Development of Verification and Validation Procedures for Computer Simulation use in Roadside Safety Applications

NCHRP Project 22-24

Literature List


The following is a list of references pertaining to the topics of verification and validation of finite element models. The list is divided into two broad sections: verification and validation.

Verification in this context is mean to imply techniques that ensure that the model and simulation are mathematically correct and will run without un-due errors. Verification simply confirms that a model does not have underlying numerical or computational problems but does not guarantee that the resulting simulations will replicate physical tests. Some topics included in the verification area include:


  • Geometry
  • Element type
  • Mesh size
  • Material Properties
  • Contact interfaces
  • Energy balance
  • Shooting nodes / Tangled mesh

Validation, on the other hand, does not address numerical or computational accuracy but is instead related to comparing simulation results to physical tests. Some of the topics considered under the heading of validation include:


  • Validation parameters (metrics)
  • Material model validation
  • Components
  • bolted connections
  • spotwelds
  • post-soil interaction
  • glass
  • dummies
  • other
  • Vehicle testing
  • Full-scale tests w/ roadside hardware

The following sections list papers that have been identified regarding both these topic. Some papers appear in both list since they address both topics. The following list will be expanded into a text discussion in the next quarter.


Verification deals with the mathematical and computational aspects of a finite element model. The purpose is to “verify” that the model runs correctly, does not exhibit any unreasonable numerical characteristics and is free from numerical or computation artifacts. Verification involves verifying:

  • Correct geometry,
  • Appropriate element type,
  • Appropriate mesh size,
  • Realistic material properties,
  • Contact definitions appropriate to the problem,
  • A stable energy balance and
  • No shooting nodes or tangled mesh.


References listed in this section describe common practices in creating and modeling the geometry of vehicle and/or hardware devices for non-linear dynamic finite element applications. Some of these references give useful advice related to the correct way to build and/or check the model geometry. Most of the listed references are related to the use of the non-linear finite element program LSDYNA.

[1]John D. Reid, “Admissible modeling errors or modeling simplifications?,”In Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 29, Issue 1, 15 May 1998, Pages 49-63.

[2]L. Schwer, "Verification and Validation: their role in virtual testing". Proceedings of the 5th LS-DYNA Forum, DYNAmore GmbH, Ulm, 2006.

[3]K.Mendis, A. Mani and S.C. Shyu, “Finite Element Crash Models of Motor Vehicles. Final Report” EASI Engineering; Federal Highway Administration, 1995.

[4]J. W.Wekezer, “Finite Element Modeling of Motor Vehicles. Protocol For Developing Ingrid Data Input Decks for Dyna3d Computer Code,” FINAL REPORT. Federal Highway Administration, 1995.

[5]S. Varadappa, S. C. Shyo and A. Mani,“Development of a Passenger Vehicle Finite Element Model,” Report DOT-HS-808-145. NHTSA, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1993.

[6]L. Kwasniewski, H. Li, R. Nimbalkar and J. Wekezer, “Crashworthiness assessment of a paratransit bus,”International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 32, Issue 5, May 2006, Pages 883-888.

[7]G. Thacker, S. W. Reagan, J. A. Pellettiere, W. D. Pilkey, J. R. Crandall and E. M. Sieveka, “Experiences during development of a dynamic crash response automobile model, Finite Elements,”Analysis and Design, Volume 30, Issue 4, 15 October 1998, Pages 279-295.

[8]Z. Q. Cheng, J. G. Thacker, W. D. Pilkey, W. T. Hollowell, S. W. Reagan and E. M. Sieveka, “Experiences in reverse-engineering of a finite element automobile crash model,“Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 37, Issue 11, October 2001, Pages 843-860.

[9]S. W. Kirkpatrick, J. W. Simons, and T. H. Antoun, "Development and Validation of High Fidelity Vehicle Crash Simulation Models," In Proceedings of IJCrash'98, International Crashworthiness Conference, 1998.

[10]V. Gupta, T. J.Gunasekar,A. Rao,J. Kamarajan and S.Summers,“Reverse Engineering Method For Developing Passenger Vehicle Finite Element Models,” Society of Automotive Engineers, 1999.

[11]M.H. Ray andJ.R.Viner, “Importance of Vehicle Structure and Geometry on the Performance of Roadside Hardware Safety Features,“Vehicle Highway Infrastructure: Safety Compatibility”, Report P-194,Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA, 1987.

