July 15, 2010

Club Registrars

Re: 2011 Registration Year

Please read these instructions before beginning the 2011 registration process. You have received a 2 part club registration form, non-athlete and athlete registration applications for 2011. No athletes may be registered for 2011 until Sept 1, 2010. If you are still signing up athletes they must be registered for 2010. All 2010 registrations must be received by September 1, 2010. Do not wait until the last minute to send in 2010 registrations. Do not send any 2011 registrations before September 1, 2010.

Remember that all seasonal registrations expire on August 31, 2010. Seasonal athletes may not continue to practice with your team after that date. If they wish to remain part of your team, they must be registered for 2011.

Before beginning the 2011 registrations, throw away all 2010 forms. Please note that the fees increased: athletes are $57.00, non-athletes are $47.00 and non-athlete families are $92.50. The club renewal fee is $100.00. Outreach athlete registration is $5.00 with documentation from the school stating the athlete is eligible for the free or reduced lunch program. As always, new athletes must submit a birth certificate or equivalent with the registration (required for all athlete competing in age group meets). Coaches must submit copies (front and back signed by the instructor) of all three certifications. Coaches renewing for the second year must have passed the Foundations of Coaching test.

For all returning athletes, you should print out the registration form from Team Manager. Have the athlete or parent make any changes on the form and sign it and return to you. Make sure noted changes are updated in Team Manager. Send the registration printout for renewing the athlete and use the blank forms for new athletes.

A team check should be sent for registrations, not the parent’s check. Please send the registration financial summary, available on the NT Swimming website, with each batch of registrations. Electronic registration reports should also be sent with the hard copies- save one for your records as well as the electronic registration file. Please check each registration form to make sure there is a street address. I cannot register an athlete without an address and an email address does not work. Lack of information will delay the registration. Forms should be filled out entirely, to include ethnicity, citizenship and last day of competition with previous team. Any athlete registering for 2011 who was registered to a different team for 2010 should list the team code, LSC code and last date of competition at the bottom of the form. If they are registering for 2011 then no transfer form is necessary; however if they have already registered for 2011 then you will need to send a completed transfer form with appropriate fee.

I will have the date of the registration, meet director and meet ops classes posted on the NTS website as soon as the information is available. Please make sure to check the website at the end of August and plan to attend the registration class. If someone else is taking over the club registrar position, make sure they attend the class. Each team should have the registrar in attendance at the class.

Please check all cards for accuracy once you receive them. If the wrong athlete was registered, you must notify me immediately; otherwise you will need to submit payment for the correct athlete. I cannot correct the mistake a month later and NTS is charged for the wrong registration. There is now a charge of $2.00 for athlete replacement cards and $5.00 for non-athlete cards. All athlete cards must be distributed to the athlete.

Do not send partial registrations. In other words, do not send a coach registration without copies of the cards, or only one part of the club registration form. I cannot process incomplete applications and I cannot process applications without payments.

The North Texas Swimming website: has athlete and non-athlete forms posted under registration.

Please call or email if you have any questions.

Karen Rourke

NT Registration & Membership