CHENNAI 26.10.2017
1.0.The Association has been projecting the genuine plight of our engineers particularly the Assistant Engineers’ lot. Granting of enhanced Pay & Grade to the Assistant Engineers and enhanced Grade Pay to the Assistant Executive Engineers & Executive Engineers, duly implementing the recommendations of ONE MAN COMMISSION, is pending to be settled for over 7 years since 26.08.2010. This is an issue related to the earlier Wage Revision due as on 01.12.2007. The Association is therefore pressing for immediate consideration of implementing the recommendations of ONE MAN COMMISSION first with effect from 01.08.2010 i.e., the date the Government of Tamil Nadu gave effect. One again, it is pressed that the Wage Revision Committee may be pleased to consider this issue immediately and settle it first.
2.0.The Association desires to state the following pertinent points on this importance issue emphasizing the necessity for immediate settlement.
a)The pay scale applicable to the Assistant Engineers of TNEB is being decided with reference to the pay scale offered to the Assistant Engineers of the Government Departments like Public Works Department, Highways Department etc. with significant increase over their pay. Similarly, the Assistant Executive Engineers & Executive Engineers are also offered reasonable increase over their government counterparts. This is the solemn convention, being practiced all along for decades together ever since the constitution of TNEB during the year 1957.
b)The table annexed will vouch the irresistible fact that the TNEB Assistant Engineers are all along placed at a higher pedestal for decades together compared to the Government Assistant Engineers.
c)Tamil Nadu Engineers’ Federation, the apex forum of all Graduate Engineers’ Associations representing the graduate engineers’ lot serving under various Government Departments and Government Undertakings / Corporations, have been pleading vehemently with the Government of Tamil Nadu for enhancing the pay scale applicable to the Assistant Engineers on par with other professionals like Government Doctors & Government Pleaders during the Wage Revision consequent to the implementation of 5th Central Pay Commission. The Government of Tamil Nadu did not consider its demand favourably and offered a pay scale of Rs.6500-200-11000 to the Assistant Engineers of the Government Departments w.e.f. 01.01.1996. The Board too offered an enhanced pay scale of Rs.7225-225-13525 to the Assistant Engineers of TNEB w.e.f 01.12.1996.
d)When the Government of Tamil Nadu was contemplating to implement the recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission, the Tamil Nadu Engineers’ Federation, again, reiterated its demand for parity with other professionals and pleaded that the Assistant Engineers may be deemed to be in the pre-revised scale of Rs.8000-13500 instead of Rs.6500-11100 and their pay may be suitably revised at Rs.15600-39100+GP5400 in PB3. The demand was again turned down. The Government of Tamil Nadu, vide G.O. Ms. No. 234, Finance (PC) Department, dated 01.06.2009, has ordered a pay scale of Rs.9300-34800+GP4700 under PB2 w.e.f 01.01.2006 to the Assistant Engineers of the Government Departments. In line with the ever-practiced convention, the Board too ordered an enhanced pay scale of Rs.10100-34800+GP4600 to the Assistant Engineers of TNEB w.e.f 01.12.2007 vide (Per) B.P. (Ch) No. 224 (Secretariat Branch) dated 21.11.2009.
e)The G.O. Ms. No. 234, Finance (PC) Department, dated 01.06.2009 had been a matter of great disappointment to the graduate engineers. The only solace therein is the promise of the Government of Tamil Nadu to look into the anomalies in the pay scales pointed out by the Associations / individual employees subsequently. Accordingly, the Government of Tamil Nadu, vide G.O.Ms.No.444, Finance (PC) Department, dated 09.09.2009, has ordered constitution of ONE MAN COMMISSION consisting of Mr. Rajiv Ranjan, IAS, the then Principal Secretary to the Industries Department to examine the various anomalies in the pay scales prescribed under G.O. Ms. No. 234, Finance (PC) Department, dated 01.06.2009. All Associations representing the graduate engineers serving under various Government Departments represented to the ONE MAN COMMSSION for parity with other professionally qualified personnel like Assistant Surgeons, Assistant Medical Officers, and Assistant Public Prosecutors and for enhancement of pay scale applicable to the Assistant Engineers from Rs.9300-34800+GP4700 under PB2 to Rs.15600-39100+GP5400 under PB3. The said Commission appreciated the rational claim of the Assistant Engineers and recommended to revise the pre-revised scale applicable to the Assistant Engineers from Rs.6500-11000 to Rs.8000-13500 with corresponding revised scale of pay at Rs.15600-39100+GP5400. The Government of Tamil Nadu, after careful consideration of the recommendation of the ONE MAN COMMISSION, passed relevant orders enhancing the pay scale applicable to the Assistant Engineers of PWD from Rs.9300-34800+4700GP under PB2 to Rs.15600-39100+5400GP under PB3 vide G.O.Ms.No.312, Finance (PC) Department, dated 26.08.2010. Similar enhancement was ordered to the Assistant Engineers of Highways Department vide G.O.Ms.No.283, Finance (PC) Department, dated 26.08.2010. This enhancement was given effect from 01.08.2010.
