Curriculum vitae
Name / Dr. Hemant Deepak ShewadeDate of Birth / 18 June 1985
Sex / Male
Nationality / Indian
Residential / Assistant Professor, Community Medicine
MD Community Medicine (PGIMER Chandigarh)
Assistant Professor, Community Medicine
Dept of Community Medicine, Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (IGMCRI), Vazhudavur road, Kathirkamam,
c/o Dr D. G. Shewade,
flat no. 11, Sreenivas towers, Vazhudavur road,
(near IGMCRI), Kathirkamam,
Puducherry- 605009
Email ID /
Phone / +919442248895 (Mobile)
+914132271141 (landline-residence)
Educational Qualification:
Sl. No. / Course / Institute / Year Passed / Percentage MarksM D Community Medicine / PGIMER^
Chandigarh / 2011 Dec / Internals – 60%
Bachelor of medicine
& Surgery / JIPMER*
Pondicherry / 2006 Dec. Completed 1 year Internship on 2nd January 2008 / 71.63%
Tamilnadu board
(XII Grade) / Petit Seminaire H.S.S. Pondicherry / 2002 March / 95.83%
(X Grade) / **K.V.No.1
Pondicherry / 2000 / 87.8%
^PGIMER – Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
*JIPMER – Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research.
**K.V. – Kendriya Vidyalaya.
***AISSE, CBSE – All India Secondary School Examination, Central Board of Secondary Education.
Career Plans / : / To get into policy making
Relevant theory & Practical courses completed:
- Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry (2 semesters each).
- Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine (3 semesters each).
- Opthalmology & Otorhinolaryngology (2 semesters each).
- Preventive & Social Medicine (7 semesters)
- General Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics
(6 semesters each).
- One year of compulsory Rotatory Internship.
- MD Community Medicine
- Family Medicine and Practice
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Health Promotion and related social sciences
- Health Management and Health Programmes
- Health Economics
Work experience:
- Completed One year of Compulsory Rotatory Internship on 2nd January 2008 from JIPMER.
- During my internship, my clinical work included assisting in diagnosis, workup and management of cases in emergency in-patient and out-patient services.
- MD (Junior Resident, 2009-11)
- During my residency, I was posted in urban and rural health posts of our department for two years as a part of our community health service programme. Community health service consisted of service provision, teaching / learning and research. I was also posted in various clinical / para-clinical departments of our institute for one year. As a part of academics, I presented 8 seminars in addition to various journal clubs, public health related news and discussion. My term as Junior Resident, Community Medicine at PGIMER Chandigarh got over on Dec 31, 2011.
- Attended the following workshops / courses / conferences
(i)Passed the course on ‘Research Methodology and Biostatistics’ held in PGIMER Chandigarh, April 2009.
(ii)Short course on Fundamentals of Basics of Biostatistics and SPSS, Dept of Biostatistics, CMC Vellore: 25 – 29 May 2009.
(iii)Workshop on ‘Operations Research in Public Health’ at Indian Institute of Public Health, Delhi (IIPH-D) :11- 14 May 2010.
(iv)Short course on ‘Logistic Regression and Survival analysis’, Dept of Biostatistics, CMC Vellore: 7 - 11 June 2010.
(v)Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine Conference 2011 (IAPSMCON 2011 – Berhampur): Feb 2011. I presented my project proposal entitled “Effectiveness of ready to use therapeutic food in community based management of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition in an urban resettlement area of Chandigarh: A Randomized Controlled Trial”.The project was selected for IAPSM Ford Foundation Epidemiological Research Grant.
(vi)Indian Public Health Association national conference 2012 (IPHACON 2012 – Kochi): Feb 2012. I presented my paper titled “Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI): Skill Assessment of Health and Integrated Child Development Scheme Workers to Classify Sick Under-five Children in one district of Haryana, India”.
(vii)Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine national conference (IAPSMCON 2012 – Tanda, H.P): Feb 2012. I presented my paper titled ““Effectiveness of ready to use therapeutic food in community based management of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition in an urban resettlement area of Chandigarh: A Randomized Controlled Trial”.
- Research papers:
(i)“Health Sector Reforms: Concepts, Market based Reforms and Health Inequity in India” – Review article has been accepted in the online international journal, Educational Research (ISSN: 2141-5161) Vol. 3(2) pp. 118-125 February 2012. (First author)
(ii)Completed my thesis on, “IMNCI: Skill assessment of health and ICDS workers in classifying sick under-five children”. Paper has been submitted to Journal of Tropical Pediatircs for publication (First author).
(iii)As the principal investigator, I have completed the study entitled “Effectiveness of ready to use therapeutic food in community based management of uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition in an urban resettlement area of Chandigarh: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Report has been submitted to the funding agency: IAPSM Ford Foundation Epidemiological Research Grant. Paper has been submitted for publication (First author).
Worked as Senior Resident in Dept of Community Medicine, PGIMER, Chandigarh from 16. 01. 2012 to 06. 02. 2012
Honors awards merit:
StaTe level:
- Exceptional performance in Class XII with 100% marks in Physics & Mathematics,99.5% marks in Chemistry and 97.5% marks in Biology.
National Level:
- Exceptional performance in Class X with 99%, 97% and 94% marks in Science, Mathematics and Social Science.
- Received Certificate of Merit from CBSE for outstanding performance and for being among 0.1% of successful candidates of AISSE 2000 in Science.
- Received Merit Certificate under National Scholarship Scheme in recognition of high position secured in the list of meritorious students qualifying for award from CBSE (2000).
- Received the prestigious rashtra pati scout award in November 1999, the Certificate being signed by the then President of India.
- Secured All India Rank 7 in the Premedical entrance test 2002 conducted by JIPMER among 12thousand students across the country.
- Rank174, general category in PGIMERMD/MS June 2008 PG entrance exam.
- Rank 64, General category [All India 81] in PGIMER MD/MS Dec 2008 entrance exam.
College leveL:
- Certificate of Honourin the subject of Physiology for the year 2003.
- Certificate of Honour in the subject of Anatomy for the year 2003.
- Certificate of Honour in the subject of Microbiology for the year 2004.
- Certificate of Honour in the subject of Pathology for the year 2004.
- Certificate of Honour in the subject of Paediatrics for the year 2006.
- Scored Distinction in Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology.
Extra curricular activities:
- I am a Rashtrapati Awarded Scout and took part scouting in Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1, Pondicherry.
- I was the part of the Organizational team for the National Intercollegiate Youth Festival, SPANDAN 2005 in JIPMER.
- I was the Secretary for Accommodation of the JIPMER Students’ Association for the year of 2005.
- I was the member of
- JIPMER Basketball team in 2003, 2004.
- JIPMER Cricket team in 2003, 2007.
- I was actively involved in the management of JIPMER Boys’ hostel mess in the year 2004 – 2005 and was Mess Secretary in the initial half of 2005.
- Actively took part in Dance and sports in my college (JIPMER) and was the captain of our batch in cricket in inter - class competition.
- I was the Sports Secretary, Association of Resident Doctors PGIMER, Chandigarh 2009-10. During the same term, I was part of the organizing committee of Annual Spring fest-2010, PGIMER Chandigarh.
- Permanent registration with the Medical Council of India – Tamil nadu(Reg. No.82849).
- Lifetime member of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) and Indian Public Health Association(IPHA).
Languages spoken / : / English (U.K.), Hindi, Marathi, Tamil.