American Literature B

Mrs. Johnson

Room 505

Learning Targets

Students will:

·  Read and analyze a variety of American literature selections.

·  Define American historical periods and literary movements and their impact on American literature.

·  Identify and explain the relationship between culture and American literature.

·  Identify and explain the progression, development, and growth of American literature.

·  Analyze American writers’ works, with emphasis on theme and style.

·  Apply an understanding of literary analysis to compose a personal analysis of an American literary work.

·  Acquire and evaluate literary criticism on an American author.

·  Apply research techniques to gather information and construct a research project on an American author.

Course Units of Study

·  Variations and Departures authors—Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce

·  Research Paper—thematic or stylistic analysis of author, analysis of literary criticism

·  Modern Temper authors—F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Robert Frost, Maya Angelou, Carl Sandburg, Langston Hughes


The United States in Literature and other supplemental texts (Classroom copies)

Classroom Expectations

1.  Be on time to class. Be in your desk and ready to work when the bell rings.

2.  Be prepared for class. Bring your materials (including your textbook), any homework, and a positive attitude to class with you each day.

3.  Be a part of class. Participate in class, focus on the work, and be willing to try new things.

4.  Be respectful of the other students and the teacher at all times.

5.  Be responsible for your own learning. Ask questions, keep track of your assignments, and be an active participant in class.

What you need each day:

·  One notebook – specifically for this class that will be periodically collected for points

·  One folder – specifically for this class

·  Pencil, pen, highlighters, and your planner

Homework Expectations:

Yes, you will receive homework in this class. It is expected that you will come to class with your assignment fully completed. If it is not fully completed at the beginning of class, it will be considered late.

Make-Up and Late Work:

Any assignments not completed on time are only worth 50% for a one week period of time. After one week has passed, the assignment becomes a “0” and cannot be made up for credit. Students with an excused absence from class will be given two days for each class period absent to make up the work for full credit. After the two day period the work will be considered late and follow the above policy. The teacher will not pursue you about missing or late work. Use the board at the front of the room and the black file box to pick up needed handouts. DO NOT let your work slip away from you. Don’t start bad habits—it is very difficult to get back out!!

Academic Honesty

Please refer to page 35 of your student handbook for this policy. It will be strictly enforced.

Grading Scale

A = 95-100% B+ = 87-89% C+ = 77-79% D+ = 67-69% F = 0-59%

A- = 90-94% B = 83-86% C = 73-76% D = 63-66%

B- = 80-82% C- = 70-72% D- = 60-62%

Grades will be posted in the classroom and updated each week. You are responsible to keep track of your grade and bring any issues with your grade to the attention of the teacher. You should also keep all returned work until it appears correctly on the posted grade sheets.

Mrs. Johnson’s Website

Mrs. Johnson has a website just for this class. From the website, you can access daily assignments, a calendar of important events, and print out copies of worksheets or handouts. You may also see a preview of the upcoming week. This is an excellent tool to use if you miss a day of class or lose a handout.

How to Use Mrs. Johnson’s Website

1.  Go the Spring Lake Park Schools web page at

2.  Under “Schools,” click on “Spring Lake Park High School”

3.  On the left side, click on “Teacher Web Pages”

4.  Scroll down and click on “Heather Johnson American Lit. B”


If you have questions about anything we are covering in class, homework assignments, or projects, please ask early and often. Be an advocate for yourself. If you are struggling, let the teacher know. The teacher’s contact information is listed below. Please feel free to contact me at any time. I will do my best to help you out in a timely fashion. Your success in this class is based on your communication!

Teacher Contact Information

Teacher: Mrs. Heather Johnson


School website:

Telephone: 763-795-5137

I have read the above information and understand the policies and procedures expected for Mrs. Johnson’s American Lit B course. I agree to abide by these policies and procedures to make my learning experience the best it can possibly be!

Student Name (please print) ______

Student Signature______Date______

I have read the above information and understand the policies and procedures expected for Mrs. Johnson’s American Lit B course. I have discussed this information with my student.

Parent Signature______Date______