[12]D. Schauer, F. Tokarz, G. Kay, A. Lee, R. Logan, E. Cofie and M. H. Ray, “Preliminary Vehicle impact Simulation Technology Advancement (Pre-VISTA), ” FHWA Report No. FHWA-RD-96-059, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 1997.

[13]G. A. Aramayo, A. Bobrek,"Development of a Finite Element Model of a 1998 Audi A8 for Crash Analysis,"Computer Science and Mathematics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory, September 2001.

[14]M. H. Ray, “The Use of Finite Element Analysis in Roadside Hardware Design,” International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 2, No. 4, Woodhead Publishing, London, UK, 1997.

[15]E.C.Chirwa, “Structural crashworthiness simulation of a rear-end collision of a small European car,” International Journal of Crashworthiness, (1996) Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 21-34.

[16]A. K. Zaouk, N. E. Bedewi, C. D. Kan and D. Marzougui, “Development and Evaluation of a C-1500 Pickup Truck for Roadside Hardware Impact Simulation, " In FHWA Vehicle Crash Analysis, Report No. FHWA-RD-96-212, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 1997.

[17]P.Tiso, “An Improved Suspension Model for the Reduced Model of the Chevrolet C2500 Pickup Truck,” Master’s Thesis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, 2001.

[18]P. Tiso, C. A. Plaxico and M. H. Ray, "An Improved Truck Model for Roadside Safety Simulations: Part II -- Suspension Modeling," Transportation Research Record No. 1797, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2002.

[19]F. Orengo, C.A. Plaxico and M. H. Ray, "Modeling Tire Blow-out in Roadside Hardware Simulations Using LS-DYNA," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Reston, VA, 2003.

[20]C.R. Miele, C.A.Plaxico, J.C. Kennedy, S. Simunovic and N. Zis, “Heavy Vehicle Infrastucture Asset Interaction and Collision,” Cooperative Agreement No. DTFH61-03-X-00030, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., September 2005.

[21]R. I.Basu, K. JKirkhope and J. Srinivasan, "Guidelines for Evaluation of Ship Structural Finite Element Analysis," Ship Structures Committee, U. S. Coast Guard, Report No. SSC-387, December 1995.

[22]A. E.Stockwell, “A Verification Procedure for MSC/NASTRAN Finite Element Models,” NASA CR-4675, June 1995.

[23]K Schweizerhof, L. Nilsson and J. O.Hallquist, "Crashworthiness Analysis in the Automotive Industry," International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. Vol. 5, no. 2-4, pp. 134-156. 1992.

[24]Chang-Ro Lee, Jeong-Won Kim, John O. Hallquist, Yuan Zhang and Akbar D. Farahani, "Validation of a FEA Tire Model for Vehicle Dynamic Analysis and Full Vehicle Real Time Proving Ground Simulations," SAE Technical Papers, Paper Number 971100.

[25]B.G.Kao and M. Muthukrishnan, “Tire transient analysis with an explicit finite element program,” Tire Science and Technology, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp. 230-244 (October 1997).

[26]Niele Stander, "Shape optimization for head and knee impact featuring adaptive mesh topology and a discrete variable," InProceedings of the 3th European Ls-Dyna User's Conference, Paris, France, 2001.

[27]K. Engstrand, M. Jansson, L. Nilsson, "On vehicle impact on roadside barrier," In Proceedings of the 3th European Ls-Dyna User's Conference, Paris, France, 2001.

[28]Ford Crown Victoria Crash Simulation (

[29]Methodology for Validation and Documentation of Vehicle Finite Element Crash ModelS for Roadside Hardware Applications, (

[30]NationalCrashworthinessAnalysisCenter model archive, 2003. (

[31]LS-DYNA Examples from various training classes

[32]Ls-Dyna Examples from CADFEM

[33]Ls-Dyna tips & tricks from CAD-FEM

[34]LSDYNA users newsgroup (Yahoo group)


Element type

References listed in this section describe common practices for choosing appropriate element types to model different features of finite element modelsof structures involved in crash events. Most of the listed references are related to the use of the non-linear finite element program LSDYNA.

[1]T. Belytschko, J. Lin and C.S. Tsai, “Explicit algorithms for nonlinear dynamics of shells,”Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., 42 (1984), pp. 225–251.

[2]M. Timmel, S. Kolling, P. Osterrieder and P.A. Du Bois, “A finite element model for impact simulation with laminated glass,”International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 34, Issue 8, August 2007, Pages 1465-1478.

[3]P. A. Du Bois, S. Kolling and W. Fassnacht, “Modelling of safety glass for crash simulation,”Computational Materials Science, Volume 28, Issues 3-4, Twelfth International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, November 2003, Pages 675-683.

