

1. Which of these types of nuclear radiation has the greatest penetrating power?

a. alphac. neutron

b. betad. gamma

2. Which type of radioactive emission has a positive charge and weak penetrating power?

a. alpha particlec. gamma ray

b. beta particled. neutron

3. Which list of particles is in order of increasing mass?

a. protonelectronalpha particlec. electronprotonalpha particle

b. protonalpha particleelectrond. alpha particleelectronproton

4. Which type of radiation is identical in mass and charge to a helium nucleus

a. alphac. positron

b. betad. proton

5. Given the reaction Which type of emanation is represented by X?

a. alphac. positron

b. betad. proton

6. Which equation represents apha decay?

a. c.

b. d.

7. In the reaction , what does x represent?

a. a neutronc. an alpha particle

b. a protond. a beta particle

8. Given the reaction: . This reaction is best described as

a. alpha decayc. fission

b. beta decayd. fussion

9. Which type of radiation has neither mass nor charge?

a. gammac. alpha

b. neutrond. beta

10. In the diagram below, the radiation from a radiactive source is being separated as it passes between electrically charged plates. What are the three types of radiation observed on the detector?

a. X=alpha, Y=beta, Z=gammac. X=beta, Y=gamma, Z=alpha

b. X=gamma, Y=beta, Z=alphad. X=gamma, Y=alpha, Z=beta

11. After 30 days, 5.0 grams of a radioactive isotope remains from an original 40 gram sample. What is the half-life of this element?

a. 5 daysc. 15 days

b. 10 daysd. 20 days

12. The graph below represents the decay curve of a radioactive isotope. The half-life of this isotope is

a. 8 yearsc. 45 years

b. 30 yearsd. 60 years

13. The half-life of a radioactive isotope is 20 minutes. What is the total amount of a 1.00 gram sample of this isotope remaining after 1.0 hours?

a. 0.500 gramsc. 0.250 grams

b. 0.333 gramsd. 0.125 grams

14. According to the equation , the nucleus correctly represented by x is

a. c.

b. d.

15. Given the reaction , when the equation is correctly balance the nucleus represented by x is

a. c.

b. d.

16. Given the reaction that occurs in an electrochemical cell:Zn(s)+CuSO4(aq)ZnSO4(aq) + Cu(s)

During this reaction, the oxidation number of Zn changes from

a. 0 to +2c. +2 to 0

b. 0 to -2d. -2 to 0

17. In which substance does chlorine have an oxidation number of +1?

a. Cl2c. HclO

b. HCld. HClO2

18. What is the oxidation number of chromium in K2Cr2O7?

a. +12c. +3

b. +2d. +6

19. Which reaction is an example of an oxidation reduction reaction?

a. AgNO3 + KIAgI + KNO3

b. Cu + 2AgNO3Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag

c. 2KOH + H2SO4K2SO4 +2H20

d. Ba(OH)2 +2HClBaCl2 + 2H2O

20. Given the reaction: 2Al(s) + Fe2O3(s)Al2O3(s) + 2Fe(s)

Which species undergoes reduction?

a. Alc. Al+3

b. Fed. Fe-3

21. In any redox reation, the substance that undergoes reduction will

a. lose electrons and have a decrease in oxidation number

b. lose electrons and have an increase in oxidation number

c. gain electrons and have a decrease in oxidation number

d. gain electrons and have an increase in oxidation number

22. Given the reaction Mg(s) + 2H+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq)Mg2-(aq)+2Cl-(aq)+H2(g)

Which species undergoes oxidation?

a. Mg(s)c. Cl-(aq)

b. H+(aq)d. H2(g)

23. Given the reaction: Zn(s)+2HCl(aq)ZnCl2(aq) +H2(g)

Which statement correctly describes what occurs when this reaction takes place in a closed system?

a. atoms of Zn(s) lose electrons and are oxidized

b. atoms of Zn(s) gain electrons and are reduced

c. there is a net loss of mass

d. there is a net gain of mass

24. In a redox reaction, how does the total number of electrons lost by the oxidized substance compare to the total number of electrons gained by the reduced substance?

a. the number lost is always greater than the number gained

b. the number lost is always equal to the number gained

c. the number lost is sometimes equal to the number gained

d. the number lost is sometimes less than the number gained

25. Given the equation: 2Al + 2Cu2-2Al3+ +3Cu, the reduction half-reaction is

a. AlAl3++3e-c. A;+3e-Al3+

b. Cu2++2e-Cud. Cu2+Cu +2e-

26. Given the reaction: Cu(s)+4HNO3(aq)Cu(NO3)2(aq)+2NO2(g)+2H2O(l)

As the reaction occurs, what happens to copper?

  1. it undergoes reduction and its oxidation number decreases
  2. it undergoes reduction and its oxidation number increases
  3. k undergoes oxidation and its oxidation number decreases
  4. it underoges oxidation and its oxidation number increases

27. Given the balanced equation: NaOH + HClNaCl + H2O

What is the total number of grams of H2O produced when 116 grams of the product, NaCl, is formed?

a. 9.0 gramsc. 36 grams

b. 18 gramsd. 54 grams