f)The Government of Tamil Nadu further ordered enhancement of Grade Pay to the tune of Rs.1200/- to the Assistant Executive Engineers and Rs.1000/- to the Executive Engineers through the above Government Orders dated 26.08.2010.
g)During the course of discussion on the Wage Revision due as on 01.12.2007 in the year 2009 itself, the Association had been representing to the Wage Revision Committee that there is every likelihood for revision of pay scale to the engineers serving in the Government Departments as a measure of rectification of anomalies and the Board too should come forward to revise the pay scale applicable to the engineers of the Board immediately as and when the Government of Tamil Nadu passes relevant orders in this regard. The Wage Revision Committee too was pleased to agree to revise the pay scale of the engineers in the event of any revision by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
h)Since 2010, the Association has been representing to the TNEB for similar enhancement of pay scale applicable to the Assistant Engineers under PB3 and enhancement of Grade Pay for the Assistant Executive Engineers & Executive Engineers appropriately in accordance with the ever-practiced convention. In spite of several representations from the Association, TNEB had been delaying the adoption of the Government Orders which were issued based on the recommendations of the ONE MAN COMMISSION under the guise financial constraints and acute power shortage etc. The Association, which plays the managerial role of the TNEB, has been waiting magnanimously for adoption of the above Government Orders, in view of the fact that the TNEB is starving for both power and finance. The Association firmly believed that the Board would order enhancement of pay and grade pay to all cadres appropriately with effect from 01.08.2010, duly taking into account of the ever-practiced convention, once the financial constraints are over. It was unfortunate that the Board did not keep up its promise.
i)Meanwhile the Government of Tamil Nadu passed orders unilaterally reducing the Grade Pay of the Assistant Engineers from Rs.5400/- to Rs.5100/- and denying the enhancement of Grade Pay ordered to the Assistant Executive Engineers & Executive Engineers totally vide G.O.Ms.No.71, Finance (PC) Department, dated 26.02.2011 and constituted a PAY GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL CELL to look into the issue.
j)Based on the recommendation of the PAY GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL CELL, the Government of Tamil Nadu has subsequently passed another order reverting back to Rs.9300-34800 under PB2 instead of Rs.15600-39100 under PB3 for the Assistant Engineers vide G.O.Ms.No.242, Finance (PC) Department, dated 22.07.2013. It is a clear case of colourful exercise to please others at the cost of engineers.
k)The recommendation of the ONE MAN COMMISSION is based on scientific analysis on many rational grounds as listed below:
- Appointed by direct recruitment
- Possession of a professional qualification
- Duties and responsibilities assigned to the Assistant Engineers
- Need for rectification of existing anomaly &
- Necessity for parity with other professionals like Assistant Surgeons, Assistant Medical Officers and Assistant Public Prosecutors.
