1)  Following is a line graph for the temperatures in 3 cities, namely New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore and Jodhpur on a given day.

Study the above graph and answer the following questions.

a) From the above graph, fill the data in the table given below.

Time / Temperature
New Delhi / Mumbai / Bangalore / Jodhpur
12 Midnight

b) What is the temperature difference in New Delhi between midnight and noon?

c) At 3 pm which city was the hottest?

d) In New Delhi, did the temperature rise or fall from 9 pm to 12 am?

e) In which city was the lowest temperature recorded? What was the lowest temperature?

f) A city is comfortable, when the temperature is below 30 degrees in the daytime. Which is the most comfortable city?

g) Calculate the average temperature in New Delhi on the said day?

h) What is the difference in average temperatures of Jodhpur and Bangalore?

2) The price variation for 1 kg of vegetables in the month of March is given in the table below. Study the graph and answer the following questions.

a) Using the data given in the graph, fill in the table give below.

Price in the month of March
Sl. No / Name of the vegetable / week1 / week2 / week3 / week4
1 / Onion
2 / Potato
3 / Tomato
4 / Cabbage

b) Which are the two vegetables that maintained the same price for two weeks ?

c) What is the difference between the price of tomato in the beginning of March and end of March?

d) Name the vegetable whose price is consistently falling in March?

e) Which vegetable was cheapest in the 2nd week of March?

f) What is the difference in prices of cabbage and tomato in week 3?

g) Riju is buying vegetables in week 3. He has got 80 rupees with him. The shop has all the above vegetables. He has to buy three types of vegetables. The minimum quantity he can buy is 1 kilogram. If he buys: a) Onion he has to get Potato also.

b) With tomato you can't buy cabbage

Can you find out the various options available to him.

3) Here is the data of a survey conducted among 45 students of a class on their favorite food.

Food Item / Frequency
Pizza / 15
Dosa / 6
Noodles / 9
Burger / 10
Soup / 5

Draw a pie chart for this data.

4) Given pie chart represents the types of movies preferred by moviegoers. 60 moviegoers were interviewed for the survey. Study the pie chart.

a) Fill in the table for the data given in the pie chart.

Type of movies / Number of people
who like this


1)  A fun trip to a water park is arranged for the students in Class 7. There are two divisions in Class 7 each with 40 students. A contribution of Rs.150 is to be collected from the students going on the trip.

10% of the contribution goes to the entrance fee of the water park

20% of the contribution goes towards food expenses

Bus charges for the trip is Rs.2000. Half of the bus charges will be borne by the school.

It is not sure how many will be going. A table is made to compare the expenses and the money collected, according to the number of students going for the trip.

Number of students / Total contribution
(Number of students x 150) / Entrance fee
(10% of total contribution) / Food expenses
(20% of total contribution)
5 / 750
10 / 1500
15 / 2250
20 / 3000

a. Enter the above table in a spreadsheet application and answer the following questions:

b. What is the total expense, if all the students go for the trip?

c. What is the minimum number of students needed so that all expenses are met?

2)  Given are the height and weight of some of the students in a school.

Name of the student / Height / Weight
Aayush / 5 ft 4 in / 55 kgs
Pallavi / 5 ft 2 in / 50 kgs
Robin / 4 ft 11 in / 45 kgs
Sameer / 5 ft 5 in / 70kgs
Vrinda / 5 ft 6 in / 60kgs
Priya / 5 ft 7 in / 75 kgs
Jaya / 5 ft 4 in / 58 kgs
Pranav / 4 ft 7 in / 40 kgs
Dileep / 4 ft 6 in / 50 kgs
Riya / 5 ft 6 in / 65 kgs
Raju / 6 ft / 73 kgs

1. Enter this data into an excel sheet.

Now do the following activities:

2. a) Arrange these data in:

a) Names in alphabetic order

b) Weight in ascending order

b) Plot line graphs of:

Name against height

Name against weight

3. Now answer the following questions

a) Name the students who have the same weight.

b) How many students are there whose height is more than 5 ft 5 in.

c) Find the average height and average weight of the students?