LIB 101 Assignment #1: Compare/Contrast 3 Types of libraries: Public, Academic & Special Due Date: March 24, 2011 (45 points)

Purpose: To observe, compare and contrast the mission, services, collections, staffing and facilities of an academic, a public and a special library you have visited in person.

Product Format:
1) comparison chart, created using the table feature of Word or Excel (landscape layout),
2) 1-2 page typed reflection paper. Please include your name and staple pages in the upper
left corner. (Folders, covers, etc are not needed.)

Procedure: Refer to the list of questions below and consider these when visiting the libraries. You may
ask questions of the staff at the library, but your observations and the library’s website should
provide the information you need.

1.  Select and visit (in person) three libraries. (remember to take notes during your visit)

Visit a public library. Do not use a Pasadena Public library or a library where you work.
Select a library from the List of California Public Libraries

Visit an academic library. Do not use the PCC library or a library where you work.
All Community College, Cal State, and UC libraries are open to the public. For private academic libraries, call ahead to verify hours and if/when visitors are welcome.
California Academic Libraries List

Visit a special library. Do not use the PCC Career Center or the Huntington Library.
Call ahead to verify hours and when visitors are welcome. California State Library Directory of Special Libraries (NOTE: some are not in Southern CA.). Also consider: hospitals, museums (Natural History, Getty, Arboretum), newspapers (Los Angeles Times), Corporate: MTA Transportation Library and Archives, Genealogy Libraries, churches/Religious Groups; Law (Los Angeles County Law Library, Sports Library (Amateur Athletic Assoc.), Braille Institute Library, Academy of Motion Pictures Herrick Library, Philanthropy Flintridge Foundation Philanthropy Resources Library.

2.  Use the library visit summary template (provided on the class website) or create a chart to present your responses to the following questions for each library (one column for each library). Also include a column to summarize your comparison and contrast observations and comments. If you create your own chart, use the “library visit summary” as a model. Be sure to include a column for each library and a 4th column for your comparison and contrast observations.

3.  Write a reflection paper. This is not just a repeat the information in the chart, it should include:

-  Comments on your observations. Think about what you saw. What can you conclude?

-  Highlight any comparisons and/or contrasts between the libraries.

-  What issues/concerns/trends did you notice?

-  Impressions: Answer the 4 impression questions (10-13) with an emphasis on: do you think you would enjoy working in either of these libraries? Why or why not? Itemize both plusses and minuses.


·  Do not wait to start this assignment.

·  You can work with other students. While each of you must submit a unique chart and paper, you can use the same library and you can discuss the topics and content together. You can carpool.

·  Contact me with questions and or 626-585-7832

·  Check the grading rubric (below) before submitting your final paper.

Assignment #1 Grading Rubric:Total Possible Points =45

Comparison Chart / 30 points
Well Done: Chart includes 9 topics each is complete and thoroughly examined for each of 3 libraries. Includes compare/contrast comments. / 25-30
Adequate: Chart includes 12 topics but some are incomplete or not explained / 15-25
Incomplete: Chart does not include all topics and some are incomplete / 15
Reflection paper / 15 points
Summarizes and reflects on findings and impressions (#10-13 below); offers insights about major issues, trends, concerns, and justifies personal preference for working, or not working, in these environments. / 15
Lacks summary, reflection, impressions or insights on findings or personal preferences. / -5 each

Questions for library visits; complete for each library:

1.  Contact information / List the complete name, address, phone number, and Web site address.
2.  Hours / What days and hours is the library open? How easy is it to access the library? Parking? Public transportation?
3.  Access: / How easy is it to find the following without asking for help: circulation/reserve desk, reference/information desk, library computers, Internet terminals, periodicals, restrooms, copiers. elevators or stairs. Briefly describe the layout and signage.
4.  Who uses the library? / Who are the primary user groups? Why do people use this library? Is the library open to the public? Who is eligible for services? Is the library busy?
5.  Collections: / Describe the library’s collection: approximate size, scope, purpose. What types of books and other formats are included? Any special or unique information?
6.  Services: / What is the library’s mission? What types of services are provided? Identify any special services offered. How can you find out about the library’s services?
7.  Organization and budget: / What is the larger organization to which the library belongs? What is the library’s governing body? To whom does the head of the library report?
8.  Staffing: / How many people work at this library and what types of jobs are there: librarians, library technicians, others, full time and part time? What staff did you observe? What impression did you get of the staff (businesslike, courteous, sloppy, friendly, etc)?
9.  Facilities: / Briefly describe the size, attractiveness and adequacy of the physical facilities for public use. What types and variety of seating is available for library users?
Briefly describe the staff work areas (if you can).
10.  Impressions: / What most impressed you about this library?
11.  Impressions / What most concerned you about this library?
12.  Impressions: / Would you feel comfortable using this library in the future?
13.  Impressions: / Would you want to work in this library?

Rev 2/19/11 kg