Despite these rational grounds, the PAY GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL CELL has resorted to reversion relying on many illogical grounds. The obvious intention of the PGRC is to reduce the scale applicable to the engineers to silence the voice of others and please them at the cost of engineers.
l)Challenging these colourful exercises without any rhyme or reason just to please others at the cost of engineers, many Associations and individuals have approached the Hon’ble High Court. The learned Single Judge dismissed their Writ Petitions. They went on appeal before Hon’ble Division Bench. The Hon’ble Division Bench ordered that the Government of Tamil Nadu may constitute a Commission headed by a former Chief Justice of a High Court, hear the views of all concerned and pass orders on its report. But the Government of Tamil Nadu went on appeal before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. All SLPs are pending adjudication on the file of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
m)The Hon’ble Division Bench ordered that the engineers shall continue to be paid in accordance with G.O.Ms.No.312, Finance (PC) Department, dated 26.08.2010 till it is finally decided. The Government of Tamil Nadu repeatedly assured before the Hon’ble Division Bench that there would not be any recovery of the excess amount paid to the engineers, even if the judgment is not favour of engineers.
n)The Assistant Engineers of TNEB, who are at a higher pedestal for over many decades, are now getting less pay to the tune of Rs.14,000/- compared to their government counterparts from 01.08.2010. Their morality is at the lowest ebb. They cannot wait until the SLPs are disposed off before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. It is not desirable to keep them to wait for further period, since this demand is pending to be settled for over 6 years.
3.0.It is pertinent to note herein that the Assistant Engineersappointed during 2015in PWD & Highways Department i.e., after G.O.Ms.No.242, Finance (PC) Department, dated 22.07.2013 are also being paid at Rs.15600-39100+GP5400 under PB3 till date, pending adjudication before Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.The Hon’ble Division Bench of Madras High Court has ordered to pay at the rate ofRs.15600-39100+GP5400 under PB3 till a finality is reached. While so, there is no rationale to deny enhancement to our Assistant Engineers, Assistant Executive EngineersExecutive Engineers appropriately above the PAY & GRADE PAY being paid to the Government Engineers.
4.0It does not appear to be fair and just that the Board now takes shelter under the cover of litigations, when it has been evasive for NEARLY THREE YEARS from 26.08.2010 to 22.07.2013. There is no bar or legal impediment to grant enhancement of pay and grade pay to the Assistant Engineers of TNEB/ TANGEDCO Ltd.
5.0.It is reasonably expected that the Board must come forward IMMEDIATELY to enhance the Pay & Grade Pay of the AEs and to enhance the Grade Pay of the AEEs &EEs appropriately above the Pay/ Grade Pay being paid to their government counterparts in accordance with the SOLEMN CONVENTION ever in force.
6.0.The Association requests that the respected CMD may be pleased to consider our demand for enhancement of Pay and Grade Pay appropriately to the TNEB Assistant Engineers and enhancement of Grade Pay to the AEEs & EEs on par with their government counter parts duly taking into the ever-practiced convention of keeping them at a higher pedestal at the earliest.
1.0.This Association has been representing for implementing “Assured Career Progression Program” ensuring a MINIMUM OF THREE PROMOTIONS in the career of all graduate engineers for a long time.
2.0.Most of the graduate engineers, who are mainly instrumental for the better functioning of TNEB / TANGEDCO, are retiring with two promotions only. At the same time,all other employees are getting more than three promotions in their career. The worst affected, where a minimum of three promotions is not offered in this organization, is the band of graduate engineers only.
3.0.The Association presents the following for kind consideration and seeks favourable consideration positively during this Wage Revision due as 01.12.2015.
a)This Association has been representing for implementation of Time Bound Promotion / Assured Career Progression Program since 1995.
b)The Board, in its 735th meeting held on 27.10.1995, has resolved to extend Time Bound Promotion to the graduate engineers in principle. But it was not implemented.
c)During the discussion on the Wage Revision due as on 01.12.1996, this Association emphasized for consideration of this demand.
d)The Hon’ble Minister for Electricity, during the meeting with all Trade Unions / Associations held at the Secretariat on 04.07.1998,assureda minimum of three promotions to all employees.
e)This assurance from the Hon’ble Minister for Electricity was also duly incorporated in the Wage Revision Settlement dated 08.07.1998. Yet it was not implemented.
f)During the course of discussion on the Wage Revision as on 01.12.2000 held during the year 2005, this Association again emphasized for implementation of this demand.
g)The Hon’ble Minister for Electricity has agreed to consider our proposal favourably in its entirety and advised to pass relevant orders in accordance with the proposal of the Association.
h)Contrary to the commitment of the Hon’ble Minister for Electricity, the Board diluted and passed orders providing Selection Grade & Special Grade only. These orders did not alleviate the sufferings of the graduate engineers.