[4]P.A. Du Bois, “Crashworthiness engineering course notes,”Livermore Software Technology Corporation (2004).

[5]A. Haufe, G. Pietsch, M. Feucht, S. Kolling "FE modeling of spotweld and adhesive joining for crashworthiness analysis," in Proceedings of the 6th European LS-DYNA User's Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2006.

[6]Haufe A., P.a. Du Bois, S. Kolling, M. Feucht, "On the development, verification and validation of a semi-analytical model for polymers subjected to dynamic loading," International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, ADMOS, Barcelona, 205,Conference Proceedings.

[7]M. Feucht, T. Frank, S. Kolling, F. Seeger, W.Pan, "Adhesive bonding - modeling techniques for crash applications,"in 4th International Workshop for Material and Structural Behavior at Crash Processes (2006) - CrashMAT, Freiburg, Germany, Conference Proceedings.

[8]M. Feucht, "Regularized Damage Modeling for Failure Prediction of Automotive Components under Crash Loading,"in Proceedings of 5th International Conference of Computation of Shells and Spatial Structures, Salzburg, Austria.

[9]P.A. Du Bois, S. Kolling, M. Freucht, A. Haufe, "A Comparative Review of Damage and Failure Models and a Tabulated Generalization,"in Proceedings of the 6th European LS-DYNAUser's Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2006.

[10]M. Skye, E. Nutwell, "Spotweld Failure Prediction Using Solid Element Assemblies," in Proceedings of the 6th European LS-DYNAUser's Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2006.

[11]R.H. MacNeal, R.L. Harder, “A proposed standard set of problems to test Finite element accuracy,”Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 1 (1) (1985) 3}20.

[12]A. Tabiei and R. Tanov, “A nonlinear higher order shear deformation shell element for dynamic explicit analysis: Part II. Performance validation through standard tests,”Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 36, Issue 1, August 2000, Pages 39-50.

[13]Shen Rong Wu, "Convergence Study On Explicit Finite Element for Crashworthiness Analysis,"in Proceedings of SAE 2006 World Congress and Exhibition, April 2006, Detroit, MI, USA. Session: Structural crashworthiness (Part 2 of 2). 2006-01-0672.

[14]K. Mendis, A. Mani and S.C.Shyu, “Finite Element Crash Models of Motor Vehicles,” Final Report EASI Engineering; Federal Highway Administration, 1995.

[15]J. W.Wekezer, “Finite Element Modeling of Motor Vehicles. Protocol For Developing Ingrid Data Input Decks for Dyna3d Computer Code,”Final Report. Federal Highway Administration, 1995.

[16]S. Varadappa, S. C. Shyo and A. Mani,“Development of a Passenger Vehicle Finite Element Model,” Report DOT-HS-808-145. NHTSA, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1993.

[17]F. Seeger, M. Feucht, Th. Frank, B. Keding, A. Haufe, "An Investigation on Spotweld Modelling for Crash Simulation with LS-DYNA," in Proceedings of the 4th German LS-DYNA Forum , Bamberg, 2005.

[18]D. Chapelle and K. J. Bathe, “Fundamental considerations for the finite element analysis of shell structures,”Computers & Structures, Volume 66, Issue 1, January 1998, Pages 19-36.

[19]L. Kwasniewski, H. Li, R. Nimbalkar and J. Wekezer, “Crashworthiness assessment of a paratransit bus,”International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 32, Issue 5, May 2006, Pages 883-888.

[20]G. Thacker, S. W. Reagan, J. A. Pellettiere, W. D. Pilkey, J. R. Crandall and E. M. Sieveka, “Experiences during development of a dynamic crash response automobile model,”Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 30, Issue 4, 15 October 1998, Pages 279-295.

[21]Z. Q. Cheng, J. G. Thacker, W. D. Pilkey, W. T. Hollowell, S. W. Reagan and E. M. Sieveka, “Experiences in reverse-engineering of a finite element automobile crash model,”Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 37, Issue 11, October 2001, Pages 843-860.

[22]S. W. Kirkpatrick, J. W. Simons and T. H. Antoun, "Development and Validation of High Fidelity Vehicle Crash Simulation Models," in Proceedings of IJCrash'98, International Crashworthiness Conference, 1998.

[23]V. Gupta, T. J. Gunasekar,A. Rao,J. Kamarajan and S.Summers,“Reverse Engineering Method For Developing Passenger Vehicle Finite Element Models,” Society of Automotive Engineers, 1999.

