Autumn 2017: Could it be magic…? Worsley Class Newsletter:

We will study free verse poems and use these to model our own as part of our preparations for the P Factor,Our topic will begin with a study of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ and then we will compare the settings, magical tools and characters with those in JK Rowling’s Harry Potter. These will be used to inspire mystery stories and plays. We will be reading various non-fiction texts about forces, magnets, wild weather, earthquakes and volcanoes, to inspire our report writing. / Maths:
We will be taking the next steps in our understanding of number and standard methods. We will be ensuring that we all have rapid recall of our times tables so that we can apply this to fractions and percentages. We will develop our understanding of algebraic equations and using these within problem solving. / Science: May the forces and and magnets be with you! This we will study as well as developing our scientific investigation skills.We will be trying to solve magic tricks to see how forces and magnets can be used!
DT: We will be using our forces knowledge to design and make magical movable vehicles!
PSHE: We will look at how to keep both physically and emotionally ‘safe’ from forces and dangers around us, including road safety and bullying. We will also be thinking about how we can use our forces and powers for creating ‘good’.
Topic:We will be developing our Geographical skills and studying where we would find ‘extreme weather’, volcanoes and earthquakes. We will be finding out what causes these phenomena and how they influence the lives of the people living nearby.
Computing: We will be learning some simple programming techniques. / PE:PE will take place on Monday afternoons at Malton Sport’s Centre and with Mr Mulholland on a Thursday afternoon. Both indoor and outdoor kit will be required each week.
Art: We will be looking at surrealism in art, including the works of Salvador Dali.Pupils are welcome to bring in a painting shirt or apron from home. / Reminders: French and Music will continue on Fridays. Clubs will continue as this term-look out for details in the school newsletter. In addition to our music lessons, the pupils will also be working on songs for the Young Voices concert in Sheffield in January- more details to follow.

RE: In RE we will be looking into Christian values regarding the Trinity.