
Cottage Lake Elementary PTA Minutes #6.10.10

General Membership Meeting

Cottage Lake Elementary Library

February 13, 2018

7:00 PM - 8:00 pm

President – Francine Sullivan*
Co-President – Megan Pickering
Treasurers – Beth Grothen* & Misha Belew*
Fundraising – Liz King & Rachel Tarr*
Communication – Shannon Price Jenna Christopherson
Events – Kim MacKenzie & Kim Wyckoff*
Secretary – Kelly Gentry

The meeting was called to order by Francine Sullivan at 7:01

In attendance: Jenna Christopherson, Kelly Gentry, Beth Grothen, Kimberly MacKenzie, Shannon Price, Lesa Sammons, Chris Sheehan, Lisa Stookey, Francine Sullivan, Rachel Tarr, Allison Torgesen, Jennifer Welch, Kimberly Wyckoff

Executive Team Updates

President’s Welcome:Welcome to February’s meeting.

Begin with passing of the minutes. Beth Grothen moves to pass. Shannon Price seconds. Minutes pass as-is.

Treasurer’s Report: Incomes were from boxtops, membership and auction donations. Expenses – Some rainy day funds, assemblies, membership and defibrillator.

Starting total: $39,005.52.

Income: $1,000.00

Expenses: $(4,035.58)

Total: $35,970.14

Communications: Newsletter is going out tomorrow. Sending electronic to the district and they print. Working well for Jenna. No issues with emails. Can we figure out how to link the messages to fb? Rachel Tarr can look into this.

Fundraising:Auction update: There is a meeting this Thursday at 7pm. If you have any donations drop off in the PTA box or coordinate how to get to Rachel. Wrap parties scheduled for March. Ticket sales: 9 teachers and 29 regular ticket sales. Max out at 150.

Liz and Rachel looking into other fundraising ideas including:

  • Spring cleaning at Value Village
  • Fundraiser at George’s
  • Will do another Dominos after the auction

Spirit Wear may not happen until the spring. Megan Mehlum may take this over.

Events:Dance was great. Next event is an assembly. Still TBD what the event will be.

Principal’s Message/Jen Welch

Asked to come tonight to discuss the fund-a-need that the staff has discussed. Brought in examples of Stimulated Learning – Embedded Sensory for Success. There are students in every classroom that benefits from these material.

Shared some research including that up to an estimated 20% of general education student have sensory challenges, leading to over-or under stimulation, which can result in difficulties with learning and behavior. These materials provide students an outlet to move during the learning environment. The movement may get in the way of learning and these provide an alternative and a path for success.

Another idea is to provide alternate seating. Could be yoga balls, cushions, balance chairs, rocking stools, t-stools, wiggle seats, wedges, ball chairs, laundry basket chairs and stand-up desks.

One of the biggest asks is to be able to provide stand-up desks with foot rests and kick-outs to provide additional movement.

Fidgets and Consumables – putty, kinetic sand, sensory items – sponges, gel pads.

Jen will put together some different progressive proposals in increments of $1000 so we can get an idea of how far the $ would go.

Lisa Stookey mentioned that from the classroom perspective it is obvious when a child needs it.

There is not a plan for the district to replace the desks with standing desks.

Committee Updates

Staff Liaison Message: Lisa Stookey reporting.

Nurse Audrey requesting donations of:

  • GIRLS: gently used clothing, small sizes, especially leggings/pants.5T, 6T and girls gently used tennis shoes size 11-2.
  • BOYS:5T, 6T jeans (some kids will NOT wear sweatpants!).
  • New underwear for boys and girls, all sizes. The ones I have are pretty gnarly looking and it's embarrassing to give them to kids.
  • Gently used girl’s socks (all sizes, but especially small ones). I have almost none because most of the time the socks don't get returned.I have plenty of boy’s socks.

Play: Need two rooms with doors to house the directors. Should the play be self-funded again? Otherwise it is $50/child. Net expense would be $2250. Still need to determine how this will be funded.

Science Fair: All positive feedback. May look into students reporting in their classrooms next year.

Questions/Open Forum

Drawing for $10 at target. #9 to Kim Wykoff.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10.


*Elected officers with bank account signing authority.