[24]D. Schauer, F. Tokarz, G. Kay, A. Lee, R. Logan, E. Cofie and M. H. Ray, “Preliminary Vehicle impact Simulation Technology Advancement (Pre-VISTA),”, FHWA Report No. FHWA-RD-96-059, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 1997.

[25]G. A. Aramayo, A. Bobrek,"Development of a Finite Element Model of a 1998 Audi A8 for Crash Analysis,"Computer Science and Mathematics Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory, September 2001.

[26]M. H. Ray, “The Use of Finite Element Analysis in Roadside Hardware Design,” International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 2, No. 4, Woodhead Publishing, London, UK, 1997.

[27]E.C. Chirwa, “Structural crashworthiness simulation of a rear-end collision of a small European car,” International Journal of Crashworthiness, (1996) Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 21-34.

[28]B. F. Hendricks and J W. Wekezer, “finite-element modeling of G2 guardrail”, Transportation Research Board, 1996.

[29]A. K. Zaouk, N. E. Bedewi, C. D. Kan and D. Marzougui, “Development and Evaluation of a C-1500 Pickup Truck for Roadside Hardware Impact Simulation," in FHWA Vehicle Crash Analysis, Report No. FHWA-RD-96-212, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 1997.

[30]P. Tiso, “An Improved Suspension Model for the Reduced Model of the Chevrolet C2500 Pickup Truck,” Master’s Thesis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, 2001.

[31]P. Tiso, C. A. Plaxico and M. H. Ray, "An Improved Truck Model for Roadside Safety Simulations: Part II -- Suspension Modeling," Transportation Research Record No. 1797, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2002.

[32]F. Orengo, C.A. Plaxico and M. H. Ray, "Modeling Tire Blow-out in Roadside Hardware Simulations Using LS-DYNA," in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Reston, VA, 2003.

[33]C.R. Miele, C.A.Plaxico, J.C. Kennedy, S. Simunovic and N. Zis, “Heavy Vehicle Infrastucture Asset Interaction and Collision,” Cooperative Agreement No. DTFH61-03-X-00030, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., September 2005.

[34]R. I.Basu, K. JKirkhope and J. Srinivasan, "Guidelines for Evaluation of Ship Structural Finite Element Analysis," Ship Structures Committee, U. S. Coast Guard, Report No. SSC-387, December 1995.

[35]A. E. Stockwell, “A Verification Procedure for MSC/NASTRAN Finite Element Models,” NASA CR-4675, June 1995.

[36]K Schweizerhof, L. Nilsson and J. O. Hallquist, "Crashworthiness Analysis in the Automotive Industry," International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. Vol. 5, no. 2-4, pp. 134-156. 1992.

[37]Chang-Ro Lee, Jeong-Won Kim, John O. Hallquist, Yuan Zhang and Akbar D. Farahani, "Validation of a FEA Tire Model for Vehicle Dynamic Analysis and Full Vehicle Real Time Proving Ground Simulations," SAE Technical Papers, Paper Number 971100.

[38]B.G.Kao and M. Muthukrishnan, “Tire transient analysis with an explicit finite element program,” Tire Science and Technology, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp. 230-244 (October 1997).

[39]K. Engstrand, M. Jansson, L. Nilsson, "On vehicle impact on roadside barrier," In Proceedings of the 3th European Ls-Dyna User's Conference, Paris, France, 2001.

[40]K. Schweizerhof, "Improved spotweld simulation with LS-DYNA-Numerical simulation and comparison to experiments," in Proceedings of the 3th European Ls-Dyna User's Conference, Paris, France, 2001.

[41]A. Tabiei,"New shell element for analysis of sandwich structures and crashworthiness of composite materials," in Proceedings of the 3th European Ls-Dyna User's Conference, Paris, France, 2001.

[42]Ford Crown Victoria Crash Simulation (

[43]Methodology for Validation and Documentation of Vehicle Finite Element Crash ModelS for Roadside Hardware Applications


[44]NationalCrashworthinessAnalysisCenter model archive, 2003. (

[45]LS-DYNA Examples from various training classes

[46]Ls-Dyna Examples from CADFEM

[47]Ls-Dyna tips & tricks from CAD-FEM

[48]K. Schweizerhof, "On current State of the Art Crashworthiness Analysis", 2001. (

[49]Ls-Dyna users newsgroup (Yahoo group)

Mesh size

References listed in this section describe common practices for setting an appropriate mesh size to model different features of finite element models of structures involved in crash events. Most of the listed references are related to the use of the non-linear finite element program LSDYNA.

