White Coat Ceremony
Class of 2020
Biographical Information
During the White Coat Ceremony (Friday, February 3, 2017 at 2:30 pm) we will read a few biographical statements for each student as they receive their white coat. Please provide the information requested below and give your completed form (paper or electronic) to one of your class officers by Friday, December 9, 2016.
1. Name:
2. Phonetic Pronunciation: (bold accented syllabi)
3. Hometown, State:
4. Pre-pharmacy School:
5. Degree(s) presently held:
6. Please comment on how you plan to personalize your PharmD education/training and incorporate at least one strength or personality trait that will contribute to your plan.
7. Additional activities: hobbies, a significant accomplishment (see the list of ideas for the 2 examples).
(Please note : limit # 6 and # 7 to a total of 50-60 words.
8. Legacy Students (relatives who graduated from PittPharmacy) : Relative’s name, year they graduated from our SOP, relationship to you)
Example 1:
1. Name: Ahoini Casigia
2. Phonetic Pronunciation: Uh-hoy-knee Ka-zee-ja
3. Hometown: Buffalo, New York
4. Pre-Pharmacy Courses: SUNY Buffalo
5. Degrees: BS Chemistry
6. Two of my top strengths are learning and strategic. My strategy for personalizing my education is to join an ARCO, potentially either the Community Leadership and Innovation in Practice or Research ARCOs because I want to focus on developing specific expertise in an area prior to graduation.
7. Additional activities (hobbies/accomplishments): I participated in a Global Health mission trip to Costa Rica, volunteered for Habitat for Humanity in Pittsburgh, I am an Eagle Scout, play the violin, love running, hope to complete a marathon, captain of a sports team, play a sport, etc.
8. Legacy: Grandfather: Benjamin Casigia, Class of 1950 (Univ. of Pitt School of Pharmacy)
Example 2:
1. Name: Brian Dehoucarsky
2. Phonetic Pronunciation: Dee-how-care-ski
3. Hometown: Murrysville, Pa.
4. Pre-Pharmacy Courses: University of Pittsburgh–Johnstown
5. Degrees: No previous degrees
6. Two of my top strengths are learning and adaptability and I plan to utilize these gifts to personalize my education by taking advantage of opportunities to work directly with faculty members on special topics and pursue a research area of concentration. In addition I plan to participate in pharmacy organizations to discover my interests and community activities for underserved populations.
7. While studying at Pitt, I was a Pitt Pathfinder and a member of the Pitt Marching Band, Pitt Men’s Glee Club and the Heinz chapel Choir. I love skiing and traveling. I have spent a semester in England and in high school, participated in a mission trip to an orphanage in Haiti.
8. Legacy: None
Thank you!