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Contract Number GS07F0122L




On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic delivery order is available through GSA Advantage!, a menu-driven database system. The INTERNET address for GSA Advantage! is


FSC Group: 056


CONTRACT PERIOD: February 1, 2016 – January 31, 2021

For more information on ordering from Federal Supply Schedules click on the GSA Schedules link at

CONTRACTOR: Safety-Kleen Systems Inc.

2600 North Central Expressway, Suite

Richardson, Texas 75080

972-265-2456 (phone) 972-265-2947 (fax)




Socioeconomic Indicators: N/A




253-40 Environmental Equipment & Services Related to Maintenance & Repair Shop Equipment

253-49 Automatic Cleaning Machines and Parts Washers


(Government net price based on a unit of one)


SIN / Description / Items / Description
253-40 / Environmental Equipment and Services Relating to Maintenance and Repair Shop Equipment
Containerized Waste Services
Oil Filter Collection and Recycling Services / Leased Parts Washer Services
Customer Owned Parts Washer Services
Spray Paint Gun Cleaner Equipment Services Pricing
MILSPEC Solvent and Secondary Spill Containment Products
Disposal of EPA hazardous, non-hazardous, and universal waste
Bulk Oil Recycling containers and Oil Filter Bin / $1.41
253-49 / Automatic Parts Washer Cleaning Machines and Parts Washers / Aqueous Parts Washers (Spray Washing Equipment, Ultrasonic Equipment / $129.48

1c. HOURLY RATES: (Services Only)


2. MAXIMUM ORDER*: Maximum order per SIN is as listed below:

253-40: $100,000

253-49: $200,000

*If the best value selection places your order over the Maximum Order identified in this catalog/pricelist, you have an opportunity to obtain a better schedule contract price. Before placing your order, contact the aforementioned contactor for a better price. The contractor may (1) offer a new price for this requirement (2) offer the lowest price available under this contract or (3) decline the order. A delivery order that exceeds the maximum order may be placed under the schedule contract in accordance with FAR 8.404.

3. MINIMUM ORDER: $45.00


5. POINT(S) OF PRODUCTION: JRI Industries (Spray Washers)

2958 East Division

Springfield,MO 65803

Blackstone-Ney (Ultrasonic and Grease Monkey)

9 North Main

Jamestown,NY 14702

New Pig Corporation

One Pork Avenue

Tipton, PA 16684

6. DISCOUNT FROM LIST PRICES: Price offering are pre-negotiated and approved, to include the Industrial Funding Fee

Basic discount, as listed below, from the awarded commercial price list. For calculation of the GSA Schedule price (price paid by customers ordering from the GSA Schedule, and the price to be loaded in to GSA Advantage), deduct the appropriate basic discount from the list price and add the prevailing IFF rate to the negotiated discounted price (Net GSA price). The current IFF is .75% and should be calculated as follows: Negotiated price divided by (1 minus .0075) which equates to Negotiated price divided by 0.9925. Example: ($100,000 / 0.9925) = $100,755.67

o  Allied Products Equipment (SIN 253-49): 11%

o  Products (SINs 253-40): 16%

o  Parts Washer Services (253-40): 46.5%

o  Analytical Services (253-40): 2%

o  CWS (253-40): 20%

o  CWS-Metals Recovery (253-40):

§  Fluorescent Bulbs – 4 ft box: 49%

§  Fluorescent Bulbs – 8 ft box: 46%



9.a Government Purchase Cards must be accepted at or below the micro-purchase threshold.

9.b Government Purchase Cards are accepted above the micro-purchase threshold. Contact contractor for limit.


253-49 – Spray Gun Cleaner / Sweden

11a. TIME OF DELIVERY: Shipped 7 Days after receipt of order

11b. EXPEDITED DELIVERY: Contact Contractor’s Representative

11c. OVERNIGHT AND 2-DAY DELIVERY: If available, contact the Contractor for rates.

11d. URGENT REQUIRMENTS: Customers are encouraged to contact the contractor for the purpose of requesting accelerated delivery.

