March 20, 2017



I move that the Senate purchase 3 spring-back Pedestrian Parking Signs at $427.09 each for a total of $1,281.27. It has come to the attention of the SGA that the safety of pedestrian crosswalks is in need of improvement. The purchase of these signs, in addition to the removal of parking spaces, will make the Nicholls Campus safer for pedestrians. Signage on crosswalks will allow drivers on the Nicholls campus to be more aware of the various pedestrian crosswalks on campus. Students will be safer when walking through campus which will improve the quality of life of our students. This motion will exceed $500. Each sign is $427.09 which will mean 3 signs will cost $1,281.27. Shipping is free for orders exceeding $249.00. Funds will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. Remained Tabled.


I move that the Senate purchase 2 5-row 15’ Aluminum Bleachers for the Recreation Center Softball Field. The bleachers are old and cannot be dragged back and forth to the Flag Football Fields. The old bleachers would be moved permanently to the Flag Football Fields to accommodate the crowd size. Students will benefit because there will be enough seating to participate and watch intramural sports. Funds will come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget and will cost $5,975.62. Passed and signed.


I move that the Senate purchase a 137” Diagonal Size Projector Screen for Gouaux Auditorium. The current projector screen is broken and stapled to the wall. In order for professors to utilize the blackboard behind the screen, a new screen that is retractable is required. Students in Gouaux Auditorium will be able to have a better learning experience. With this new screen, any further updates to the projector will not require any updates to the screen. The funds for this motion would exceed $500. The price is $786.94 and would most likely require installation from Physical Plant/Facilities Services. Funds would come from the Senator Projects line item of the budget. Passed and signed.


I move that the SGA allocate $2,370.00 to the removal of granite, prep and installation of Retro Brick Coping. This motion will fix the issue of the broken granite around the Eternal Flame and replace it with Retro Brick Coping. Students will no longer have to see the hideous broken granite around the Eternal Flame. The $2,370.00 will come from the Eternal Flame line item of the budget. Passed and signed.


I move that the Senate create a line item of $10,000 for the Campus Sidewalk Program. This will be used for future sidewalk projects. This will allow students to walk through areas around campus without walking through mud. The funds for this line item would come from unallocated funds. Tabled.