CL1 Promote effective communication and relationships

Elements of competence

CL1.1Develop relationships with people which value them as individuals

CL1.2Establish and maintain effective communication with people


This unit describes the role of the worker in developing and promoting effective communication and relationships - a basic requirement for anyone who

works in the health and social care sector.

The first element is concerned with establishing and maintaining relationships with individuals. The worker is expected to relate to each person as someone with their own particular needs and concerns and develop relationships with them. The second element focuses on effective communication with people.

The term ‘people’ in this unit is taken to mean anyone with whom the worker comes into contact whether they be clients, colleagues or anyone else.

Who this unit is aimed at

The unit is designed to be generally applicable across the whole of the sector.

Principles of good practice

A major focus within this unit is the worker’s responsibility to establish and maintain relationships and effective communication with a range of different people. This will involve them understanding the nature and background of diverse individuals and their rights and challenging discrimination where it occurs.

Relationship to other units

This unit relates to, and is closely bound with, all other units. This is because effective communication and the ability to develop and maintain effective relationships lies at the heart of quality services. Evidence for this unit should be gathered alongside evidence for all other units. The principles of rights and equality are described more fully in units O1 - O3. Units CL2 - CL7 describe standards for effective communication where there are communication differences of various kinds.

Place in the SVQ framework

This unit occurs in the following qualifications: Care Level 2; Operating Department Support Level 2; Care Level 3; Diagnostic and Therapeutic Support Level 3; Dialysis Support Level 3; Promoting Independence Level 3

Evidence Requirements for this unit

You must provide your assessor with evidence for all the Performance Criteria and all aspects of Range and Knowledge. The evidence must be provided in the following ways, taking account of any Special Considerations which may be noted below:

Special Considerations

The nature of this unit means that evidence must come from real work activities. Simulations are not appropriate for providing evidence except for any PCs and Range listed below.

1Direct Observation

Your assessor must observe you in real work activities which provide most of the evidence for each element in this unit. During these observations you will meet many of the Performance Criteria (PCs) and as many aspects of the Range Categories as possible.

PCs which might not be observed by your assessor include: CL1.1.8, CL1.2.7.

Aspects of range which might not be observed by your assessor include: CL1.1 - Range 2a),b) and c).

You can, of course, cover these PCs and aspects of range during the observations if the opportunity arises.

2Other types of evidence of your performance and knowledge

Your assessor will also want to see other evidence to feel confident that you can consistently repeat this standard of work and to cover those performance criteria and aspects of range which are not met during the observations. They will also want to see evidence that you know, understand and can apply in practice the knowledge which is listed in the specification. Your assessor may decide that you have already demonstrated some knowledge and understanding when they observe you working.

You will need to agree, and review an assessment plan with your assessor so that you can collect sufficient evidence to show that you are competent and meet the requirements of the unit. You will need to discuss with your assessor what will be acceptable. Types of evidence could include:

  • products of your work
  • statements from other people who have seen you working (witness testimony)
  • questioning, oral or written
  • case studies, projects, assignments and reflective accounts of your work

Element CL1.1Develop relationships with people which value them as individuals

Performance criteria / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1.The worker’s actions contribute to the maintenance of a work environment which promotes the value of individuals and encourages meaningful interactions
2Interactions with people demonstrates respect for them as individuals and acknowledges their rights to make their own decisions in the context of their lives
3Communication with people is designed to lead to an adequate and accurate exchange of information
4People are encouraged to decide for themselves the actions they wish to take and their right to change their mind is respected
5The appropriate action is taken to challenge behaviour which infringes the rights of others
6Explanations are offered about the worker’s actions whether the individual appears to understand the explanations or not
7Necessary changes to environments or routines are agreed with those concerned before the changes are made
8When individuals require some form of assistance, this is established with them and given appropriately
9Opportunities are taken to reflect on own behaviour with, and reactions to, people and this is used to evaluate one’s practice

Element CL1.1Develop relationships with people which value them as individuals

Range / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
a)speech and language
b)actions, gestures and body language
c)space and position
a)with mobility and access
b)to enable effective communication
c)providing information

Notes on this element

Performance criterion (6) would include communicating with people who are unconscious, people who use a different first language and people who communicate in ways other than through speech and language.

The appropriate action (pc 5) would depend on the nature of the behaviour, the role of the worker and their relationship with the individual concerned, but might include direct challenges consistent with the worker’s role and responsibilities or seeking help from others to enable an effective challenge to be made.