12. FOB POINT: Safety-Kleen local branch (see website: for closest branch address to customer’s site

13a. ORDERING ADDRESS: Sean Benson

2600 North Central Expressway, Suite 400 Richardson, Texas 75080

13b. ORDERING PROCEDURES: For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPA’s) are found in FAR 8.405-3

14. PAYMENT ADDRESS: Same as contractor Safety-Kleen Systems Inc. P.O. Box 650509, Dallas TX 75265-0509

15.  WARRANTY PROVISION: Standard Commercial Warranty. Customer should contact contractor for a copy of the warranty.

Safety-Kleen makes no express warranties on the Products except as stated in documentation provided with certain new Parts Washers. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY STATED IN DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED WITH PRODUCTS, SAFETY-KLEEN HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND THE NONINFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENTS, TRADEMARKS, COPYRIGHTS OR THE LIKE. The limited warranties provided with Parts Washers are valid only with the use of Safety-Kleen brand chemistries or other chemistries approved by Safety-Kleen in writing. Warranties will be voided if foreign chemistries, solvents, cleaners, paint thinners or additives which will cause deleterious corrosion effects to internal surfaces and hardware components, are added to the solvent or paint thinner. This would include the addition of any compounds that include nitrocellulose. Warranties may also be voided if Buyer fails to install or operate the parts washers in accordance with the operating manual.


17. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF GOVERNMENT PURCHASE CARD ACCEPTANCE: (any thresholds above the micro-purchase level may be inserted by contractor)


1.  Scope of Services. Safety-Kleen agrees to perform the services described in purchase order or contract (“Services”) at Customer’s locations listed in purchase order contract. The intervals at which the Services will be provided and other details regarding the Services are set forth in the attachments to this order or contract and the supplemental documents, such as Customer’s written request for services, sales and service acknowledgments, proposals, placement documents, and receipts for services (individually and collectively referred to as “Supporting Documents”), all of which are incorporated herein by reference.

2.  Preferred Provider. Safety-Kleen is Customer’s preferred provider for those Services identified as preferred in purchase order or contract. Customer understands and agrees that the models will be leased from Safety-Kleen (for leased services) or in the case of Customer Owned Machines, Safety-Kleen is the preferred (contracted) service provided.

3.  Price and Payment.

a.  Prices for the Services are listed in purchase order or contract. Applicable taxes and similar assessments are not included in the prices as and will be NOT billed on Customer’s invoice.

b.  Payments are due upon completion of services rendered and shall be made by credit card or electronic payment as more specifically noted in customer’s purchase order or contract. Safety-Kleen and Customer agree that, in the event Customer fails to make payment when due and such invoices have been have been properly submitted, then the customer shall pay all prompt payment obligations are required by the Prompt Payment Act. Additionally, customer will pay all undisputed charges in accordance with this Section 3.

4.  Composition of Waste Material.

a.  Safety-Kleen will collect, transport, treat, recycle and/or dispose of streams of waste material generated at Customer’s locations (the “Waste Material”). Customer agrees to provide Safety-Kleen information concerning the Waste Material in a form acceptable to Safety-Kleen so that Safety-Kleen may prepare a description which characterizes and classifies the Waste Material (the “Waste Description”) for Customer’s approval and signature. The Waste Description will include a description of the chemical components of the Waste Materials, including the percentage composition of each such component stated in ranges acceptable to Safety-Kleen; the process creating the Waste Material; analytical results of the testing of the Waste Material, if available; and a listing of physical characteristics of the Waste Material. The Waste Description will be part of the Supporting Documents. Customer agrees and acknowledges that Safety-Kleen bases its testing, evaluation and procedures for Services on the Waste Description.

b.  Upon request by Safety-Kleen, Customer agrees to provide Safety-Kleen a sample of the Waste Material in an appropriate container. Safety-Kleen has the right, but is not obligated, to inspect, sample, analyze, test, or retain the Waste Material sample before accepting such Waste Material.

5.  Title and Nonconforming Waste.

a.  Provided the Waste Material is as described in the applicable Waste Description and the Waste Material is properly packaged, coded, marked and labeled, title, risk of loss and all other incidents of ownership with respect to the Waste Material will be transferred from Customer to Safety-Kleen at either (i) the time Safety-Kleen takes possession of, signs for, and removes the Waste Material from Customer's location or (ii) the time Customer’s Waste Material is delivered to Safety-Kleen. Any marketable or usable material Safety-Kleen may recover from the Waste Material shall be the sole property of Safety-Kleen.

