition of Cheating: According to the KHS handbook, “Cheating includes any attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead a teacher in his or her arriving at an accurate assessment of student achievement.”

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of stealing, using and/or passing off another person’s ideas or words as your own without properly documenting the original source. This INCLUDES using an on-line translator to translate passages from English to another language AND/OR having a native speaker do your work for you.

Attendance Excused Absence Policy:

Students with Excused Absence status for days missed will be subject to the following:

· All pre-assigned work will be due on the day of a student’s return from an absence.

· For assignments which did not have a pre-assigned due date during the time of the student’s absence, students will be given five days to arrange for makeup work or follow other arrangements granted by the teacher.

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

1. Come to class on time and be prepared.

2. Respect yourself, others, and all property.

3. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to be out of it.

4. Pay attention, work hard, and participate intelligently.

5. No food, drink, or gum in class (except for clear water).

6. Maintain a positive attitude. J

consuences for Minor Classroom Disruptions
1st / Warning
2nd / Little talk with me after class and parent contact
3rd / Parent contact
4th / Administrative Referral

Getting Started: Every day, I will greet you at the door with a handshake. When the late bell rings, you should be in your seat and ready to begin. If there is a warm-up assignment on the board, you should be working on it.

Tardiness: My expectations for you are to be seated and ready to begin class when the bell rings. If you do not have one foot in my door when the late bell rings, you must go to the office to get a tardy pass.

Organization: Students will be expected to organize their work in a binder that is used only for French class. Students must organize their binders with the most recent work on top. Sections will be: warm-ups, frequently used handouts, and then the remaining sections will be divided by units in accordance with the textbook. The best way to do this is to put the most recent work on top and to make sure that work and notes are dated and put where they need to be when they are done.

Bathroom: All restroom needs are to be taken care of before class. You will start off the semester with 5 “bathroom” passes only. Use them wisely because they are non-transferable. If you need to use the restroom, ask between activities (in French). Please do not interrupt me or a classmate to use the facilities.

Food & Drinks: Sorry…no food, drinks, or gum in class. All food and drinks should be eaten or discarded before you enter the classroom. If I see it, you will have to throw it away.

Makeup, personal grooming & perfume – Personal grooming and the application of makeup should take place at home or in the restroom. The classroom is not the appropriate place for these activities. Also please refrain from spraying perfume, using scented lotion, etc. in class since you might not be aware of others’ allergies or sensitivities.

What do I do if I finish an activity early? Sometimes you will finish an activity early and have to wait until the rest of the class completes it. Every student is unique and needs a different amount of time to process the language and the new material. If we are doing work that you master quickly and finish early, your options, in order, are: 1) actively review vocabulary and grammar and 2) wait on your seat quietly. Talking and doing homework for another class is never an option.

Group and Partner Work: The most practical thing I can teach you is to be able to understand spoken French and to reply appropriately. Because of this, you will be working a lot with other students. I understand it is easy to get off task, but I really need you to stay on task and maximize your learning.

You are also expected to participate intelligently toward the completion of the activity and work together with your partner or partners.

Yeah sub! I am not absent often, but every once in a while it happens. A sub’s job can be very difficult. Do not disrespect the sub in any way. If there are any concerns, tell me when I return.

Extra Help: Do not wait until the last minute! If you need help, come prepared with all notes and any specific questions.

Dismissal: Expect to remain in class working from bell to bell. Do not pack up early or line up at the door waiting for the bell to ring. Remain in your seats until class is dismissed. As you leave, make sure the room reflects the pride we that feel at KHS!

The policies and syllabus are a guide to inform students and parents of the general course description and content, and is subject to change in order to accommodate the needs of the class and of individual students.