Evidence collected for this element may also be relevant for unit O1, O2 and O3.

Element CL1.2Establish and maintain effective communication with people

Performance criteria / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1The manner, level and pace of communication with people is consistent with their abilities, preferred form of communication, manner of expression and personal beliefs and preferences
2The worker’s body language, position, tone of voice and style of active listening encourage people to communicate
3Obstacles to effective communication are minimised as far as possible given the constraints of the situation
4Information given by individuals is confirmed with them for accuracy
5Individual’s expression of feelings and needs are responded to in a manner which supports the right to such expression
6People’s behaviour is observed and used to develop an understanding of what it is they are trying to communicate
7Where there are differences in the ways in which the worker and the people concerned communicate, these are explored and used to improve the effectiveness of the communication
8Opportunities are taken to reflect on own behaviour with, and reactions to, different people and this is used to evaluate one’s practice

Element CL1.2Establish and maintain effective communication with people

Range / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
a)speech and language
b)actions, gestures and body language
c)space and position
b)personal and social

Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit

Legislation, policy and good practice / Relates to performance criteria / State evidence index no(s)
1Why the ability to listen effectively is important / CL1.1 and CL1.1.2
Services and products
2Where and how support for communication can be obtained (such as interpreters and translators, carers, advocates, equipment and facilities) / CL1.2.3
Factors which influence what you do
3The different forms and range of effective communication / CL1.1.1
4How interactions have beginnings, middles and ends, the need for each of these stages and how they may vary between different cultures / whole unit CL1
5How all interactions are a form of communicating / CL1.1.2 and CL1.1.3
6How culture, gender and beliefs can affect behaviour that values others (e.g. it may be seen to be more acceptable for men to be assertive than women) / CL1.1.2
7The ways in which individuals will seek to communicate with others / CL1.1.4 and CL1.1.9
8The role which communication plays in maintaining an individual’s identity / CL1.1.3
9The role of communication in establishing and maintaining relationships / CL1.1.3
10When physical contact is appropriate and when it is not (e.g. when it is a way of dealing with your distress rather than the individual’s) / CL1.1.6 and CL1.1.8
11How your own culture, gender and beliefs affect the way that you view the behaviour of others and why it is important to recognise and challenge this / CL1.1.9
12Behaviours which demonstrate value for others and those which do not / CL1.1.1
13The effect that behaviour which does not value others has on them and others in the vicinity / CL1.1.1, CL1.1.2 and CL1.1.9
14The factors that influence an individual’s ability and willingness to value other people and relationships (e.g. clinical disorder, mental distress) / CL1.1.4 and CL1.1.6
15The impact of the physical environment, and the actions and behaviour of workers and others within it
16The effect of culture on communication (e.g. the use of sensory contact - touch, presence, contact, distance between individuals when communicating, the terms of respect and address used etc.) / CL1.2.1, CL1.2.6 and CL1.2.7
17The constraints to effective communication (environmental e.g. noise and light; social/cultural e.g. language, jargon, slang, dialect; interpersonal; individual’s psychological, social and emotional well-being) / CL1.1.1, CL1.1.7 and CL1.2.3
18Methods of communicating clearly and effectively / CL1.1, CL1.2.4 and CL1.2.2
19The range of communication differences (e.g. differences in language, style, mode of communicion), methods of modifying communication for different individuals so that it is consistent with the individual’s understanding, preferred language and manner of expression / CL1.2.7
20The purpose of confirming information with individuals and reflecting it back
21The effect of life experiences on how individuals think about and perceive the world and the effect of this on their communication / CL1.2.6, CL1.2.7 and CL1.2.8
22How to recognise what people are trying to convey by their behaviour / CL1.1.4 and CL1.1.5
23How facial expression may affect tone of voice used and may reveal personal attitudes or emotions / CL1.1.9
24How to challenge effectively behaviour which adversely affects others / CL1.1.5
25How to make the interaction supportive of the individual concerned / CL1..2.5
Knowledge and understanding / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
There is sufficient evidence of knowledge and understanding for this unit
Evidence requirements / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
The evidence generated by the candidate meets the evidence requirements for this unit

Assessor/Internal verifier comments

Candidate’s nameAssessor’s nameIV’s name______

Candidate’s signature______Assessor’s signature______IV’s signature______


B6S8 04 (CL1) Promote effective communication and relationships

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