i)Our repeated representations during the discussion on the next two Wage Revisions as on 01.12.2007 & 01.12.2011 are futile.
j)It is really unfortunate that primary players for enrichment of this organization still remain neglected.
k)This Association is filing this earnest appeal for consideration of this genuine demand positive during this Wage Revision as on 01.12.2015.
a)A graduate engineer, who is appointed as AE, has to wait for 11-14 years to secure the first promotion as AEE.
b)There will be another long wait for 15-17 years to secure the second promotion as EE.
c)Only around 20% are fortunate to rise up in the ladder as SEs/CEs, availing the third promotion in their career.
d)Many engineers, who have served for 29/30 years of service from their joining as Assistant Engineers, are unfortunate to retire with two promotions only.
e)Some among them may not move to “Selection Grade” before their retirement.
This Association proposes the following format of “RELIEF PACKAGE” providing a minimum of three promotions in the career of all graduate engineers based on the length of service:
a)Additional AEE after completion of 9 years of service from the date of joining as AE.
b)Additional EE after completion of 18 years of service from the date of joining as AE.
c)Additional SE after completion of 25 years of service.
d)The officers elevated as additional AEEs/ EEs/ SEs will be discharging the duties and responsibilities attached to the lower level posts only.
e)The pay of such additional AEEs/ EEs/ SEs will be fixed in the Scale of Pay applicable to the respective higher posts.
f)Date of joining as AE shall be criterion, whether the appointment is by direct recruitment or internal selection.
g)Fourth promotion to the post of CE may be vacancy based.
It is absolutely necessary for comparison of this theme in the other organizations.
It is pertinent to note herein that the Government of Tamil Nadu is extending four assured promotions to the government doctors since 2009. This scheme now stands modified as below vide G.O. Ms. No. 245 dated 30.10.2013 of Health and Family Welfare (A2) Department:
a)Assistant Surgeon as Senior Assistant Surgeon after completion of 8 years of service.
b)Senior Assistant Surgeon as Civil Surgeon as after completion of 7 years of service
c)Civil Surgeon as Senior Civil Surgeon after completion of 2 years of service
d)Senior Civil Surgeon as Chief Senior Civil Surgeon after completion of 3 years of service in the Scale of Pay Rs.37400-67000+GP8700 (PB4).
The Government Doctors, thus, attain four assured promotions and reach the Scale of Pay Rs.37400-67000+GP8700 (PB4) applicable to the SEs on completion of 20 years of service. The demand of this Association is to extend three assured promotionsfor a span of 25 years.
The concept of “Assured Career Progression Program” is being practiced in all public-sector power enterprises under the control of Government of India like NLC, NTPC, NHPC, PGCIL, BHEL, Coal India, ONGCetc.
a)Many Power Corporations/ Companies carved out from the erstwhile SEBs and reorganized consequent to the provisions of Electricity Act, 2003 in the States of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Punjab etc. are implementing “Assured Career Progression Program are also implementing “Assured Career Progression Program”.
b)In Haryana, the Assistant Engineers are moved to the Scale of Pay of Executive Engineers @ Rs.15600-39100+GP6400 on completion of 5 years of service and then to the Scale of Pay of Superintending Engineers @ Rs.37400-67000+GP8700 in PB4 on completion of 12 years of service since their joining as Assistant Engineers.
c)In Uttar Pradesh, Assistant Engineers are moved to the Scale of Pay of Executive Engineers after 9 years @ Rs.15600-39100+GP6600 (L11), to the Scale of Pay of Superintending Engineers after 14 years @ Rs.37400-67000 +GP8900 (L13) and to the Scale of Pay of Chief Engineers @Rs.37400-67000+GP10000 (L14) after 19 years since their joining as Assistant Engineers.
a)It is needless to emphasize that the graduate engineers are the kingpin of this on-line industry. They are toiling day and night for building up the great entity and better functioning of this vital organization committed to the cause of common people.
b)They are volunteering their stupendous service amid all onerous hurdles in the field of generation, transmission and distribution in order to extend uninterrupted quality power to all classes of consumers’ lot.
c)It is imperative that the graduate engineers should focus their undivided attention in the acceleration of all activities with high degree of skill and ability, without falling prey to the sense of dejection in view of stagnation.