Appendix 3

Expense Guidelines

MS Society expense claim guidelines


Questions on expenses:

Q. Can I claim expenses incurred while volunteering for the MS Society?

Q. How do I claim expenses?

Q. When and howwill I be paid?

Q. What expenses can be reimbursed?

- Travel expenses

- Food, drink and accommodation

- Carers costs

- Telephone costs

- Any other expenses

Can I claim expenses incurred while volunteering for the MS Society?

Yes you can. The MS Society will reimburse reasonable expenses incurred while volunteering for the MS Society. Expenses must be claimed within three months of incurring the expense. Expenses should be kept to a minimum without compromising safety or wellbeing.

These guidelines set out what you can claim.

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How do I claim expenses?

You will need to obtain an MS Society expense claim form. This can be obtained by visiting the volunteering section of the MS Society website, contacting the volunteering team on (020 8438 0944), from your branch treasurer or asking your MS Society contact.

Complete the form, stating clearly what expenses you are claiming for and in relation to what activity. Attach receipts for the expenses to the claim form.

Once you have completed the form return to your branch treasurer or MS Society contact.

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When and how will I be paid?

You should allow up to 28 days for payment although usually your expenses will be paid quicker than this. If you need earlier payment then this can usually be arranged – speak to your MS Society contact.

Payment will normally be paid by cheque. Smaller amounts (less than £25) may be repaid by cash but check with your branch treasurer or MS Society contact first.

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What expenses can be reimbursed?

This needs to be agreed with your branch committee or MS Society contact before you incur the expenditure. Below is a list of the expenses that can be reimbursed.

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Travel costs
  1. Using your own car

If you use your own car on MS Society business you canclaim the maximum allowed by HM Revenue Customs (45p per mile as at 1 January 2012) – for the latest rate contact the finance team at the MSNC. This mileage rate covers the cost of fuel, wear and tear on your vehicle, depreciation, vehicle tax and insurance costs.

The exact journey undertaken needs to be entered onto the claim form and, if a diversion has been taken, details of the route.

It is recommendedthat public transport is used for journeys over 150 miles round trip. If you have to use your own car on a journey over 150 miles on MS Society business then please give the reason why on the expense claim form and get approval beforehand from the branch committee or MS Society contact.

You are responsible for ensuring you have correct insurance to use your vehicle on MS Society business and you vehicle is roadworthy. The Society cannot pay any additional premium that may become payable or pay for a lost no claims bonusand/or excess should you be involved in an accident while on MS Society business.

The Society will reimburse any reasonable parking costs and congestion charge (where this can not be avoided).

The Society is not able to reimburse parking fines or late payment fines for the congestion charge.

  1. Using public transport – trains and buses

You should obtain the lowest possible standard class fare for the journey you need to make (where possible make use of cheap advance fares).

  1. Using taxis

Taxi costs will be reimbursed in the following circumstances:

  • Where there are access issues with public transport.
  • Where a location has only limited public transport and/or safety considerations.
  • The cost is cheaper than using public transport (which might be the case if there are a number people using the taxi).
  • Where you need to carry equipment or other luggage.

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Food, drink and accommodation

Food and drink

You will need to be away from home for more than 4 hours to reclaim food and drink expenses.

You can reclaim up to the following amounts (limits as at 1 January 2012): -

Breakfast up to £6.30

Lunchup to £11.40

Evening mealup to £28.50

The limits above are increased by inflation each year (1 January).

For other non-alcoholic drinks & snacks purchased there is a limit of £5 per day.

Claims for alcohol will not be reimbursed.

Please be clear on the expenses claim why these expenses have been incurred.


Overnight accommodation should not exceed £85 per night (£90 per night where breakfast is included).

Incidental expenses while staying at overnight accommodation should not amount to more than £5. Incidental expenses include food and drink not part of the evening meal, internet access, and similar expenses.

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Carers’ costs

The Society will reimburse reasonable carer / personal assistant costs – obtain approval for this expenditure with your MS Society contact before incurring any expense.

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Telephone costs

If you use your telephone for MS Society business then you can reclaim the cost of the call. Costs can only be reclaimed where you produce an itemised telephone bill.

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Other costs

If you want to be reimbursed for any other expenses not mentioned in these guidelines then please check with the branch treasurer or your MS Society contact before incurring the expense.

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Expense guidelines – volunteers v1.0 1 January 2012 1