b.  Waste Material will be considered nonconforming waste (“Nonconforming Waste”) if it fails to conform to the applicable Waste Description or if any packaging and/or marking provided by Customer is not in accordance with applicable Laws and requirements provided in advance to Customer by Safety-Kleen. In the event Waste Material is determined to be Nonconforming Waste, Safety-Kleen may reject or revoke its acceptance of the Waste Material. The rejection or revocation of acceptance shall be effective immediately upon receipt of notice, verbal or written, by Customer or its agent. Customer and Safety-Kleen will have 7 days to seek an alternative manner of disposition of the Nonconforming Waste, unless it is necessary by reason of law, facility permit or facility operating procedure to move the Nonconforming Waste in less than 7 days. If Customer and Safety-Kleen cannot agree on an alternative manner of disposition within the relevant period, Safety-Kleen shall either return the Nonconforming Waste to Customer or unilaterally determine and arrange for an alternative, lawful manner of disposition. Customer shall pay Safety-Kleen its reasonable expenses and charges for Services provided in relation to such Nonconforming Waste, including analytical work, transportation, storage, repair, replacement, decontamination and cleaning of applicable equipment and Nonconforming Waste charges.

c.  Safety-Kleen shall provide due care while Nonconforming Waste is in its possession and shall be responsible only for its employees', agents', subcontractors', or invitees' gross negligence with respect to such Nonconforming Waste.

d.  Safety-Kleen's acceptance of any load of Nonconforming Waste shall not be deemed a waiver of Safety-Kleen's right to reject any other loads of Nonconforming Waste.

e.  In the event of a dispute under this section, Safety-Kleen may have a sample or samples of such Waste Material analyzed by a qualified, reputable, independent chemical laboratory. If chemical analysis shows that the particular Waste Material in question has the chemical composition as described in the Waste Description, then Safety-Kleen will pay the expense of the independent laboratory in performing the chemical analysis and continue its Services as originally agreed. If the chemical analysis shows that the chemical composition of the Waste Material is not as described in the Waste Description, then Safety-Kleen will proceed as set forth in this Section 5 and Customer will pay the expense of the independent laboratory in performing the chemical analysis.

6.  Title to Solvent and Equipment. SafetyKleen will at all times retain title to its solvents or other cleaning solutions provided as part of the Services. Unless Customer purchases the equipment, Safety-Kleen shall also retain title to any equipment, including, without limitation, parts washers or storage containers, placed by Safety-Kleen at Customer’s locations. Upon termination of the Services, Customer shall immediately return to Safety-Kleen (i) all equipment and storage containers provided to Customer and owned by Safety-Kleen, in good repair and condition, normal wear and tear excepted, and (ii) all solvents and cleaning solutions.

7.  Access to Premises. Customer grants to Safety-Kleen, its agents, employees, and subcontractors reasonable access to Customer's premises for purposes of providing the Services. Safety-Kleen agrees to comply with Customer's safety procedures while on Customer's premises which procedures have been reasonably provided in writing to Safety-Kleen in advance. Customer warrants that any right-of-way provided by Customer to/from Customer's premises to/from the most convenient public way, is sufficient to bear the weight of all Safety-Kleen equipment and vehicles reasonably required to perform the Services. Safety-Kleen will not be responsible for damages caused to any private pavement or accompanying subsurface of any route reasonably necessary to perform the Services.

8.  Safety-Kleen Representations and Warranties. Safety-Kleen represents and warrants that:

a.  Safety-Kleen is engaged in the business of providing the Services and understands the currently known hazards related to the handling of the Waste Material;

b.  Safety-Kleen will perform all work in a safe and efficient manner and using industry accepted practices;

c.  Safety-Kleen will comply with all requirements of federal, state, provincial and local laws, rules, regulations, by-laws, ordinances and orders (“Laws”) applicable to the Services to be performed.

9. Customer Agreements, Representations and Warranties. Customer agrees, represents and warrants that:

a. For the Services, Customer agrees to sign, or otherwise approve, the applicable Supporting Documents;

b. Any description of or information regarding the Waste Material and/or the generation of the Waste Material given to Safety-Kleen by Customer will be true, accurate and complete, regardless of whether or not Safety-Kleen has sampled or analyzed the Waste Material;

b.  If Customer is provided with Safety-Kleen owned equipment and material (including cleaning fluids), Customer will handle such equipment and material with reasonable care and not alter such equipment in anyway, including but not limited to alteration of the electrical, mechanical or structural aspects of the equipment;