[1]John D. Reid and Nicholas R. Hiser, “Detailed modeling of bolted joints with slippage,”Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 41, Issue 6, March 2005, pp 547–562

[2]John D. Reid, Robert W. Bielenberg and Brian A. Coon, “Indenting, buckling and piercing of aluminum beverage cans”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 37, Issue 2, February 2001, Pages 131-144.

[3]P.A. Du Bois, “Crashworthiness engineering course notes,”Livermore Software Technology Corporation (2004).

[4]Shen Rong Wu, "Convergence Study On Explicit Finite Element for Crashworthiness Analysis," in Proceedings of SAE 2006 World Congress and Exhibition, April 2006, Detroit, MI, USA. Session: Structural crashworthiness (Part 2 of 2). 2006-01-0672.

[5]S. G. Lee, J. I. Kwon and J. H. Chung, “Fluid Mesh Modeling on Surface Ship Shock Response under Underwater Explosion,”Practical design of ships and other floating structures, Elsevier, 2001.

[6]K. Mendis, A. Mani and S.C.Shyu, “Finite Element Crash Models of Motor Vehicles. Final Report” EASI Engineering; Federal Highway Administration, 1995.

[7]J. W.Wekezer, “Finite Element Modeling of Motor Vehicles. Protocol For Developing Ingrid Data Input Decks for Dyna3d Computer Code,” FINAL REPORT. Federal Highway Administration, 1995.

[8]S. Varadappa, S. C. Shyo and A. Mani,“Development of a Passenger Vehicle Finite Element Model,” Report DOT-HS-808-145. NHTSA, Washington, D.C., Nov. 1993.

[9]M. Müller-Bechtel et al., “Element Sizes in implicit and explicit calculation,” in Proceedings of the 5th. LS-DYNA Forum, October 2006, Ulm, Germany.

[10]U. Jankowski et al., “General considerations for the influence of mesh density in LS Dyna,” in Proceedings of the 5th European LS-Dyna Conference, May 2005, Birmingham, UK.

[11]K. J. Bathe, J. Walczak and H. Zhang, Some recent advances for practical finite element analysis,”Computers & Structures, Volume 47, Issues 4-5, 3 June 1993, Pages 511-521.

[12]L. Kwasniewski, H. Li, R. Nimbalkar and J. Wekezer, “Crashworthiness assessment of a paratransit bus,”International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 32, Issue 5, May 2006, Pages 883-888.

[13]G. Thacker, S. W. Reagan, J. A. Pellettiere, W. D. Pilkey, J. R. Crandall and E. M. Sieveka, “Experiences during development of a dynamic crash response automobile modelFinite Elements,”Analysis and Design, Volume 30, Issue 4, 15 October 1998, Pages 279-295.

[14]Z. Q. Cheng, J. G. Thacker, W. D. Pilkey, W. T. Hollowell, S. W. Reagan and E. M. Sieveka, “Experiences in reverse-engineering of a finite element automobile crash model,“Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Volume 37, Issue 11, October 2001, Pages 843-860.

[15]S. W. Kirkpatrick, J. W. Simons, and T. H. Antoun, "Development and Validation of High Fidelity Vehicle Crash Simulation Models," In Proceedings of IJCrash'98, International Crashworthiness Conference, 1998.

[16]N. E. Bedewi, C. D. Kan, S. Summers and C. Ragland, “Evaluation of Car-to-Car Frontal Offset Impact Finite Element Models Using Full-Scale Crash Data,” in Issues in Automotive Safety Technology, SAE Report SP-1072, Society of Automobile Engineers, 1995.

[17]V. Gupta, T. J. Gunasekar,A. Rao,J. Kamarajan and S.Summers,“Reverse Engineering Method For Developing Passenger Vehicle Finite Element Models,” Society of Automotive Engineers, 1999.

[18]D. Schauer, F. Tokarz, G. Kay, A. Lee, R. Logan, E. Cofie and M. H. Ray, “Preliminary Vehicle impact Simulation Technology Advancement (Pre-VISTA), ” FHWA Report No. FHWA-RD-96-059, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C., 1997.

[19]J. T. Fong, J. J. Filliben,R. DeWit, R. J. Fields, B. Bernstein and P. V. Marcal, "Uncertainty in Finite Element Modeling and Failure Analysis: A Metrology-Based Approach," Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, February 2006, Volume 128, Issue 1, pp. 140-147.