held at Hill House, Lasham
on 21 NOVEMBER 2017
PresentCanon Ed PruenChairman
LASHAMSteve ClarkeChurchwarden
Sue JamiesonChurchwarden
Cate Baynton
Angela Clarke
Millie Shaylor
Charlie Shaylor
Deidre Toogood
BENTWORTHCathy DumelowChurchwarden
Liz PreeceChurchwarden
Mervyn Dunwoody
1Canon Ed thanked Sue and opened the first Combined Meeting with PRAYER
2Apologies:Michael Del Mar, Stuart McCandlish, Sue Phillips and Sarah Whiteley
3WelcomeCanon Ed welcomed all members to the meeting and hoped that this would result in better communication between the two Worshiping Communities.
4Canon Ed's Report
i.The Diocesan Conference on "Leading your Church into growth" had been very helpful. The Church should have a culture of growth and encourage lay leadership, while making worship less austere and the church buildings more usable.
ii.Forming a Benefice Leadership Team. It was suggested that Churchwardens should meet together to plan services across the Benefice. Joint PCC meetings should also be held occasionally and a Pew Sheet to cover the whole Benefice was recommended. This Leadership Team would also be involved with
iii.Praying and Planning for Growth
iv.The talk on the West Bank had been very well received and another talk is planned for the New Year.
v.The Harvest and Remembrance Day Services had been well attended, with Medstead having to turn people away on Remembrance Day as the Church was too full for safety.
vi.Advent Theme: "What are we waiting for?" A meeting would be held at 7.15 for 7.30 in the Jubilee Hall on Tuesday 12 December. During Lent it was planned to hold a day on Prayer at Alton Abbey.
5Churchwardens Reports
Lasham - Harvest Festival and Remembrance Services had been held in the church. This year there had not been so much produce as usual. In future it was decided to ask the Food Bank for their requirements, both for Harvest and for Christmas. Sue thanked all the ladies of Lasham who helped with the floral decorations for the Harvest Festival. Lasham was conscious that Canon Ed had to rush around for the Remembrance Services in the Benefice and it was felt that this should be discussed for next year.
Bentworh - There had been a growth in numbers, particularly at Benefice Services with more Bentworth residents attending. The 8 am Communion Service had also seen increased attendance with some parishioners coming from Medstead. The school had also held their Harvest Service in the church with all the children bringing non-perishable food. Many thanks were expressed to Adrian Barnes, who has retired as Organist because of ill-health. It was unanimously agreed that a gift should be purchased.
6Review of Sunday Services -Canon Ed reminded members that Rev Robert Toogood and Rev Anthony Smith are no longer available to officiate at Services, although the Parish of the Resurrection have offered to help out when Canon Ed is away in January. After some discussion it was decided that we should look at the principle of growth first. It was agreed that a meeting should be held offsite to discuss the Service Schedule for the whole Benefice and it should be attended by two members from each Parish. Canon Ed would set the ground rules for planning the service schedule and the schedule should be instigated by Easter. Saturday 27 January was the suggested date if a venue could be arranged.
ACTION - Churchwardens
7Christmas Services - An organist is still needed for the Carol Service in Lasham at 6 pm on Saturday 16 December. ACTION - Cathy offered to contact an Organist.
8Open the Book and Messy Church - Both were going well, but there was an urgent need for more helpers for both. Steve pointed out that somebody is urgently needed to take over all the work on the computer.
9Church Extension/Re-ordering for Lasham. Kathy Roberts is coming to the Benefice on Tuesday 5 December. She will be in Medstead at 2 pm and then in Lasham Church at 3.15 pm.
10Safeguarding - All members must complete the CO level training course on-line. Churchwardens have to attend C1 and C2.
11Future Dates - The next Combined PCC Meeting for Lasham and Bentworth will be held on Tuesday 23 January at 7.30, the venue to be arranged.
12Deanery Synod -The minutes of the joint meeting with Alresford Deanery,held on 25 October, had been circulated to members. Canon Ed reported that Rev Brian Pritchard, a retired Priest, had been elected as the new Area Dean.
13Karamoja - Reports on Karamoja had been circulated, including a report on the building of church buildings with money received from the Alton Deanery.
Starehe - Charlie thanked members for their continued support for Starehe.
Canon Ed withdrew from the meeting and Steve Clarke took over as Chairman
1Minutes of the PCC meeting held on 19 September 2017 were signed as a correct record.
2Matters arising - Nil
3Correspondence - A letter from the EHDC regarding Notification of an application for works to a tree at the Royal Oak was submitted. The application was to reduce overall branches on the yew tree by 1.5m to reduced the height from 14m to 12.5m and the width from 12m to 9m. The PCC had no objection to the work.
4Treasurer's Report - The Treasurer's Report, together with details of the receipts and expenditure, had been circulated to all members and was taken as read.
5Parish Share - A discussion paper on the Common Mission Fund with regard to the contribution from Lasham had been circulated to all members. Forecasts to 2024 had also been circulated. A contribution of £13,200 was proposed by Steve Clarke, seconded by Angela Clarke and agreed unanimously by all members.
6Fabric - The light bulbs in the nave have been changed to brighter LED ones and those in the chancel have been replaced with the LED bulbs from the nave. Maurice was sending a bill to the Treasurer. It was noted that the steps to the altar were a problem to some parishioners and it was agreed that a Sidesman should be available at the steps when necessary. The provision of a toilet was also raised again, particularly for the use of older parishioners and visiting clergy. ACTION - Churchwardens
7Churchyard Clearance - It was decided that an email should be circulated round the village asking for volunteers to help to clear the leaves in the churchyard on Saturday 2 December, ready for the Christingle Service on the 3rd. ACTION - Churchwardens
8Defibrillator - It had been suggested that a suitable place for this could be on the side of the church porch facing the green. Other suggestions were on the village green side of the lych gate; in the smoking area at the Royal Oak; or on the site of the old telephone box. It was felt that the accessibility of the defibrillator and the safety of users was of paramount importance and the lighting of the area needed to be considered. The process is ongoing.
9Churchwardens - Sue informed the PCC that she would be in Australia for the whole of February and the first week in March. Steve also said that he could move at any time. It is, therefore, very important that the PCC take this into consideration. It was also mentioned that the Secretary was expecting to retire again at the AGM.
10Porch and Lychgate Lights - It was agreed that both of these were essential and electrician should be contacted to give an estimate. ACTION - Steve
11Timed door lock - It was agreed that this was a good idea, but not necessary at present as the current system seems to be working.
12Christmas - An email welcoming all villagers to the Christmas Services would be sent round the village.
The members of the PCCs from Lasham and Bentworth joined together for THE GRACE.