WWII Study Guide

1.  How did the following led to WWII

  1. Aggression of Totalitarian Powers-Dictators built up their armies
  2. Nationalism-Countries formed alliances and demanded obedience

c.  Treaty of Versailles-Extremely harsh to the Axis Powers

d.  League of Nations-Couldn’t enforce its rules

  1. Appeasements-France and England gave in to German Aggression
  2. Isolation policy of US—Failed to monitor the buildup of the Axis Powers

2.  What was life like for civilians under Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin?

No individual freedoms

3.  What is Anti-Semitism?

Hatred of the Jews

4.  What was the non-aggression pact?

Germany and the Soviet Union agreed not to attack each other and divide up Poland

5.  What event sparked the war?

Invasion of Poland

6.  Describe Blitzkrieg

Quick strike warfare with tanks and planes

7.  Who made up the Axis powers?

Japan, Italy, Germany

8.  Who made up the Allies?

Soviet Union, Britain, United States

9.  What did Stalingrad stop the Germans from doing?

Conquering the Soviet Union

10.  When did Pearl Harbor occur?

Dec 7, 1941

11.  Why was the Battles of Midway important for the Allies ?

It was the turning point in the Pacific

29.  Which cities were the Atomic bombs dropped on?

Hiroshima Nagasaki

30.  Describe the destruction caused by the bombs

Cities were leveled and hundreds of thousands were killed instantly

31.  What event marked the end of the war?

a.  Dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan

32.  How were the rights of Japanese Americans violated during World War II

33.  Japanese Aggression

  1. Reasons*
  2. Wanted Raw Materials and Markets
  3. Needed living space for growing population
  4. Wanted less dependence on foreign goods/materials
  5. Manchuria (1931)

§  China protested with the LON

§  LON sided with China

§  Result – Japan withdrew from LON

c.  China (1937)

a.  Eastern and Southern Chinese Cities (Nanking)

b.  Began 8 year fight for control of China

34.  Role of African Americans during WWII
  1. More work opportunities
  2. Defend the US in war combat

35.  How did women’s role change?

  1. Worked in factories, served the army