SAC Minutes

October 17, 2016

Members Present: Bernie Van Doninck, Sue Leblanc, Colleen Zinck, Dave Duchene, Joanna Keith, Karen Snair


Call to Order

Review of Previous Minutes

First meeting of 2016

Administration Report – Bernie Van Doninck

·  Playground: This year we have tried to open up the wooded area. Reports from staff and supervisors are that it is a huge success and behavioral issues are less than in previous years.

·  Embedded Time: Teachers are working in small groups with a focus on Math and ELA.

·  School Safety Plans: 2 Fire Drills and 1 Lockdown.

·  School Safety Officer: Constable Francis visits the school each Thursday.

·  Breakfast Program: Funds have been received and program is up and running.

·  Program Planning: School Based Team meets approximately every 2nd Monday. The purpose of the team is problem solving and allocation of resources.

·  Teaching Standards: The EECD currently has a draft of new teacher standards. Teachers will be reviewing and discussing this throughout the year.

·  Open House: Opted to go for an open house instead of traditional method. Lots of positive feedback

·  SSP: SSP plan presented

·  Assessments: Students completed the RW4 and M4 as well as a “common assessment” for Grade 2

Old Business

New Business

·  RCH Presentation

o  Presentation by B.Van Doninck regarding Race Relations and Cross Cultural Human Understanding (RCH) Policy and discrimination

·  Chair / Vote

o  Sue Leblanc elected as SAC chair. Collen Zinck nominated Sue. Second by Karen Snair

·  Letter of Agreement

o  Committee given LoA. Committee members to review and discus for next meeting.

·  SAC Handbook

o  SAC given SAC handbook and team encouraged to review information and highlight any processes that could be improved or reviewed

·  Meeting Time

o  Proposals for agenda to be submitted one week prior to meetings

o  Next meetings November 28, January 30, February 27, March 27, April 24, May 29 – All meetings to be held at 3:00


o  Communications sent home. Some documents already have been returned. Principal making contact with all homes. Students who cannot afford a device will have one provided. TELP orders must be received by November 17. TELP starts 1st day back in January

·  Learning Commons

o  Discussion about Learning Commons. Comparison made to new HFX Regional Library. Shifts in philosophy designed to have students doing and collaborating. Some books would need to be culled for reasons of bias and relevance and some to go in classroom. Many books remain in the library. Process will involve input from staff, students, community. To be coordinated by the librarian.

Committee Report: All classroom teachers have been provided with $100 for your individual classrooms. First family dance will be held on Nov. 3 (more information to follow). Home and School will be hosting a "Paint Nite" fundraiser in the new year. Nourish your Roots food boxes were a huge success.