Erie Community College / Hamburg Central
GS 111 College Success Skills / Business & Education Employability Portfolio
Course Syllabus
A. Course TitleGS 111 – College Success Skills / B.E.E.P.
3 Contact Hours per Week, 3 Credits
B. InstructorMrs. Lawrence, HamburgHigh School Business Teacher &
ECC Adjunct Professor
(716) 646-3329 Room 266 and/or 216 Internship Office
C. ECC Suggested Textbook
Becoming a Master Student Concise, 11th edition by Dave Ellis
Houghton Mifflin Company, 2007
D. Required Materials3-Ring 2 Inch View Binder, Tabbed Dividers, Sheet Protectors
E. ECCCourse Catalog Description
This course provides an opportunity for students to learn and adopt methods and strategies to promote personal growth and success in college and in life. Topics include: learning styles, problem-solving and creativity, cultural diversity, bibliographic instruction, time/task management, methods of inquiry and critical thinking, academic policies and procedures.
HamburgHigh School’s Course Enhancement
The course will provide students with the opportunity to acquire advanced concepts and skills in desktop publishing, presentations and public speaking. In addition, students will create a portfolio, which will showcase exemplary pieces of work created both in and out of the classroom, which focus on workforce and college prep skills.
H. Grading Determination / Means of Evaluation
1. Letter grades (A-F) will be submitted to ECC at mid-term and for the final grade report.
2. Letter grades will be assigned as follows:
A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 60-69; F = less than 60
Your final grade will be based upon the following categories: Portfolio Documents, Signed Rubrics, Career Unit, Miscellaneous Assignments, and Class Participation. The percentages vary from one marking period to the other. The total will be 100%.
I. Attendance Requirements
Students must attend every class every day. Five illegal absences will make students ineligible for the BEEP review process. A student who has been absent from BEEP is required to make up class work. The responsibility lies with the student to contact Mrs. Larwrence to determine what assignments have been missed and when they are due. Failure to make up missed work may result in the student receiving a grade of zero for that assignment.
J. Course Policies
Class Participation
a. Contributing to whole-class discussion
b. No inappropriate talking or distracting of others
C. Be courteous and cooperative
Cheating and Plagiarism
A grade of F on the assignment will be issued for cheating or plagiarism.
Student Responsibilities
The student is responsible for completing all assignments assigned by the instructor. Projects are due as designated by the instructor. The student is responsible for all announcements, handouts, etc. missed during any absence. Completed missed assignments are due back at the next class session.
K. Course Outline / Topics
I. Section 1 - Professional Profile
Sample Job Application
Cover Letter
Letters of Reference
Prior Employment History
- Section II - Applied Learning Competencies
Workforce and College Prep Competencies
b)Problem Solving
c)Gathering Information
d)Working with Others
e)Leadership & Systems Management
f)Learning & Resource Management
g)Integrated Learning
h)Career & Personal Development
- Section III - Evaluations
Attendance Record – minimum 75% overall average in the year you apply
Citizenship Evaluation – must have an above average rating
Academic Performance – minimum 95% attendance record in year of application
- Section IV - Career Exploration
Career Goal Statement
Career Exploration Profile
Internship or Shadow
Research Material for College/Business
- Section V - Additional Information
VI. Time Management
Setting Goals
Setting Task Priorities
Strategies for Effective Time Management
VII. Studying, Improving your Memory, and Reducing Anxiety
Effective Exam Preparations
Improving Your Listening and Note-Taking Skills
Strategies for Answering Multiple Choice and True/False Items, Short-Answer
Questions and Essay Questions.
Success on Exam Day
Reducing Text Anxiety
VIII. Final Assessment
Option A – B.E.E.P. Review Process
Option B – Essay Exam and Portfolio Check
Mrs. LawrenceRoom 266 ECC GS 111 / B.E.E.P