Book Trailer Planning Sheet

It would be EXTREMELY helpful to your presentation to collect images and music on a FLASHDRIVE prior to going to the computer lab!!!!

Book Title:______


# of Pgs.:______

Who is the protagonist?

Who or what is the antagonist?

What are the characters in the book trying to accomplish? (What’s the problem?)

What will they go through or how will they accomplish this task?

You will need to HOOK the viewer…..How will you draw the viewer in?

Images: What images came to mind while you were reading this book? What images would work well in your presentation of the book? Images should help the viewer better understand the book. They should be interesting and appealing, and most importantly, fitting for the content and time period of the book. Creative Commons


What was the overall mood of the book? ______What music would fit this mood? Music should not distract from the presentation, it should enhance it. Music should fit the content and time period of your book. You can bring in your own music for your presentation or you can download music from

Digital Components


Using one of the technologies below (or one of your choice) create your book trailer. Of course, many book trailers incorporate video. However, that is both more time consuming and more difficult to accomplish. Many persuasive book trailers use only images and words, and are very effective.
For those unfamiliar with these programs, spend some time on the tutorials. For a basic trailer, all that's necessary is a timed slideshow arranged so that the phrases line up accordingly with the images using Keynote.
Video Editing Resources
iMovieWith iMovie, you can create, edit, and share your movies right on your computer. Build your movie with a few simple drag-and-drops. Delete bad shots and include only the best scenes. Tutorials...
StudioThis resources allows the creator to add multiple photo's and video clips to one slide. This is an awesome resource with the creative in mind! Tutorials... 60 minute videos. If you want to limit the length of the student's project this would be the choice. This could mean more impact in less time!
Jaycut Free online video editing platform that includes options for motion effects, recording and color editing.